The residents of D1B quickly took the upper hand in the game. Served by Sigurdarson, Hamzaoui mystifiait Gillekens a powerful shot at the 11th, unchecked in a closed angle. Exceeded, the defence mouscronnoise conceded several occasions, frank. The second goal fell to the 33rd. Lapoussin went far too easily in defence, before serving Sigurarson who did not pray. The players of Fernando Da Cruz have not stood in the laundry, put in place by the men of Felice Mazzù. They have also missed the presence in the duels. After the break, the pattern of the match did not change much. The Mouscronnois couldn’t get out of their camp, except in the last quarter of an hour. Prior to this, mounted to the game at the break, Koffi, who will be forget about John Stump in the cages, was able to demonstrate its qualities in pushing two hot balloons. A week of recovery, the Excel received a serious call to order. To be noted again that Nlandu has been excluded in the 90th after having given a kick of his opponent, then he’d just lose the ball…

Mouscron – Union Saint-Gilloise : 0 – 2

goals : 11th Hamzaoui (0-1), 33rd Sigurdarson (0-2)