The rapper MHD has been released under judicial control according to many sources, the AFP after more than a year in prison for a stabbing fatal in 2018 in Paris.

Summary A return to prison ? The summary of the case of MHD, positive Covid-19 That is MHD ?

[updated 17 July 2020 to 10h19] MHD found freedom. After a year and a half in prison, MHD has been released under judicial control, annoncaient several sources to the AFP on Thursday 16 July 2020. The young rapper had been indicted and arrested in January 2019, for “voluntary homicide” in a fight mortal in 2018 in Paris. Since then, he denies any involvement in the acts. In the night of 5 to 6 July 2018, a young man of 23 years, Loïc K., was knocked down by a car, beaten and wounded with knives by a gang of about a dozen individuals, in the Xe arrondissement of Paris.

The stage, filmed by a witness from a window, would be a settlement of accounts between two rival gangs in the capital. MHD, which would be up to the band’s Nineteenth district, which would have assaulted the young man, has been identified by at least three witnesses, according to the first elements of the investigation revealed by Le Parisien. Ten individuals were also indicted. The challenge for the judge in charge of this case is to shed light on the place that evening.

MHD free before a return to prison ?

MHD has therefore been released under judicial control, as announced in several sources to the AFP. A source close to the dossier said that the mandate of the deposit of the artist of 25 years expired on Thursday 16 July 2020, and his lawyer Maître Elise Arfi has confirmed that it had been released in the middle of the day. MHD, however, could return to jail soon, if the Paris court of appeal annulled the July 23, for an order of non-extension of his detention on remand.

The final elements of the investigation

Since its introduction in review, MHD continues to challenge having participated in the brawl life-threatening, but the last elements of the folder, which are revealed by The Parisian, to come and put his version. In fact, it is more of a beating than a brawl, as Loïc K., the victim, was alone in the streets of the tenth arrondissement of Paris when it crosses a dozen members of a city of the Nineteenth arrondissement, where it comes from MHD, apparently to rival the one in which Loïc K. belonged. It is about 2 hrs 50 when the encounter is done, rue Saint-Maur, and when several individuals of the band of the city of MHD are coming out of a black Mercedes. Moreover, it is precisely at this point that the first suspicions arise from the rapper very popular in France, but also abroad. Le Parisien claims that the car in question belongs to him for certain. For evidence, “travel documents for Guinea, as well as a book of 89 pages, entitled ‘MHD, the story of childhoods irregular'”, have been found in the cabin, ” explains the daily, which also brings the circumstances that led to this tragedy.

And it is not necessary to go back very far to find the origin, since a few hours earlier, members of the band of the city of la Grange-aux-Belles, that of Loïc K., were introduced to the home Binke K., one of those of the cité des Chaufourniers, that of MHD. Taken by its rivals, Binke K. manages to take refuge in the upper floors and to contact his brother… Which is nothing else than a close to the singer being examined. Loïc K. would, therefore, have been the victim of a revenge aimed more to the city opposing as a whole, more than his own person. These are the circumstances that surround this tragic event, in which MHD refutes, therefore, be related to near or far. His Mercedes, the rapper assumed to be the owner, but he explained to the investigating judge to have the habit of leaving it at the disposal of the members of his city. Another disturbing element : the amateur video that captured the scene, we distinguish between the holding of one of the participants in the brawl, which carries a set of Puma brand.

Problem is, for MHD, this set is not available for sale to the common people. Only the “ambassadors” of the German brand, which is part of the native of la Roche-sur-Yon, are offered this outfit. This same participant sported dyed blonde at the time of the facts, the same as that of MHD. “There are more than twenty in the city to have a dye blonde”, he assured before the judge. Regarding the Puma attire, the rapper still pleads his generosity to his neighbours of the city : “I receive several packages each week and it happens to me to distribute to the people […] I open my trunk, either it is me who gives people use directly”. And MHD to sum up his evening, according to his version of the facts : “I was not present at the scene. In the evening, we started to go bowling and then we went to the red City. […] I’m tucked up at me around 2 hours. When I am down, there was no person in the district”. For the moment, still reveals the Parisian, no “scientific evidence or technique” has not been found by investigators, such as, for example, a borrows. Always presumed innocent, MHD is, despite everything, still imprisoned in the framework of his detention on remand.

MHD positive Covid-19

according to the information BFMTV released this Friday, 27 march at mid-day, the rapper originarea of la Roche-sur-Yon would have been tested positive for the Covid-19 after having been contaminated in prison. For more than a year, the young artist of 25 years old, is incarcerated at the prison of Health, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, in the context of his indictment for voluntary manslaughter. It is in this prison that Mohamed Sylla, alias MHD, would have contracted the Covid-19. At the beginning of the month, the rapper was denied a placement under electronic bracelet, and sentenced therefore to remain in custody, said a justice source in the AFP.

The contamination in the prison environment have been the subject of many debates since the beginning of the health crisis of the sars coronavirus. Thursday, march 26, the topic had also been mentioned by Nicole Belloubet, minister of Justice, on France Inter. She had announced that 10 prisoners had been for the time tested positive to the Covid-19, and 450 other detainees in various prisons in French, showed symptoms. To contain to the maximum the risks of transmission, several measures have been taken : the visiting rooms of prisons have been closed, the promenade, managed in small groups, and inmates with symptoms should be isolated.

Who is the rapper in the MDH ?

MHD, whose real name is Mohamed Sylla, was born on September 10, 1994 in La Roche-sur-Yon, in the Vendée. In France, it is made known at the beginning of the years 2010 and quickly became one of the faces of the afro-trap, a mixture of african music and trap. In 2012, he set up a group with friends from his neighborhood in the 19th arrondissement of paris, before getting out with a freestyle rap in 2015. His first album, MHD, comes out in 2016, his career is launched. The disc is a success, and was certified double platinum. The public and the media are unanimous.