because of the health crisis, the French wishing to travel outside the borders are subject to a number of restrictions. What are they ?

Summary In Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, The United States, Morocco, and The Maghreb

[updated 07 August 2020 at 12: 45 pm] in Accordance with the directives of the european Union, France has lifted, subject to reciprocity, “the set of restrictions of movement at the internal borders of the european area (either the member States of the european Union, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, the United Kingdom, Saint-Marin, Holy see and Switzerland).” Also, the Government is advised to “defer until further order and any travel or travel outside the european area.” In globo, the executive recalls that “restricting travel is necessary to slow down the progression of the epidemic in the world. “The host country may also impose restrictions. What are they in destinations frequently visited by French tourists ?

note : for more complete information on the three countries are very popular – Spain, Italy and Portugal – do not hesitate to consult with our focus dedicated. They include all the practical information to prepare your trip and live a peaceful holiday, even in this delicate period :

Holiday in Portugal : confinement in Lisbon, masks, beaches… The terms and conditions

Holiday in Spain : confinement, wearing a mask, beaches… The terms and conditions

Holiday in Italy : new cases, masks, beaches… The latest news and conditions

In Spain, what are the restrictions or containment ?

The Spanish regime with its autonomous provinces may lead to differences between the regions. If you want to go in Catalonia, be aware that the mask is mandatory in the public space since the 9th of July. Several rules to remember :

No limitation, to enter the Spanish territory or quarantine is currently in effect. Now, any passenger wishing to go to Spain will have to complete a form. Once the document is completed, the passenger will receive a QRCode that it will present at health checks. In Catalonia, in the air of the Barcelona metropolitan “population is invited to stay with her and not to hold meetings of more than ten people”. A Lleida, the isolation of the inhabitants came to an end Thursday, July 30, at 16h. The rules in force will be the same as elsewhere in Catalonia. The French authorities “discourage” to go to that region and the ministry of Spanish Health care recommends the implementation of a PCR test after your stay. Wearing a mask is mandatory in the public space. Outside of Catalonia, where it is obligatory in the public space, wearing a mask is imposed in the transport and in all the places where the separation physical of 1.5 metres cannot be met, for any person over the age of 6. The mask-wearing compulsory in the car, if the passengers do not reside in the same household. In the region of Aragon and in the province of Lugo in Galicia, the port of the mask is also mandatory in all circumstances. This is also the case in the Madrid region, where gatherings of more than 10 persons are also prohibited. The beaches are open but the rules (booking, limiting the attendance…) are decided by each municipality. In Italy, what are the restrictions or containment ?

If the borders of Italy were re-opened at the beginning of June, the stays are subject to rules and restrictions because of the outbreak of coronavirus and the discovery of new foci of contamination at Rome, in the Veneto region and in the vicinity of Naples.

containment ? Vigilance is always necessary since the discovery of several outbreaks especially in Rome and the Veneto. However, no measure of reconfinement was not announced for the moment. In Italy, it is mandatory to wear a mask in public places interiors. The port mask is not required in the open spaces, except in the case where the separation physical cannot be met ; the only exception is Lombardy, where the obligation to wear a mask also applies to outdoor spaces. Regarding museums, it is strongly recommended to have the entrance ticket online before you go to the place. In addition, visitors must wear a mask and wash hands before going into the museum. The discos, in the open air or in enclosed areas, have been reopened. The edges of the sea, italians are accessible since the beginning of June. On the private beaches, the majority on the peninsula, a distance of 3 to 10 metres must be observed between the sun loungers and umbrellas depending on the region. Most of the air routes to and from Italy are provided.

For foreign tourists, the registration is compulsory at the entrance in four regions of Italy :

Sardinia : it is necessary to fill out an online form on the website of the region 48 hours prior to departure (the form is not available in paper format on board aircraft or ships) Sicilian : it is compulsory to register on the site Sicilia SiCura and/or via the app Sicilia SiCura (Play Store – Apple Store). For information and assistance, the toll-free number is active : Tel. 800.458787 Apulia : it is necessary to fill a form of self-reporting can be downloaded online on the website of the region. Calabria : it is necessary to fill out a formulaire online on the website of the region dedicated to the emergency Covid. In Portugal, what are the restrictions or containment ?

Until July 31, 2020, a few strict measures concern throughout the country, gatherings are limited to 20 people, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the public space, the containment is mandatory for people who test positive, or under active vigilance. Three zones are differentiated in Portugal, in which apply measures of déconfinement differentiated (see the website of the embassy all the details).

containment ? The authorities have observed a presence of worrisome outbreaks of contamination on the outskirts of Lisbon. Since 1 July, 700 000 inhabitants of 19 districts of the suburbs of the Portuguese capital have been reconfinés home. In these areas, the gatherings are also limited to 5 or 10 people. No quarantine is required for French travellers, except if you come from the overseas territories. Special provisions are in force if you want to travel to the Azores and Madeira, visitors must present a negative test at COVID-19 made in the 72 hours prior to their landing, or perform at their arrival. In airports, to take the temperature of passengers at their arrival is mandatory. A rule of social distancing of 2 meters is to be observed in the public space. Wearing a mask is mandatory in the transport, public services, shops and supermarkets, closed spaces and tourist places or open to the public. A label “ Clean & Safe ” has been created by the body in charge of tourism, Turismo de Portugal. The obtaining of this label by a hotel or a tourist site must ensure that the managers comply with all security measures. The restaurants are open, with a capacity limited to 50% and a closing not later than 23h. For the beaches, a label on the occupation of beaches has been set up (green : low occupancy, yellow : high occupancy, red : use saturated). You can find all the information on the application Info Praia or on the site Apambiente. See the tips

The essential questions that you ask before going on summer vacation

Belgium toughens its rules

Belgium, plagued by an increase of the contamination at the Covid-19, prohibits travel “non-essential” to the Spanish regions of Navarre and Aragon, Barcelona and Lleida in Catalonia, the lake geneva region in Switzerland (Vaud, Valais, Geneva) and the French department of Mayenne. Several areas in Bulgarian and Romanian, as well as the city of Leicester in the United Kingdom are listed on this list of “red”. A quatorzaine and screenings are compulsory for belgian nationals of return on the national territory after a stay in these localities. Also, the paris region (except the department of Seine-and-Marne), the Countries of the Loire, the département du Nord, Haut-Rhin, Haute-Savoie, Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Vosges mountains are in “orange” on this list. Accordingly, it is recommended to perform a test and self-confining.

in addition, all persons entering in Belgium, for more than 48 hours, must complete an identification form, by filling in their details and the places where she has stayed for the last fourteen days. The mask is mandatory in the outdoor spaces of tourism.

United States, what are the restrictions or containment ?