SPEECH MACRON – How the head of State has justified the changes ? What about the economic recovery plan and the crisis management of the Covid, which is not yet behind us ? Find the answers by Emmanuel Macron during his interview, Tuesday, July 14.

Summary Interview of 14 July 14 Speech June Speech on 13 April Speech of 25 march Speech, 16 march Speech of the 12 march Interview with Emmanuel Macron on July 14, 2020 Tuesday, July 14, Emmanuel Macron, addressed to the French, either through a speech is a solemn and hieratic, but in a great interview with TF1 and France 2. The head of State has been questioned for more than an hour, from 13: 15, by Léa Salamé and Gilles Bouleau. The president has expressed on the economic recovery plan, the health crisis of the Covid-19 which is still not behind us, the wage agreements for the caregivers found in the framework of the Segur of Health, the pension reform re-launched, but also on the cabinet reshuffle, which is the subject of criticism from the opposition and women’s associations. The question of the reorganization. During the interview, Emmanuel Macron spoke of the reorganization of the government, including the departure of Edward Philip. “In 2017, when I was elected, I made the choice to appoint a political leader who was little known to the French and of the French, who did not campaign with me, it was unprecedented in the fifth republic. He led with a lot of courage, determination, during three years. Change of Prime minister does not mean to not acknowledge all of this work.” Before we continue and discuss the new Prime minister : “Jean Castex, it is an elected official of the land, a city of smaller size, that is, someone who has a culture of social dialogue.” The president also spoke of the parity of the new government. France ready to face a second wave of potential. Asked about the outbreak of coronavirus and on a potential new wave, Emmanuel Macron said : “We managed to stop the virus, and back to an almost normal life. Today, we have certainties. We have signs that it’s starts anyway. To address this, we need to prevent and prepare. The best prevention, what are the gestures of the barrier. It is necessary to continue to apply.” The president wants that, “in the coming weeks, to make the mask mandatory in all enclosed public places.” In the case of a second wave, the France will be ready. “One knows what one consumes masks, respirators, medication. We have both the inventory and the supplies that are secure.” The reconfinement would be done locally. In the event of the discovery of a vaccine by Sanofi, France will be among the first countries served. Follow in real time the intervention of Emmanuel Macron on this page and in the video below. Live Receive our alerts live !

18:20 – Where is the state of the pension reform ?

at the END OF the DIRECT – Emmanuel Macron has estimated, in his televised interview this Tuesday, 14 July, that the pension reform “can not do as one wanted to do it before the crisis of the Covid-19”. The negotiations on the subject will resume. “The Prime minister, Jean Castex, will bring together all the social partners to put everything on the table : what we are doing on health, what we’re doing on dependency, retirement, work, put all issues on the table, and give a timetable,” added the head of State, whose RTL reports about.

17:50 – 100 billion for the recovery plan

In total, the stimulus plan will have a budget of 100 billion euros, “in addition to the money already made”. The head of State announced during his interview on Tuesday, 14 July, exemptions from employers ‘ contributions for low-skilled young people, as well as 300 000 assisted contracts.

17:21 – Emmanuel Macron confirms the port of the mask required

At the end of his tv interview, the president of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has confirmed in a tweet that “in the coming weeks, the port of the mask will be mandatory in all enclosed public places”.

16:52 – Olivier Faure doubtful as a result of the speech of Emmanuel Macron

Asked about the antenna BFMTV, the First secretary of the socialist Party has shown to be doubtful after the interview with the president of the Republic, reports BFMTV. He believes that ‘ the day after like the day before.”

16:23 – Eric Coquerel reacts to the president’s speech

In parallel to the interview of Emmanuel Macron, the member France insubordinate of Seine-Saint-Denis, Éric Coquerel, said on Twitter that the “renewal” desired by the president of the Republic was akin to “the old impasse of a liberal, in which his policy had led the country”. “A single true ad 80 long minutes : the port of the mask in places closed to the public. For the rest : of the bad marketing policy, promises incantatory and old recipes for young people (internships, learning, exemption)”, he added in a second tweet.

15:53 – A renovation program for schools and long-term care facilities

Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday 14 July, wanted to launch “a major programme of renovation” energy in schools and long-term care Facility, indithat BFMTV. A program that is part of the economic recovery plan sought by the government.

15:23 – Emmanuel Macron wants to generalize the cameras-pedestrians

At the end of the interview, the president of the Republic has assured wanting to generalize the cameras-pedestrians “before the end of the quinquennium,” according to BFMTV. “It’s been too long that we speak of this,” he commented about the accusations of controls on the facies by the forces of law and order. According to the head of the State, the cameras-pedestrians need to allow it to “track the truth of the facts which allow to protect, restore (the) confidence.”

14:24 – Five more years to Emmanuel Macron ?

“I have a goal to six months : do everything to avoid the maximum of social plans, make that the season for our youngest goes in the right conditions. I have a goal to 18-24 months. The goal, we need to have that for the country to ten years. This crisis may bring us, it is the ability to make France stronger, answering to the divisions that have not been processed by time calm”, said the president.

14:24 – “I believe in this ecology of the better’

Asked about the green wave of municipal, the president spoke of the future of France, in connection with the ecology. “I believe in this ecology of the better, and not to the ecology of the least” said the president. He said that he would take the train to the maximum, in order to avoid the air travel.

14:09 – What about pension reform ?

“I don’t argue not to do it right now. Is it a good idea to abandon it entirely ? I don’t think. The remit of the discussion and the consultation yes,” said the president. “In this reform, there is a better account to be taken of the period of activity, and the pension of 1000 euro minimum for everyone.”

14:02 – Need to defend the existing jobs

“What he needs to do is defend the existing jobs, support the employees,” said the president about the economic crisis in the country. “We distributed a lot of “partial unemployment”, he recalled, with 84% of pay, sometimes supplemented by businesses. Citing declining wages in the face of the option of dismissal, the president said : “It must not be blackmail, it must go through the social dialogue. When there is fear, the conflicts, the social dialogue has a value-it’s amazing.”

13:57 – France one of The first countries served in the event of a vaccine

In the event of the discovery of a vaccine against the coronavirus by Sanofi, the “France would be among the first countries served” reassured the president. If the president was tested positive, he said that he would not take hydroxychloroquine.

13:48 – A reconfinement local ?

“The containment has been a developer of inequality, I do not want that to happen again. We are trying to do everything possible to avoid a new wave, and avoid the total containment if it ever happened. This is why you should test,” said the president and Emmanuel Macron during his interview.

13:46 – are we sufficiently prepared in the event of a second wave ?

“Yes, we will be ready. It was prepared under the authority of the Prime minister. Now one knows what one consumes masks, respirators, medication. We have both the inventory and the supplies that are safe”, reassured Emmanuel Macron. “Everything that we have learned, projected, modeled, has enabled us to organize.”

13:45 – youth in the face of the coronavirus

“It was asked of the tremendous efforts of our youth in this period. Our youth often have mild forms. They might think that this is not serious. Simply, by taking these risks, they accelerate the spread of the virus,” recalled the president.

READ MORE speeches of Emmanuel Macron Speech Emmanuel Macron on the 14th of June

in Mid-June, Emmanuel Macron was expressed to set the tempo of the process of déconfinement. It had then listed a series of measures, especially for children and French teenagers returning to school.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on April 13, 2020

Highly anticipated by the French eager to know more about the extension of the containment, the speech from the April 13, has allowed Emmanuel Macron to make the point about the spread of the epidemic of the Covid in France and to announce the first phase of déconfinement for 11 may. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 25, 2020

This is a speech a little special which was delivered to Emmanuel Macron on 25 march 2020. Full containment and while the coronavirus was in the phase of rising on the country, the president was moved to the military hospital of campaign of Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin), where he had made the speech before the French. In an area of France particularly affected by the Covid-19, Emmanuel Macron had paid tribute to “all women and men who are in the second row, and that allow our caregivers to care for, and the country to continue to live.” It should be noted that this is the first time where the head of State forestayt appeared to be hidden.

Address of Emmanuel Macron on march 16, 2020

During his speech of 16 march 2020, Emmanuel Macron, announced to the French in the beginning of the containment starting as soon as the next day. “The meetings with friends, family, travel in the parks will not be allowed,” he said, repeating that the country was entering “a war” against the coronavirus. The speech in its entirety :

Address of Emmanuel Macron on the 12th of march 2020