Eight people, two Nigerians and six frenchmen were killed on Sunday by armed men arrived on a motorcycle in the area of Kouré, in the south-west of Niger, during a tourist trip.

“It is a drama absolutely unprecedented,” said Marie-Pierre Caley, general director of Acted, the NGO that employed some of the victims of the bombing in Niger. On Sunday, eight people have been killed in an ambush in the area of Kouré, to the east of Niamey, south-west of the country. “There are eight dead : two Nigerians including a guide (tourism) and a driver, the other six are French,” said to AFP the governor of Tillaberi, Tidjani Ibrahim Katiella. Paris confirmed that French had been killed, without specifying the number.

“most of The victims have been shot by a bullet and a woman who has managed to escape, has been caught up and its throat cut. On the spot, we found a charger that is emptied of its cartridges. We do not know the identity of the attackers but they came on a motorbike through the bush and waited for the arrival of tourists. The vehicle borrowed by the tourists belongs to the NGO Acted,” said a source to the AFP.

“Among the eight people killed in Niger, several are of the French, employed by Acted,” said his side AFP Joseph Breham, a lawyer of the NGO. The French army has provided support to troops in niger after the attack, announced the general staff of the Armed forces in the French capital. The region of Kouré, known for its giraffes, is a large unstable area. It is located in the area of the “three borders” between Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, have become a den of jihadists in the sahel, including the islamic State, the Grand Sahara (SAES).