SPEECH MACRON – The head of State has made a few announcements during his interview on 14 July, but has not announced a change of political direction. On the contrary. Here’s what you should remember the intervention of Emmanuel Macron.

Summary Interview of 14 July 14 Speech June Speech on 13 April Speech of 25 march Speech, 16 march Speech of the 12 march Interview with Emmanuel Macron on July 14, 2020 Tuesday, July 14, Emmanuel Macron, addressed to the French during a great interview with TF1 and France 2. The head of State has been questioned for more than an hour by Léa Salamé and Gilles Bouleau. The president has expressed on the economic recovery plan, the health crisis of the Covid-19, the wage agreements for the caregivers found in the framework of the Segur of Health, the pension reform re-launched, but also on the cabinet reshuffle, which is the subject of criticism from the opposition and women’s associations. The question of the reorganization. During her interview, Emmanuel Macron spoke of the reorganization of the government, including the departure of Edward Philip. “In 2017, when I was elected, I made the choice to appoint a political leader who was little known to the French and of the French, who did not campaign with me, it was unprecedented in the fifth republic. He led with a lot of courage, determination, during three years. Change of Prime minister does not mean to not acknowledge all of this work.” Before we continue and discuss the new Prime minister : “Jean Castex, it is an elected official of the land, a city of smaller size, that is, someone who has a culture of social dialogue.” The president also spoke of the parity of the new government. Emmanuel Macron has also defended the appointment of Gérald Darmanin, who is the subject of a complaint for rape, the ministry of the Interior : the president has assured he had a ‘discussion of man-to-man” with the mayor of Tourcoing, with whom he is said to have a “relationship of trust”, and felt that his minister should be accorded the presumption of innocence. in France “ready” to face a second-wave potential . Asked about the outbreak of coronavirus and on a potential new wave, Emmanuel Macron said : “We managed to stop the virus, and back to an almost normal life. Today, we have certainties. We have signs that it’s starts anyway. To address this, we need to prevent and prepare. The best prevention, what are the gestures of the barrier. It is necessary to continue to apply.” The president wants that, “in the coming weeks, to make the mask mandatory in all enclosed public places.” In the case of a second wave, the France will be ready. “One knows what one consumes masks, respirators, medication. We have both the inventory and the supplies that are secure.” The reconfinement would be done locally. In the event of the discovery of a vaccine by Sanofi, France will be among the first countries served. pension reform “can’t be done as we wanted to do it before the crisis of the Covid-19”, assured the president. The negotiations on the subject will resume. “The Prime minister, Jean Castex, will bring together all the social partners to put everything on the table : what we are doing on health, what we’re doing on dependency, retirement, work, put all issues on the table, and give a timetable,” added the head of State. The intervention of Emmanuel Macron in the video, in its entirety : The speeches of Emmanuel Macron Speech Emmanuel Macron on the 14th of June

in Mid-June, Emmanuel Macron was expressed to set the tempo of the process of déconfinement. It had then listed a series of measures, especially for children and French teenagers returning to school.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on April 13, 2020

Highly anticipated by the French eager to know more about the extension of the containment, the speech from the April 13, has allowed Emmanuel Macron to make the point about the spread of the epidemic of the Covid in France and to announce the first phase of déconfinement for 11 may. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 25, 2020

This is a speech a little special which was delivered to Emmanuel Macron on 25 march 2020. Full containment and while the coronavirus was in the phase of rising on the country, the president was moved to the military hospital of campaign of Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), where he had made the speech before the French. In an area of France particularly affected by the Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron had paid tribute to “all women and men who are in the second row, and that allow our caregivers to care for, and the country to continue to live.” It should be noted that this is the first time where the head of State had appeared to be hidden.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 16, 2020

During his speech of 16 march 2020, Emmanuel Macron, announced to the French in the beginning of the containment starting as soon as the next day. “The meetings with friends, family, travel in the parks will not be allowed,” he said, repeating that the country was entering “a war” against the coronavirus. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on the 12th of march 2020