AID EL KEBIR. It takes place from 31 July this year, against a background of epidemic Covid-19. tells you more about the significance of the “feast of the sacrifice muslim”, or “Eid el-Adha”, and info keys.

Summary Recommendations of the CFCM detailed Meaning of Eid al-Kebir Eid al-Kebir or Aïd el-Adha ? Date of Eid el-Kebir (Eid el-Adha) 2020 Aïd el-Kebir and slaughterhouses How is the feast of the Aïd el-Kébir ? Message for Eid el-Kebir Eid el-Kebir in France Aïd el-Kebir and Hajj

celebrating with the muslims during the time of the Aïd el-Kebir (“The great feast”), this Friday, July 31, 2020 ? This celebration is also called the Eid al-Adha (the “feast of sacrifice”). It commemorates an episode that is collected in the Qur’an, the sacrifice of Abraham . In summary, the story of the quran describes the following situation : Abraham sees in a dream, in the process of sacrificing his son. If he is ready then to obey that vision, but his gesture will be stopped at the last moment by the angel Gabriel, sent by God, with the substitution of the child by a “self-immolation generous” (surah 37, verse 107). “The interpreters muslims classics”, reports The World in its field of Religion, “identifies the ‘self-immolation ‘generous’ to an aries”. This episode symbolizes two concepts for the muslims : the absolute trust of Abraham in God and divine mercy.

The celebration of Aïd el-Kebir mixes a great prayer and sacrifice of the traditional sheep that have place in the world, giving rise to a meal shared with loved ones and people in need. From Libya to Albania from Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’ivoire and even in the United States, muslims around the world begin the celebration of the XXL the same day. The tradition of the “feast of sacrifice” wants, moreover, that the prayer of the beginning of the Eid before the sacrifice of the animal. After the prayer, the celebration takes place on four days.

If the Aïd el-Kébir lasts several days, the first remains the most important for muslims. It marks the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca and, after the great collective prayer , which takes place in the morning, the faithful gather for the sacrifice before sharing a meal together. This religious festival is also based on the sharing, a part of meat is traditionally offered to the poor. The faithful bring to the festival their most beautiful clothes and multiply the gifts and alms.

In France, usually, collective prayers were held in many large towns, in mosques but also in places to accommodate a large number of the faithful. In Grenoble, france, 10 000 muslims have thus found themselves at the park event for the city to celebrate the Eid el-Kebir, during its latest edition. Several thousands of believers have also gathered in Lyon, Paris, Limoges, Toulouse or to Mulhouse. This year, it will not be possible given the restrictions put in place to limit the spread of the covid-19 (see the recommendations of the CFCM below).

What are the recommendations of the CFCM ?

This year, the French Council of the muslim cult (CFCM) has issued a series of recommendations in this context of a ‘net increase’ of the circulation of the new coronavirus in France. “This feast occurs this year in a particular context. The Covid-19 is a risk that still weighs on us. The disease has not disappeared, far from it. Therefore, it is important to continue to adhere to the gestures, barriers, and distancing physical “, reminded the Council in a press release, the 25th of July last.

Pointing to “a period of gatherings to high-risk”, the French Council of the muslim faith enjoins moreover “vulnerable people to protect themselves more and not to go to rallies” , but rather to perform the prayer of Eid with them. For the mosques in the inability to comply with the measures barrier, it is recommended to “refrain from organizing the collective prayers of the Eid and the Friday”. As for the mosques that provide a variety of services of prayers, they are asked to “sufficient space to avoid that the faithful cross” and the latter are invited to bring “their carpet with individual prayer” and to perform their ablutions in their home, according to the same press release.

As the Eid festival was this year held on a Friday, traditional day of prayer, the CFCM calls to “make short the rallies”. The French Council of the muslim cult also emphasizes : “similarly, the act of sacrifice that takes place in slaughterhouses, which are potential ‘clusters’, should be encouraged sacrifice by the delegation, spreading the sacrifice over three days and the delivery of sacrifices to points safer “.

What is the detailed meaning of the Aïd el-Kébir ?

In the muslim tradition, Eid el-Kebir commemorates the submission of Ibrahim to his God (Abraham in the Bible) , which will serve as a model to all the believers. With the Eid el-Fitr (feast of breaking the fast), this is one of the two major muslim holidays. It requires sacrificing a beast of the herd, generally a sheep, and then partager the meat with her friends, but also for disadvantaged people, in memory of the submission of Abraham to God, the latter being shown ready to offer the life of his son, which was substituted in at the last moment a sheep (see the details of the religious account below).

According to the Qur’an, the prophet received in his dreams the divine order to sacrifice his son, Ishmael. The latter, brought up in the faith, agrees to be sacrificed by his father. The Devil comes and tries to convince the protagonists not to practice the sacrifice, but Ibrahim throws seven pebbles at Satan. The father grabs a knife and puts it on the throat of Ishmael. But it is not able to push it down. When he finally managed to cut off the neck, it notes that the angel Jibril (Gabriel) has disposed of a sheep instead of his son and that it is standing, uninjured, beside him.

For muslims, the faith of Abraham, tested by God, has been rewarded by the survival of his son. The Aïd el-Kébir remains a party to celebrate the faith and mercy. This episode of the Qur’an is a narrative of the Bible : the sacrifice by Abraham of his son. It is interrupted by the arrival of an angel who announced to him that God is satisfied with his faith. A ram is sacrificed in place of the young man.

Eid, overshadowed in 2015 by a rush of having made over 2000 dead in Mecca, is one of the most important celebrations of the muslim religion, with the month of ramadan. In Islam, the Eid fence for millions of believers to the Hajj, the period of the pilgrimages, which began two days earlier . Every year, muslims travel to the holy places of their religion in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Marker of the end of the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam. Aïd el-Kebir is celebrating the completion of these pilgrimages, and represents a significant moment in the spiritual and social life.

Aïd el-Kebir or Eid al-Adha ?

The name most known is Eid el-Kebir (“the great feast” in Arabic) . The expression is mostly used in the Maghreb. However, many countries, particularly in the Middle East, use more willingly to the name Eid al-Adha (“feast of the sacrifice”). In West Africa and central Africa, it is the term Tabaski is selected. It is necessary to distinguish between the Aïd el-Kebir Eid al-Fitr (“the little feast”), which marks the breaking of the fast of ramadan with a shared meal.

What do we know (in detail) on the date of the Aïd el-Kebir (Eid el-Adha) 2020 ?

In France, the date of the Aïd el-Kébir 2020 / 1441 (the year of the muslim calendar) is estimated to Thursday 30 July. To the previous edition, it was Tuesday, August 21. A date specified by the Great mosque of Paris well before its onset, based on the astronomical calculation. And who does not meet all the practicing muslims of the Hexagon. Some accused him, in effect, de-emphasize the traditional sighting of the crescent moon during the night of doubt / ad. In fact, the holiday lasts for four days and the sacrifice must take place prior to the sunset of the thirteenth day of the month. or an uncertainty remains, each year on the date of the beginning of the Eid, linked with the observation of the moon : the months of the muslim calendar correspond to the phases of our satellite, with each new month starting with the visual observation of a crescent moon in the dark of the night.

because Of this, the date of the Aïd el-Kébir, such as the one at the beginning or the end of ramadan, “retreats,” eleven days every year in the civil calendar. To the proponents of the method so-called “traditional”, which consider that the beginning of the month can only be set after the “night of doubt”, the date of Eid el-Kebir may not be specifically established that a few days in advance. But some muslims believe that a timetable could be established in advance, by means of astrology.

The date of Eid el-Kebir may vary from one country to another, as during the month of ramadan, but also from a practitioner to another. At issue : the geography, the policy, the references in place, but also the way in which it is introduced. Most important feast of islam, Eid el-Kebir sees his date to evolve in our gregorian calendar, it occurs each year on the 10th of the month of dhu al-hijja , the last month of the muslim calendar, is a lunar calendar. Monday, August 21, 2017, for example, “the 29 of the month of dhu al-qi’da”, the supreme Court of saudi Arabia has announced that the crescent of the moon in determining the beginning of the new lunar month of dhu al-hijja had not been seen in the sky. Therefore, the 30 days of the month dhu al-qi da have been completed ; the 1st of the month of dhu al-hijja took place on Wednesday 23 September, and the Eid el-Adha (or Eid el-Kebir) has been celebrated, always according to the observations of saudi Arabia, on Friday the 1st of September.

What is the slaughterhouses for Eid el-Kebir ?

Sheep, cow, goat… How to practice their sacrifice in decent conditions and hygienic when the means are missing to do so, on background, in particular, of a shortage of slaughterhouses approved ? It is the puzzle which are still facing many muslims for Eid el-Kebir. Several departments of France were a répartition problem of slaughterhouses approved. Gold slaughter non-official structure is 100% banned in france, and will be subject to a 15 000 euro fine and six months imprisonment. The list of slaughterhouses approved is each year published by the official Journal at the time of the Aïd el-Kébir. For the transport of live animals under conditions that are contrary to their well-being, it is also an offence, punishable by a fine of 750 euros.

ZOOM – The slaughter of an animal, an obligation ?

The Aïd el-Kebir is considered by muslims as a celebration of their faith. Many traditions accompany this period, which is spread over three days. Muslims share prayers and meals. The most famous tradition of the Aïd el-Kebir is the sacrifice an animal in remembrance of Ibrahim . In general, it is a sheep, a goat or a calf. The animals must be aged at least one to two years. tradition order at the head of the family to kill the animal by emptying his blood , without the stun and using a well sharpened knife : the suffering of the animal must be minimized.

The sacrifice of a sheep is the ritual of major of the Aïd el-Kébir © jjspring – Fotolia

many families make the choice of sacrificing a sheep in an abattoir specialist or order the meat of an animal killed according to ritual . It is then customary to share the meat into three equal parts. The first returned to the family, the second to the neighbours, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, the third to the poor and needy. The poorest are not required to practice this sacrifice.

The question of the substitution of this rite continues to divide muslims. For some muslim leaders, the sacrifice of the animal is a recommendation – become by the force of habits, family and cultural, a rite which seems to be compulsory – but that may very well be replaced by a gift to the needy, if it corresponds to its financial equivalent. Some consider that the message of islam is to feed the poor of the world.

How to celebrate specifically the Aïd el-Kébir ?

The first ritual to perform on the day of Eid el-Adha is to pray. Indeed, muslims are called to pray early in the morning when the solemn prayer held in the mosques for the occasion. Each faithful is invited to visit the slaughterhouses approved to proceed with the sacrifice of the animal according to the ritual. And concerning the organisation of this special day, the rituals differ from country to country. In Jordan, for example, the Aïd el-Kebir is celebrated by the preparation of special pastries, while in Kuwait, the feast is spread out over a week when sweets are banned. In Pakistan, the celebrations of Eid al-Adha lasts for a whole month, during which believers fast for the first 10 days.

The “feast of sacrifice”, as it is called, is synonymous with sharing. In many muslim countries, the sacrificed animal is divided into “three-thirds” : one-third is consumed by its owner, another third is offered to you as a gift to family or friends, and the last third is distributed to the poor as alms. In this day of celebration, it would be strongly recommended to multiply the gifts and alms.

The feasts of Aïd el-Kebir, and Eid al-Fitr have in common the same prayer, and only when they are held apart. Indeed, the prayer of Eid al-Adha is celebrated earlier than that of Eid el-Fitr. Moreover, the formula of greeting “Eid Mubarak” remains the same for these two feasts of the muslim calendar.

What message address to a close for the Eid el-Kebir ?

How to wish their relatives muslims a happy feast of Eid el-Kebir in France or in the countries of the Maghreb ? During the “Feast of the sacrifice” (as during the feast of Eid el-Fitr, or feast of end of ramadan fasting), the traditional greeting muslim “Eid mubarak” is used. “Eid mubarak” corresponds to the version in Arabic / Persian / urdu, when “Eid mabrouk” refers to the version of the Arabic dialect (darija). In French, this expression translates to “happy feast (Eid)”, “congratulations” or “happy feast day”, while the formula is redundant, since the Eid is already a party.

The muslims greet each other with the words,’ Eid mubarak” after the prayer of Eid. Pronouncing these words is not a requirement of the muslim religion, even though they are part of a cultural tradition, and strong religious. “Eid” refers to the religious event, when “mubarak” wishes “that it will be good for you” or “God bless”.

How is Eid el-Kebir in France ?

muslims around the world celebrate eid el-Kebir, but how is he in France ? practitioners are invited to gather in the mosques for the morning to come and pray. This phase of prayer solemn should begin early, at 8: 30 or 9am. Then, the faithful flock to the slaughterhouse in order to proceed to the slaughtering ritual of the sheep. New for 2016 : the funds collected on the occasion of the festival of Aïd el-Kebir can be reused in the assistance to migrants. An initiative of the CFCM (French Council of the muslim cult).

what is the “Hajc” ?

The Aïd el-Kébir marks the end of another tradition is essential for the believers : that of the pilgrimage to the holy places of Mecca , or Hajj. This ritual takes place between the 8 and the 13 of the month of dhu al-hijja of the islamic calendar. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, with the profession of faith, daily prayers, almsgiving, the ramadan.

The pilgrimage to Mecca each year attracts millions of the faithful © Jasmin Merdan – Fotolia