Christopher Aurier, the little brother of the footballer Serge Aurier, died of a gunshot wound to the abdomen on Monday in Toulouse. The point on the facts…

[updated on July 13, 2020 15: 07] The little brother of Serge Aurier (Toulouse, PSG and now Tottenham), Christopher Aurier, died of a bullet wound in the night of Sunday to Monday. Towards 5 o’clock in the morning, he was found wounded in the abdomen on the front of the “Kin’s”, a bar, dancing on the edge of the city centre of Toulouse. Supported by the rescue, he was transported to the university hospital of Rangueil, where he died. According to information of The Dispatch, the Regional Service of Judicial Police (SRPJ) is seized of the matter. For the time being the reasons for the attack are unknown, and the author of the shots is still on the run.

The world of football pays tribute to him

The brother of Serge Aurier, also a footballer, has made his classes at the Racing Club de Lens. However, he was not able to reach a professional level. The amateur has notably evolved in National 3 with the Toulouse Rodeo. Tottenham and Kylian Mbappé gave their support to the number 24 of the Spurs.