NIGHTS OF the STARS – Since 7 August, and until evening, the enthusiasts of astronomy will enjoy the 30th edition of the Nights of the stars. But what is the best way to observe the show ? Find out all the information below.

Summary Night of the stars 2020 dates How to observe them ? Night of the shooting stars : what is it ? Night of the Perséïdes

[updated the 9th of August 2020 14: 15] It is not too late to enjoy the Night stars 2020 ! This year, the long-awaited event by lovers of astronomy as by the curious, takes place on 7, 8 and 9 August. It remains, therefore, a day to observe the astronomical events. Thanks to the heat wave, the sky should be particularly clear, and could observe during three nights on a wonderful show. Many events are held in Douai, Orléans, near paris, in Tours, not far from Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Marseille, or even Belfort.

On the occasion of the Night of the stars 2020, The Telegram reports that you can observe five phenomena. Regarding planets, Saturn and Jupiter will graze the horizon between the south and the south-west in the first part of the night, and it will therefore be possible to observe two points very bright close to one another. The side of shooting stars, you will be able to observe a real rain (approximately one per minute if it is very dark), particularly in the night of 12 to August 13. To do this, you will need to observe the constellation of Perseus to the north and the east. You will finally be able to watch two constellations : the Big dipper and Cassiopeia.

What is the program of the Night of the Stars 2020 ?

The AFA welcomes free of charge throughout the world in places that are conducive to the observation of the sky and stars, that is to say, away from the lights. During a long weekend, everywhere in France, hundreds of events will take place to observe the celestial vault. Has your glasses !

near Paris , the le Bourget , the Museum of Air and Space invites you for free on Saturday 8 August from 18h to 1 hour in the morning to observe the stars through the telescope or through astronomical telescopes since the tarmac and to attend the projections and animations, with Mars in the star of this 30th edition. The Planetarium of Pleumeur-Bodou , , a commune of the Côtes-d’armor in Brittany , you can come and observe the sky for free on the square on August 7 of 22: 30 to midnight with the Club Astro du trégor area, but also attend two sessions at the rate of 4 euros upon reservation (02 96 15 80 30. The one on the theme “Discovery of the night sky” from 21h to 22: 30 with the planets visible are Jupiter, Europa, Saturn and Enceladus, Mars and extrasolar planets, the other on the theme of “March, a new horizon for the adventure space” of 21: 45 and 23: 15. Lyon , the CALA (Club d’astronomie Lyon Ampère) is proposing to spend an evening contemplative of the sky on the 7th August from 21h to midnight, with telescopes and glasses, in the Park, Rocket in the 9th arrondissement of Lyon, in the free and open access, hosted by the amateur astronomers of the association. Toulouse , the City space offers a night under the stars on Friday, August 7 from 19h to midnight. Input free, but on the listings, this evening proposes to”observe Jupiter and Saturn through screens related to astronomical telescopes, and learn how to use a map of the sky and discover the constellations of summer.” Many animations for small and big are proposed : observations of Jupiter and Saturn and the Dome of the Astronomer, wandering wading birds, observations of the Sun and the sky continuously from 19h, sessions of Planetarium and Stellarium all the hours from 19: 30, musical entertainment by Jim Bergson and workshops run by Planète Sciences Occitania. To Montpellier , Planet Ocean provides entertainment throughout the day from 7 to 9 August. Not far from Marseille and Aix-en-Provence, the plateau de Puyricard offers the 9th of August, from 20: 30 to 23h, a reading of the sky, of the stars and constellations as well as the observation of the planets and the shooting stars of the Perseids through the telescope. And probably, beautiful shooting stars of the Perseids. Booking required: 04 42 20 43 66. The collège Saint-Joseph de Lourdes , Saturday, August 8, from 20h, the young members of the Astro Club Lourdais offer a conference each time, a session of the planetarium every 15 minutes, a reading of the sky every thirty minutes, observations at the telescopes of Saturn and Jupiter, and animations of fun learning. Check out the complete map of all the events and sites of observation during the Night of the stars 2020 what dates are the Nights of the Stars 2020 ?

The Nights of the Stars have place on 3 days, Friday 7, Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 August 2020. Since 1991, the Night of the stars is organized in France, and in several European countries by associations, including the Association Française d’astronomie . These are astrophysicists or renowned scientists like Hubert Reeves and Alain Cirou, association with France 2, who launched the event. More information on the official website of The French Association of Astronomy.

How to observe the stars during the Night of the Stars ?

A time to live for the school holidays ! The Night of the shooting stars was a title in the singular since its creation in 1991, since the event only lasted a single day. But it has become plural : “Nights of the Stars”, since the event has been expanded to 3 nights of observations resulting from the editing of the year 2000. If the weather is on the part in several places of observation in France, it helps to observe the planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn as well as the rain of shooting stars of the Perseids. These stars come from the constellation Perseus. They are located below the constellation called Cassiopeia, in the shape of a W.

To optimize its chances of seeing the stars, it is better to move away from sources of light pollution such as city lights. The stars are observed as early as 22 hours, at night. If the horizon is unobstructed to the North-West, where sets the Sun, you don louperez not a crumb. All the more, if you have binoculars or a telescope.

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How to photograph the stars ?

The Night of the Shooting Stars, what is it ?

Each year, the Earth passes through the Perseids. It is a meteor shower made up of debris of an ancient planet : Swift Tutle. Their mass goes to the head of a pin to that… of a small pea ! By coming in contact with the earth’s atmosphere, these small rocks offer a natural spectacle magnificent shooting stars. The rain of shooting stars of the Perseids, will take place on the night of Wednesday 12 August Thursday 13 August 2020.

the spectacle of The Meteors of the Perseids. © Pere Sanz – 123RF When is the rain of shooting stars of the Perseids 2020 ?