Nearly two weeks after the designation of ministers, secretaries of State have still not been appointed. According to the Elysée, “it is imminent”, but the impatience begins to make itself felt.

Summary New secretaries of State List of ministers
the new government’s ministers remain The new ministers The ministers in the outgoing

[updated 17 July 2020 to 12.50] Two weeks after the appointment of ministers, secretaries of State have still not been designated. However, according to the confidences of the Elysee in Paris, “it is imminent”. “Between Sunday evening and Tuesday evening a priori,” says the Palace. The reshuffle should be finalised prior to the Council of ministers of Wednesday, July 22, 2020, and in the ranks of the majority of these consequently delays are likely to exacerbate tensions. “There, that begins to urger anyway. Two weeks without secretaries of State, it’s been long. I don’t have the memory that we have waited so much time in the past. It is very cute a secretary of State, but it is still useful !”, launches a ministerial adviser quoted by the daily of the capital. A probable incoming is sorry : “humane treatment is not really top. Between those who are contacted and who are waiting, and outgoing, which have not even been told that they were not going to be renewed, it is a bit violent anyway.” For example, Le Parisien reports that Brown Poirson – former State secretary to the minister of the Transition, ecological and solidarity – has not been contacted to be renewed.

What are the new secretaries of State ?

It is likely that all tiers of a corporate to be known this Thursday or Friday. According to the information of LCI, if some domains are still subject to debate, digital technology, disability and the public safety will be alive and well in their ministerial portfolios. Rest of the cast, which still does not yet seem to stopped, The Parisian citing possible new entrants from among the members LREM as Olivia Gregory, Aurore Bergé, Sacha Houlié and Carole Grandjean.

What is certain is that the ministers and the secretaries of State will have more human resources than previously. Thanks to a decree published Sunday in the official Journal, the number of councillors allowed for the new government was markedly increased, up to 50 % from 2017. Now, “the office of a minister may not include more than fifteen members, the office of a minister delegate may not include more than thirteen members, the office of the secretary of State may not include more than eight members”. Let us recall that at his inauguration, Emmanuel Macron, had taken care to limit the size of ministerial offices, with the desire to reduce the costs of operation and, in order to concentrate responsibilities. The number of councillors could not then exceed ten for a minister, eight to a minister and five for a secretary of State.

manifestations of discontent,

Since the announcement of the reshuffle, challenges have emerged and didn’t seem to turn off. A few incidents, in front of the Elysée palace, marked the announcement of the appointments of Eric Dupond-Moretti and Gérald Darmanin at the beginning of July, respectively the ministry of Justice and the Interior. Last Friday, rallies feminists have even been held in several cities of France, thus confirming the fronde caused by the presence of the two ministers in the new government. The new first cop of France, which is the subject of a complaint for rape and that is the subject of an investigation, and the keeper of the Seals, openly critical of the movement, “Metoo”, live a the beginning of the term delicate in the face of feminists who do not hesitate, in their signs, to override the presumption of innocence in order to pass messages. “Welcome to the ministry of the rape,” “Rapists in jail, not in government,” “A rapist on the inside, an accomplice to justice” : here are a few examples of this that it was possible to read at the gathering in toulouse.

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The new government Castex

Prime minister, head of government : Jean Castex, ministers Minister of Europe (foreign Affairs : Jean-Yves Le Drian Minister of the ecological Transition : Barbara Pompili Minister of Education, Youth and Sports : Jean-Michel Blanquer Minister of Economy, Finance and the Recovery : Bruno Le Maire, Minister for the Armed forces and Defence : Florence Parly Minister of the Interior : Gérald Darmanin Minister of Labour, Employment and Inclusion : Elizabeth Terminal, Minister of the overseas : Sébastien Lecornu Minister of Justice, Garde des Sceaux : Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of the Cohesion and Territories : Jacqueline Gourault Minister of Culture : Roselyne Bachelot, Minister of Health and Solidarity : Olivier Véran Minister of the Sea : Annick Girardin, Minister of higher Education, Research and Innovation : Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Agriculture and the fa t fo feeding csion : Julien Denormandie, Minister of the Function and the Transformation of public : Amélie de Montchalin The ministers delegates Minister delegate for Relations with Parliament : Marc Fesneau Minister for gender Equality, Rights and Equal opportunities : Elizabeth Moreno, Minister delegate to the foreign Trade and Attractiveness : Frank Riester deputy Minister for Housing : Emmanuelle Wargon Minister for Transport : Jean-Baptiste Djebbari Minister for public Accounts : Olivier Dussopt Minister delegated to Industry : Agnes Basket Runacher Minister delegate for SMES : Alain Griset deputy Minister for Sports : Roxana Maracineanu Minister delegated to the Memory and veterans affairs : Geneviève Darrieussecq Minister responsible for Citizenship : Marlène Schiappa Minister delegate to the Insertion : Brigitte Klinkert Minister delegate in charge of the City : Nadia Hai Minister delegate in the Self : Brigitte Bourguignon Secretary of State, government spokesman : Gabriel Attal What are the ministers who remain in the government ?

In reality, very many ministers of the last government of Philippe shall remain to the responsibilities such as : Jean-Yves Le Drian (foreign Affairs), Jean-Michel Blanquer (Education, but also this time of Youth and Sports), Bruno Le Maire (Economics), Florence Parly (Defence), Jacqueline Gourault (Territories), Olivier Véran (Health), Frédérique Vidal (higher Education) remain at their post. Have left the ministry for another : Gérald Darmanin, who passes the Budget on the Inside, Elisabeth Terminal in the Transition to Work and Employment, Sébatien Lecornu Communities overseas, Annick Girardin, who inherits a new ministry of the Sea, Julien Denormandie, promoted Agriculture and Amélie de Montchalin in the public Service.

Who are the new ministers ?

Eight new ministers or deputy ministers make their entrance : Barbara Pompili to the ecological Transition, Eric Dupond-Moretti Justice Roselyne Bachelot to the Culture, and Elisabeth Moreno to the Equality of women and men, Alain Griset to SMES, Brigitte Klinkert on Insertion, Nadia Hai to the City, and Brigitte Bourguignon Autonomy.

Who are the ministers in the outgoing ?