as a result of the renewed activity of the coronavirus continues and is accelerating in France, the question of the reconfinement is more and more urgent. It has been discussed recently by Jean Castex and Olivier Véran.

[updated July 27, 2020 at 11: 38 am] France was for the time spared by the reconfinement, unlike some of its european neighbours, but for how long ? The threat of a return to the confinement plane more above the country, so that the lift of the health authorities are clear : the coronavirus has found a second wind in the middle of summer. In his last point epidemiological, public Health France noted an increase in the incidence (number of patients infected per 100 000 inhabitants), reports in medico-social establishments and a cessation of the decrease in admissions in the icu.

These data are a result of the appearance in number of foci of contamination, but also a certain laxity in the observance of the gestures barriers, as noted by Olivier Véran, which target particularly the youth in an interview in Paris. “The patients are young, younger than at the previous wave”, noted the minister of Health, which reveals more generally that the positivity of the tests carried out is income to the “same level day-to-day lifting of the containment”, the 11th may last. From this observation, it is impossible to dodge the assumption of a reconfinement in France.

“We will adapt”, promises Castex

In this sense, and to give all the chances to avoid this scenario, Olivier Veran has launched an appeal to young people. “I understand their need to change air and to blow, but the virus, he does not take a vacation. It has not yet won the war, implores the minister, who has brandished the threat of the closure of the bars in some areas where overflows would occur. “This is part of the possibilities,” he confirms.

For his part, the Prime minister spoke out more clearly the idea of reconfinement, Jean Castex wants to avoid at all costs. In any case, in its generalized version, which would be “disastrous” for France “at the social and economic level, (…) including to the psychological health of some of our fellow citizens”, he conceded in an interview given to Nice-Matin.