Prime minister Jean Castex, has announced on 15 July the revaluation of outstanding from the allocation of back-to-school. On what date did this using a amount of 100 euros will be paid and under what conditions ? The point on the ARS.

Summary Terms Amount Simulation differential Allocation Approaches payment Date Custody

[updated on July 19, 2020 at 15h18] Rendez-vous “at the end of August” for the payment of the stipend of the school year 2020, says the Caisse des allocations familiales, CAF, on its dedicated website. In 2019, the payment was made on August 20 for the 3 million households that are affected. The latter, if they continue to satisfy the criteria for the award of this premium back to school, will benefit this year from a revalued amount and in the increase of 100 euros.

It was indeed one of the announcements of the new Prime minister, Jean Castex, during his general policy speech before the National Assembly on Wednesday 15 July. The head of the government had referred to a revaluation of “exceptional” this year, in the framework of a plan poverty “, launched by the previous government,” which “will be continued and amplified in function of the evolution of the economic situation”. During the same speech, the Prime minister stressed that “the national solidarity must continue to be used to the full, in order to avoid a major social crisis and the human dramas, the individual, disastrous”. In 2019, the allocation of back-to-school has been distributed to 3 million families with modest incomes whose children, aged 6 to 18 years of age, are enrolled in an educational institution, public or private. It represents substantial help for many families.

If Jean Castex has not given figures on the revaluation of the allowance of the school year, the AFP announced that it will be 100 euros, a information entrusted to them by the prime minister’s office to the news agency. This kind of premium back-to-school, called officially school return allowance (ARS), is paid in terms of resources. To be clear, your resources must not exceed a maximum amount, determined according to the number of dependent children. Keep in mind that the children must be between the ages of 6 to 18 years. The amount of the premium returned depends both on the number and age of children. Find in our article everything you need to know about the allocation of the school year 2020.

The amount of this aid, paid out every year towards the end of the month of August, was for the new school year 2019/2020 of 368,84 euros for a child aged 6 to 10 years, 389,19 euros for a child from 11 to 14 years and 402,67 euros for a child from 15 to 18 years. In order to “support the students, especially the most modest, who find themselves in difficulty with less access to jobs”, the Prime minister has also announced meals in the university restaurants “euro”, against 3,30 euros currently.

In the framework of the “social pact and republican” and the recovery plan, enacted by the new Prime minister, Jean Castex, the latter recalled its determination in the fight against an “economic and social crisis of a magnitude probably not seen since the last world war”. Among its principal ambitions, he intends to “resolder these ‘France’ if different”, referring to the suburbs, rural France and ‘France of those who do not have the right to speak”. Another priority is to restore “trust” between “the people and the elites”, the State and the “intermediate bodies”.

Contrary to popular belief, “the social insurance has not yet been invented in 1945, when they became universal and compulsory,” says the journal Slate. Thirty years earlier, Emile Romanet “invented” the concept of family allowances. The son of peasants was very modest, Emile Romanet graduated in 1889 from the professional School of Voiron and becomes a graphic designer, but his interest focuses on certain social issues. At this time, the social assistance is more of charity as a system of rights for the French citizens. “Devout catholic, Emile Romanet’s interest in the plight of the workers”. Inspired by his ideas, the public sector and the current christian-social will result in the emergence of a “movement family” from the beginning of the Twentieth century.

Several manufacturers will work in this sense in particular, Léon Harmel, who creates a “factory christian” where the workers “manage support funds or credit, study circles, or religious associations”. Thus, a “supplement to the family wage” sees the light of day in 1918. “This institution, although entirely powered by the cash management is handled completely by a commission working, which meets every week, becomes aware of inadequate salaries and comprehensive in nature, at the discretion of the families.”

The return allowance 2020, who is it for ? The conditions

The resources of the family must not exceed a ceiling. in The Fund family allowance is not income of the current year, but those dating back to two years. as Well, for the year 2020, it is therefore the income of 2018 that are being studied. Here are the limits that will apply this year :

For a dependent child : 25 093 euros For two dependent children : 30 883 euros To three dependent children : 36 675 € Per child additional charge : 5 791 €

in Addition to income, remember that the Fca requires that the child goes to school in a public or private institution for the new school year. “Thus, for the academic year 2020, the child must be born between September 16, 2002 and December 31, 2014″ , says it on the site It may grant the allocation of back-to-school when the child follows a course through an agency at a distance as the Cned. On the other hand, it excludes families who have opted for training at home. Your child is under 18 years of age and he is learning ? You can touch the ARS, provided that the compensation does not exceed 55% of the Smic.

What is the amount of the premium back to 2020 ?

It differs depending on the age of the child The Fca has defined three amounts corresponding to three age groups. The amounts of the allowance of back-to-school 2020 had already been announced, here they are :

From 6 to 10 years : 369,95 € 11-14 years : 390,36 € 15 to 18 years : 403,88 €

Attention : Prime minister Jean Castex, has announced on July 15, 2020 that the allocation of back-to-school would be upgraded to “outstanding” this year. The amount of this revaluation would be 100 euros, according to the AFP. Confirmation to come in these next few weeks… If this amount of 100 euros round is confirmed, the allocation of back-to-school will therefore be :

469,95 euros for children 6 to 10 years old (or younger and who are already registered in the CP) 490,35 euros for children 11 to 14 years, and 503,88 euros for those aged between 15 and 18 years.

let’s Take the example of a family with three children aged 8, 15 and 16 years old. The total amount of the premium back to school was to rise in 2020 for them to 1 164,19 € for the next school year (excluding the announcement of the revaluation of the 15/07/2020). Be aware that if you do not meet the income requirements (see the next paragraph), the Fca may pay part of the premium back. So we are talking of allocation of back-to-school differential (read the next paragraph).

Can you make a simulation of the allocation of back-to-school 2020 ?

For the time being, it is not possible to make a simulation of the amount of the allowance of back-to-school. In 2019, the site of the Caisse centrale de la Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) gave access to a simulator, here. You should then indicate the amount of income in 2017 of your home, as well as the number of children in care and their birth dates respective.

The allocation of back-to-school differential, how it works ?

When the resources of the family slightly exceeds the limits set by the Fund family allowances, the Fca may agree to paid the return allowance, on the condition that the resources are inferior to the accumulated between the ceiling of the ARS and the amount of the assistance for the child”, we had been provided in 2019. On the other hand, the household does not perceive, therefore, that a portion of this financial assistance. In 2019, a family with an 8 year old child and resources 2017 25 065,84 euro could touch 165,84 €

What are the steps to perform to get the bonus back by 2020 ?

The steps to make a request for allocation of back-to-school depend on your situation. Here are the situations that may arise :

You are not already receiving Caf : see you in the “online services”, then click “Make a claim”, and “Allocation of back-to-school”. You will then need to print the form and return the completed form to your Caf. You are a beneficiary and are eligible, the bonus is paid automatically to your children who are 6 to 15 years old on the 31 December following the start of the year. If your child comes home in a CP in September, but it will be six years old in 2021, it is necessary to think to retrieve a certificate of attendance from the institution. You must send to Caf to get the premium back. For adolescents aged 16 to 18 years of age, only a declaration on the honour “, ensuring that the child is properly enrolled in school is enough”, said the ministry of Health in a press release last year. What is the date of payment of the benefit back to 2020 ?

The date of payment of the stipend of the school year 2020 is not yet known. It should be unveiled in the near future, the Fca is content for the moment to indicate that the payment will be effective the end of August . In 2019, the date was fixed Tuesday 20 August in the mainland. As a reminder, it is normal that the payment is not effective to the bank account immediately. It may in fact be a delay of treatment, depending on the bank. In the absence of a payment a few days after the date announced by the government, it is advisable to contact your Fund family allowances.

Custody and prime of back to school : can I be in 2020 ?