first day of term. The measures of the return to school in September 2020 specified. Date of reentry, new, circular, management of the health protocol or schooling allowance… made the point !

Summary Date of the return to school in September 2020 school year, and coronavirus Circular back-to-school health Protocol with school (school, college, high school) Reform of the high school and back-to-school Back-to-school to the university The allocation of back-to-school / bonus back to school

[updated on July 16, 2020 at 12h46] on The 14th of July, the president and Emmanuel Macron is in particular expressed on the return to school in September 2020. “The back-to-school will be as normal as possible and all students will be accommodated from 1 September”, said the head of State. For all that, “ if there was an acceleration of the virus in August, we will be led to revisit this season” , does he not fail to add, remaining cautious. On the state of mind of the season, Emmanuel Macron also stated : “If we do things well, we will have a back-to-school a little different, and even more demanding to catch up the backlog of the past months”.

What is the date of the return to school in September 2020 ?

For students from kindergarten to high school, the date of the “great” back-to-school 2020 is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 , and the pre-school teachers to Monday 31 August 2020. The school year 2020-2021 will it officially end Tuesday, July 6, 2021 for the evening.

Note, the start date is each year different for students who enter the university and in other institutions of higher education : people must learn from their structure, which are determined by the date of the beginning of the course and the calendar of the year. In general, the new academic year takes place between mid-September and mid-October . The summer holidays end, but the holidays come back very quickly with not less than two weeks of rest for all saints. For a full schedule of the current year and to know with precision the dates of the vacation of the students zone by zone, please visit our special page dedicated to the school holidays.

How to get profile back-to-school in the context of the epidemic of covid-19 ?

On June 15, on Europe 1, the minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer has said they plan for the new school year 2020-2021 (aka “September”) once “usual” and “very new, especially for students who need them most” , as :

“for greater customization of the course to the students “evaluations in the beginning of the year”. “custom helpers”

what To do after the device “vacation learning” this summer, which has the goal of catching up with the gaps accumulated by the students as dropouts during the containment, through workshops, tutoring, and sports and cultural activities. About the assessments at the start of the school , the minister of Education said on June 22 on France Inter : “in the sixth grade, we will have an evaluation particularly robust in its content, in particular for French and mathematics, so as to then trigger custom help”. And to add : “This is systematic, universal and compulsory, p o the classes of CP, CE1, sixth, and second . Then for the other, the teacher will have tools for assessment that are partially reinforced in their wealth for the autumn, with a little more freedom, if I may say, in the manner of the use”. The minister also referred to “a plan ultra-proactive” against dropping out of school, a phenomenon which accounts for about 4% of students in France. This is “around 500 000 students,” according to the ministry.

In an interview with the World published on July 9, the infectious diseases physician Jean-François Delfraissy, who heads the scientific council since march, was clear : “ back to school will be more normal that in the month of June, but with, nevertheless, a number of measures . They will be more flexible than those in place during the resumption of school in mid-may, and then in the month of June, because the knowledge has evolved. We know now that children are finally more contaminated by adults that they do not contaminate themselves” adults.

What will happen in the event of a second wave ?

According to the circular of July 10, “In the event that the health situation would require more stringent measures, because of the active circulation of the virus on the whole or any part of the national territory, a plan for educational continuity will be put in place to ensure distance education”. The document also states : “ The ministry has developed a plan includes, in addition to the health protocol, the reminder of the main actions to lead, advice and best practices on the organization of the service and the digital equipment, the modalities of activation of the virtual classes of the Nca and ‘My classroom at home’, and a selection of digital learning resources available to teachers and families.” The plan should be available in the nexts days.

What do we know about the circular of the school year ?

On July 10, the ministry of national Education has published a circular which sets out the next school year. As since 22 June, it is stated in this document “ all pupils will be on school time” . “Gestures barrier, hand hygiene, mask-wearing for adults and students 11 years of age when the rules of detachment cannot be met in confined spaces as well as transportation to and from school, cleaning and ventilation of the premises “, will always be a part of the daily life of the school, lists the circular. Here are the other key measures discussed in this document :

Evaluations performed in September

The students of primary, middle and high school will have a assessments in the beginning of the school year in the month of September, as has been the case in previous years for the students of CP and CE1. Objective ? Assess the needs of the students after a long period of teaching at a distance, but also effectively identify school leavers and to provide them with tailored support.

Cover strengthened from the primary to the high school

Between September and December, the ministry intends to devote more than 1.5 million hours of overtime and mobilize the substitute teacher available to support students, particularly those classes hinges (CP, 6, and second). The circular states in this regard : “At the elementary school, the hours of educational activities complementary (APC) are provided in priority to those students who have mastered less skills from the previous year. It’s the same in college with the help of custom.” Always between September and December, the “Homework” will be strengthened, at the rate of three hours per week for each student, and 4 hours for those of sixth. In high school, the effort accompanying focuses in particular on students entering in the class in 2nd and in the 1st year of the CAP. The number of coaching hours is increased until at least December. For the students of colleges, professional high schools, the challenge is to reconnect with the practice of their specialty within a professional framework. The students of 1st and terminal, and those of the 2nd year of the CAPE will be able to benefit from periods of training in a professional environment (PFMP) from 7 September. The ministry further stated : “During the week from 1 to 4 September, the students of 2nd professional 1st year of the CAP will be given a period of integration”. What health protocol is advocated to back to school, college, and high school ?

In the context of the fight against the spread of the covid-19, the High Council public health (HCSP) has published the 15th of July, its new recommendations on the various health measures to be put in place at the start of September, in the schools, colleges, and high schools. “Considering the positive evolution of the health situation in the July 7, 2020”, the Board is proposing more flexible rules, for students as for teachers.

In the case of epidemic levels, which would remain the same as in July in France (one outbreak under control, with a few clusters / outbreaks of contamination under control), l a distance of one meter will no longer be taxed . In other words, schools will no longer have to put up to any price action to enforce “the distancing physical individual the greatest possible” in the class, and between groups of children. The document of the HCSP accurate as well : “physical distance” of at least one metre “is not compulsory if” it is “impossible or inconvenient to put in place” ; and the schools should be to “guarantee (…) the home of all of the pupils/students” as “usual period”. However, the classrooms should, to the extent possible, be “organized” so as to “allow the greatest possible distance between the pupils”. If the distancing is relaxed, the HCSP stresses the importance of the maintenance of barriers when the rules of social distancing can not be guaranteed (see below). The High Council of public health also recommends that teachers prepare themselves to be able to ensure if need educational continuity if the epidemic of Covid-19 took over in the fall.


it will be “routine for the instructors and teachers of” classes of primary, middle and high school when they will be “joined together (as in the teachers’ room)”. it will also be imposed to the students, “as soon as possible”. Are concerned, “the students of college and high school”, “since 11 years”, in all confined spaces (including classrooms). “During the efforts, such as in the course of the EPS (physical and sports Education), the mask is not recommended, distancing physical recommended, then it must be applied”.

Ventilation of confined spaces

soil, and small and large surfaces frequently touched have likeds to be cleaned in detail once per day : a simple cleaning routine will be practiced daily, but it may be less meticulous. It will always be required to aerate for 10 to 15 minutes, at least twice a day, closed spaces. What changes with the reform of high school ?

furthermore, the reform of the tray – the new diploma is for 2021 – impact as early as this year in high school. The students that come in first are the first concerned by the new ferry : they no longer have to opt for a chain L, S or ES if they go on general way but rather to choose among many specialties in addition to the common core. Ongoing monitoring is also built-in for 40% of their future overall rating of the tray.

► See what’s new for the reform of the bac and the high school

What form should that take back-to-school to the university ?

at the beginning of September, the students could continue to study at a distance, at least in part. According to a circular issued on June 11 by the ministry of higher Education, distancing and physical port of the mask, but also application gestures barriers in general, cleaning of the premises and the equipment must be applied within the facilities, campus, residences and university restaurants. “The internal regulations may sanction the non-respect of these rules,” noted the circular. The circular has taken shape, following a consultation between conferences of institutions, staff representatives of the committee of hygiene, safety and working conditions of ministry and the ministry of Health. The department indicates that “It is based on the advice of the scientific council Covid-19 of 2 June, [and is based on the scenario of an epidemic under control, editor’s note]. And adding that “the circular will be refined based on the evolution of the health situation”.

Distance physics

The principle is that of a minimum distance of 1 m between each person and between each individual space of work, in the classroom as in the halls. The institutions themselves are responsible for determining the arrangements to be put in place to implement this rule. The circular also suggests : “In order to avoid crossings in the lecture halls, guidance of traffic may be data (meaning mandatory, order filling and evacuation of the rows…)”.

distance learning

measures of distance-physical, the number of students that institutions may accommodate may be reduced. The ministry stresses : “For this reason, the institutions can be conducted to organize transitional lessons in distanciel and/or face-to-face”.

How the universities are preparing ?

The facs anticipate the different scenarios, as explained by the communication department of the university Toulouse 1-Capitole-Release : “If we do relies on the circular, it is exposed to the risk of not having been quite considerate, not having taken enough precautions. So we’re going up to a scenario where the situation would get worse in the fall”. Three possible situations have been envisaged by the teams for the start of September :

Situation 1 : back to normal, with teaching mainly in face-to-face (and compliance with the measures of social distancing measures / barriers provided for in the circular) Situation 2 : a mix between face-to-face and distance courses. According to the communication service of the university, “For example, you would divide a lecture hall of 600 students in three groups : the course would be given to a third of them, and the other two-thirds would be in a videoconference at the same time. There would be a shift between these groups.” Situation 3 : an education in distanciel total

the university of Claude-Bernard-Lyon-1, in order to allow a potential follow-up distance learning courses by all students, it is an envelope of € 3 million, which has been proposed by the board of directors, reports to the service and Check News of Liberation. Objective : to help students to buy laptops and to access the internet from home.

Circular on the new academic year – What’s being said Gilles Roussel, president of the Conference of university presidents, in an interview published by The Globe on July 2, 2020 :

“ministerial circulars are changing almost every week. Understanding and implementing what is prescribed is very complicated. back to school will be able . In effect, each institution will have to adapt in terms of the lessons it provides, the local it has. (…) Institutions will provide several scenarios for each discipline, focusing on a return to normal. But with the possibility of a failover to the distanciel if a new crisis requires it”.

What are the ceilings of resource allocation back-to-school (CAF), aka premium back to school ?