HEAT wave WAS 2020. After a first heat wave at the end of last week, a new episode of heat wave seems to be taking shape. Starting Thursday, some experts believe that we could relive the “August 2003”. The connection, however, tempered by other specialists.

Summary Forecasts Vigilance and alert heatwave Plan heatwave Recommendation heatwave Cool his house during a heat wave Heat wave : temperature records

[updated August 4, 2020 at 13h25] “August 2003, is the focal point, at least on the duration,” says an expert on Twitter. An ad for the less alarmist than tempers this Tuesday, August 4, The weather network. On the social network at the blue bird, if it confirms that “the heat wave is now acquired for this end of the week with many of the departments that will be placed by our service alert heat wave”, she explains however that “the reliability on the duration of this heat wave still remains limited”.

Asked about this heat wave, Pascal Scaviner, head of the department for forecast of The weather network, refuses to the time to compare the heat wave that emerges at the one of August 2003, which had cost the lives of 15 000 people between the 1st and the 15th of August according to the authorities. “The heat wave from 2 to 17 August 2003 was an episode of intensity exceptional due to a situation that meteorologists call the phenomenon of ‘atmospheric blocking’, the opposite of that profile,” he says, before, said : “The situation that we covered last week, and the next, are different from 2003. They begin, of course, the same way, with a heavy swelling of an anticyclone over Europe, but their evolution is not comparable.” Nevertheless, Pascal Scaviner does not overshadow the fact that heat records could be broken at the end of the week. “The probability is already very high for Friday between the New-Aquitaine and Occitania, where the temperatures will exceed frequently the 40°C and sometimes up to 42°C”, note-t-il. Similarly, other records could then also be beaten in the direction of the centre is in the course of the following days”.

What is the weather forecast for this week in France ?

While temperatures Monday ranged between 18 and 30°C, those of Tuesday, are between 18 and 29°C. It is in Montpellier that the hottest temperatures (29°C) will be recorded. In Perpignan and Nice, the thermostat will reach 28°C, while in Marseille it will be up to 27°C and 26°C at Toulouse and Bordeaux. The island of Beauty will be able to count to 25°C, as is Paris. Lyon and Rennes will, they, just 24°C. Finally, in Lille, there will be a maximum of 23°C on 4 August.

That those who love the hot summers shouldn’t be afraid, the sun will come back in force Wednesday. If the temperatures will be reasonable in the morning, in the afternoon, the thermostat will begin to pack. As of Thursday 6 or Friday 7 August, depending on the region, the mercury will start rising, and without half-measure. This new heat wave could last a week, with a maximum between 34°C and 39°C, says The weather network. In other words, it would still be hot, very hot, on the major part of France. The weather network no longer hesitate to speak of new alert heatwave “inevitable”.

be Vigilant and alert heatwave : when can we speak about a heat wave ?

Heat wave and heat wave are two different things. To speak of a heat wave, the temperatures should be higher than 5 degrees with respect to the normal of the season, the day, or night, and this for at least 3 days and 3 nights. The threshold temperature a balmy differs according to the departments and the regions. Episodes of extremely hot and dry have the more often place in France in July and August. It is necessary to be vigilant in the month of June. In 2019, the heat arrived earlier than expected, and France experienced a heat wave unprecedented at the end of June 2019. This episode has affected almost the whole of France with very high temperatures during the day, who do redescendaient not really the night. It is important to know that Météo France provides for several levels of vigilance heatwave : level 1 (green) corresponds to a “standby seasonal”, level 2 (yellow) to a “warning heat” and it is level 3 (orange) which corresponds to the “alert heatwave”. Finally, the level 4 (red), the higher, determines the “optimal mobilization”. During the heatwave of June 2019, Météo France has placed in vigilance orange heat up to 78 departments, and 4 departments in vigilance red, a première in France for a phenomenon of a heat wave.

what is the plan heatwave in France ?

Since June 1, 2020, the national plan for heat is activated. The level 3 plan heat wave in particular allows you to put in place measures for vulnerable individuals, i.e. elderly people, people with a disease and pregnant women. A telephone call center (3975) thus makes it possible to contact people in a situation of fragility, which are pre-registered or whose status has been reported. For these people, rooms cooled too specific are also available between 14h and 18h. For all of the rooms updated are in free access in some local councils, to the same time slots. The ministry of Solidarity and Health has also set up a platform-wide telephone at your disposal. In warmer climes, you can join the 0 800 06 66 66 all days from 9h to 19h. The call is free from a fixed position. As a reminder, the plan heatwave 2019 level 3 had been activated in several French departments at the end of June but also in July 2019 by prefectures to respond to the strong heat.

What are the recommendations in case of a heat wave ?

During periods of hot weather, to cope with the severe heat, and avoid discomfort and dehydration, the government makes available to the public recommendations available on the website of the ministry of Health. For example, it is recommended to drink water regularly, without waiting to be thirsty and to avoid alcohol. It is also advisable to eat enough even though the appetite decreases in the case of heat, and focusing on fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables. To refresh you, he should not hesitate to get wet in the body, the face and front arms. The ministry of Health also invites them to spend several hours in a cool place like the mall or the cinema and avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day, but also not to make sport in the middle of the day. It is requested to all to be vigilant and stay attentive to the needs of the most fragile people. It is necessary to pay attention to when you bathe to avoid the risk of immersion syncope and drowning. During periods of hot weather, the risk of drowning, are important. The difference between the temperature of the body and the water can be very high in a time of strong heats and there is a risk of immersion syncope.

How cool his house during a heat wave ?

Before you invest in an air conditioner, a fan, or an air freshener, a few simple steps can already help you to reduce the heat in your home and to face the severe heat. Keeping the shutters closed during the day when it is hot and opening the windows only in the dark of the night, you will suffer less from the heat. If you do not have a shutter, you can take the blinds, knowing that the external blinds are more effective than those installed inside. Think, too, if you have the possibility to disconnect a maximum of electrical appliances (computer, television or hifi), they are a source of heat is not negligible, it is still easy to control. Avoid, of course, cooking in the oven during this period and limit the use of the electric cooker or vitro-ceramics that emit a lot of heat.
There are also a few simple tricks to put in place to cool a room, such as for example the bedroom for a better night’s sleep. You can wet a large towel or sheets with ice water, and then extend it in front of the window. The evaporation of the water should lower the temperature of the room. If despite all your efforts, don’t always not the current temperatures, please do not hesitate to invest in a fan. Even if he mashes, warm air, even warm, it gives a feeling of freshness non-negligible period of a heat wave. For a more fresh air, simply cover the instrument with a damp towel or placing a bottle of frozen water, just in front of it. If you really can’t stand to be hot, then you can move to the higher gear by investing in an air freshener, or even in an air conditioner.

Good plans, fan and air conditioning : the specials guns of the balances are there !

BALANCES FAN – The summer is now well installed and, at the approach of vacation, the fans and air conditioners are good allies to fight against the heat. Does it take advantage of sales to buy ? The writing has spotted many good plans and promos on the fans, air conditioner and evaporative air. Follow the guide !

See the file

Refresh your home : tips to know

Heat wave : back on the record-breaking temperatures in 2019

France has witnessed a summer of 2019 very warm with two heat waves at the counter. The records of maximum temperature were exceeded in a large part of France. According to Météo France data, it is more than 50 towns and cities that record a new record since the July 25, 2019. At the end of June, for example, mercury has reached a peak and several cities had already surpassed their record of maximum temperature :

45,8 degrees have been recorded in Gallargues-le-Montueux in Montpellier, the thermometer showed 42.5 degrees which is 5 degrees higher than its former record of The thermometer has shown to 44.3 degrees in Carpentras