ALLOCATION RENTREE SCOLAIRE 2020. This year, the allocation of back-to-school will be re-evaluated in the amount of 100 euros. Who can benefit ? When is it that this premium be paid ? Find information on this outstanding help.

Summary payment Date maximum Amount in Steps Custody

[updated July 25, 2020 at 17h28] The Fca has not specified the date of payment of the ARS, which is expected this year by many families as the health crisis has caused an economic crisis in France. It is important to show a little more patience before you have to pay this year, scheduled for the end of the month of August. The Prime minister, Jean Castex, has announced on 15 July the revaluation of outstanding from the allocation of back-to-school, the so-called ARS. To qualify, the household income must not exceed a ceiling, fixed according to the number of dependent children, 6 to 18 years. The amount of the school return allowance depends on the age of the children (read more below). This evaluation occurs within the context of the health crisis of the sars coronavirus.

This upgrade is part of an overall social policy for the most vulnerable, while the epidemic of coronavirus has triggered an unprecedented economic crisis in France. The allocation of back-to-school is a help that is paid each year to the beneficiaries towards the end of the month of August. For the new school year 2019/2020, it was 368,84 euros for a child aged 6 to 10 years, 389,19 euros for a child from 11 to 14 years and 402,67 euros for a child from 15 to 18 years. Many families depend on them, and this boost to the start of the school enabling them to cover the many expenses related to this period. Same for the students who are most precarious. The goal is to “support students, including the most modest ones, who find themselves in difficulty with less access to small jobs,” said Prime minister Jean Castex. It has also announced the availability of meals to “euro” in the university restaurants, against 3,30 euros currently.

The school return allowance was paid to almost three million households in 2018 : it represented an expenditure of about two billion euros in the same year. Family benefits the total amount of which amounted to over 55 billion euro on a total budget of social benefits (pensions, family and unemployment) totaling $ 741 billion (figures for 2018). If the ARS is a help which is obtained under conditions, the same goes for the re-proposed this year. It should be noted that the Fca did not consider the income of the current year, but those dating back to two years. For this season, what are your resources for the year 2018 that serve as the basis for calculating the amount of your rights : they must not exceed 25 093 if you have a child, for example.

What is the date of payment of the allowance back-to-school in 2020 ?

The date of payment of the stipend of the school year 2020 is not yet known. It should be unveiled in the near future, the Fca is content for the moment to indicate that the payment will be effective the end of August . In 2019, the date was fixed Tuesday 20 August in the mainland. This year, it should respond to the August 18, in metropolis and early August in the overseas territories, the academic year earlier. As a reminder, it is normal that the payment is not effective to the bank account immediately. It may in fact be a delay of treatment, depending on the bank. In the absence of a payment a few days after the date announced by the government, it is advisable to contact your Fund family allowances.

What is the amount of the premium of the return of the Caf ?

It differs depending on the age of the child The Fca has defined three amounts corresponding to three age groups. The amounts of the allowance of back-to-school 2020 had already been announced, here they are :

From 6 to 10 years : 369,95 € 11-14 years : 390,36 € 15 to 18 years : 403,88 €

What is the upgrade for the return allowance 2020 ?

On 15 July, Jean Castex, has indicated that the allocation of back-to-school would be upgraded to “outstanding”. Here are the amounts that you should expect :

For a child aged 6 to 10 years : 469,95 € For children aged 11 to 14 years old : 490,35 € For a child aged 15 to 18 years : 503,88 €

Note that if you do not meet the income requirements, the Fca may pay part of the premium back. So we are talking of allocation of back-to-school differential (read the next paragraph).

Can we do a simulation of the allocation of back-to-school 2020 ?

The site of the Caisse centrale de la Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) gave access to a simulator, here. You must indicate the amount of income of your household, and the number of children in care and their birth dates respective.

The allocation of back-to-school differential, how it works ?

When the resources of the family are beyond léwas slightly the limits set by the Fund family allowances, the Fca may agree to pay the return allowance, on the condition that the resources are inferior to the accumulated between the ceiling of the ARS and the amount of the assistance for the child”, we had been provided last year. On the other hand, the household does not perceive, therefore, that a portion of this financial assistance. In 2019, a family with an 8 year old child and resources 2017 25 065,84 euro could touch 165,84€.

What are the conditions of the return allowance 2020 ? The ceiling

The CAF does not consider the income of the current year, but those dating back to two years. This year, this is the income of 2018 that are being studied. Here are the limits that apply to the new school year 2020-2021 :

1 dependent child : 25 093 euros 2 dependent children : 30 883 euros 3 dependent children : 36 675 euros Per child additional charge : 5 791 euros

in Addition to the income requirements, in the Fca requires that the child goes to school in a public or private institution. The Caisse des allocations familiales may give the return allowance when the child follows a course through an agency at a distance as the Cned. On the other hand, it excludes families who have opted for training at home. Your child is under 18 years of age and he is learning ? You can touch the ARS, provided that the compensation does not exceed 55% of the Smic.”For the academic year 2020, the child must be born between September 16, 2002 and December 31, 2014″ , says it on the site

What happens if my child is still enrolled in school after the age of 18 ?

You may not receive the allowance of back-to-school if your child is over the age of 18 years of age and still enrolled in high school, for example. As explained previously, this bonus applies only to families with children aged 6 to 18 years. Have you looked at the side of the stock exchange school ? It represents between 147 and 311 euros per quarter and is also paid in terms of resources, but without the age requirement.

What steps to get the allocation back to 2020 ?

The steps to make a request for allocation of back-to-school depend on your situation. Here are the situations that may arise :

You are a beneficiary and are eligible , the bonus is paid automatically to your children who are 6 to 15 years old on the 31 December following the start of the year. You are not already receiving Caf : see you in the “online services”, then click “Make a claim”, and “Allocation of back-to-school”. You will then need to print the form and return the completed form to your Caf. If your child comes home in a CP in September, but it will be six years old in 2021, you must think how to get a certificate of attendance from the institution. You must send to Caf to get the premium back. For teenagers aged 16 to 18 years, only in a declaration on the honour “, ensuring that the child is properly enrolled in school is enough”, said the ministry of Health in a press release last year. My child is in joint custody, can I get the return allowance in 2020 ?

Your child is between the ages of 6 to 18 years of age, you meet the previously mentioned conditions, but you’re separated from the father or the mother of your child ? The allocation of the school year may not be shared between the two parents. The financial assistance is granted to the first among them who made the application to the Fca, and in full, for the school year to come .