RESULTAT DU BAC. Who earned the bachelor’s degree by 2020 ? With what reference ? Check out the results of the bac-by-name and by the academy, thanks to our card and to our search engine.

‘re Looking for a name or city to find a result AcadémieAix-MarseilleAmiensBesançonBordeauxCaenclermont-FerrandCorseCréteilDijonGrenobleguadeloupeguyanela RéunionLilleLimogesLyonMartiniquemayottemontpelliernancy-MetzNantesNiceNouvelle-CalédonieOrléans-ToursParisPoitiersPolynésie FrançaiseReimsRennesRouenSaint-Stone-and-MiquelonStrasbourgToulouseVersailleswallis-and-Futuna 20202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 Summary Result of the tray 2020 bac Results by city and academy Date and time of publishing Result of the tray of French Catch-up of the tray 2020 The gist of It is the big day ! All the results of the bac 2020 are to be made public this Tuesday by the ministry of national Education. Find on this page the lists of the admitted by the academy, one-click-name : enter a name into our search engine, or use our interactive map. Most of the results are put online between 8: 30am and 10: 00am (find out with precision the hours of the publication of the results of the bac according to the academies). The results of the bac posted on allow also to consult the references stripped by the bachelors. Remember that the candidates who have not obtained a general average of 10/20 but having a higher score at 8/20 can pass the tests of catching-up. Live Receive our alerts live !

08:50 – The delay in the academy of Lyon

The results of the tray 2020 to the academy of Lyon were advertised for 8.30 am, they are not yet online. But they really should not delay now, still a little patience !

08:45 – The next bac, noted in 40% of continuous control

The tray 2021 new formula will integrate 40% of control continuous the final note on the tray. For more information on the bac next year, see our paper devoted to the reform of the bac and the school specialty, common core, ongoing monitoring…).

08:45 – the results of The bac are there for the academy of Strasbourg !

With a bit of advance on the scheduled time, the results of the bac 2020 are available in the academy of Strasbourg. Good news, no need to go further, they are available on our great platform, via our results page in the tray in Strasbourg.

08:42 – the results of The bac are available for the academy of Nantes !

the results of The Bac general are fallen into the academy of Nantes. See them using our search engine or via our page dedicated to the results of the bac 2020 in the academy of Nantes. On 18666 candidates, 18076 have obtained the Bac general according to the initial data provided by the academy.

08:41 – The results of the academy of Nantes arrive

It is at 9 o’clock that the academy of Nantes passes the results of the tray 2020. The lists of admitted to the examination will be available on our platform, with all the particulars on this page dedicated to the results of the bac in the academy of Nantes.

08:37 – The hugs not recommended in this day of the result of the bac

because of the epidemic still presents Covid-19, the ministry of national Education recommends this Tuesday, July 7 to focus the consultation results in line, to avoid the crowding in of the institutions which would show all the same results, to continue to adhere to the gestures, barriers, and avoid hugs.

08:37 – the results of The bac in the academy of Grenoble, it is for very soon !

In the academy of Grenoble, the result of the tray 2020 should be released 9 hours Tuesday, July 7. You can find it on our site in detail (list of candidates) via this page. 37 111 candidates are enrolled in the proofs of the tray 2020 in the academy ; 20 694 for the ibc general, 7 922 for the technological baccalaureat and 8 495 for the professional degree.

08:35 – See now the results of the bac techno in the academy of Reims

the results of The Bac techno are fallen in the academy of Reims. On 2315 candidates, 2031 have obtained the Bac techno according to preliminary data provided by the academy. Check out the results without waiting.

08:34 – The results of the bac, already published in several academies at this stage

This Tuesday at 8: 30 am, several academies have already published their results of the bac, or at least started to do so. Among them there is The Meeting, Poitiers, Orléans-Tours and Reims… The academy of Lyon, must follow very soon !

08:30 – the results of The bac in the academy of Orléans-Tours are online !

here We are : bac results the academy of Orleans-Tours were transmitted to us by the services of the ministry of national Education. They are available on our page dedicated to the results of the bac in the academy of Orléans-Tours.

READ MORE learn more How to find an outcome to the tray (by city and academy) ? Results bac Aix-Marseille Academy Results bac Academy of Amiens Results bac Academy of Besançon Results bac Bordeaux Academy Results bac Academy of Caen Results bac Academy of Clermont-Ferrand Results bac Academy of Corse Results bac Academy of Créteil Results bac Academy of Dijon Results bac Academie Grenoble Results bac Academy of the Guadeloupe Results bac Academy of French Guiana Results bac Academy of The Meeting Results bac Academy of Lille Results bac Academy of Limoges Results bac Academy of Lyon Results bac Academy of Martinique Results bac Academy of Mayotte Results bac Academy of Montpellier Results bac Academy of Nancy-Metz Results bac Academy of Nantes Results bac Academy of Nice Results bac Academy of New Caledonia Results bac Academy of Orleans-Towers Results bac Academy Paris Results bac Academy of Poitiers Results bac Academy of French Polynesia Results bac Academie de Reims Results bac Academy of Rennes Results bac Academie Rouen Results bac Academy of Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon Results tray Académie de Strasbourg Results-bac Academie de Toulouse Results bac Academy of Versailles Results bac Academy of Wallis-and-Futuna bac Results by city Paris (75000) Marseille (13000) – Lyon (69000), Toulouse (31000), Nantes (44000) in Bordeaux (33000), Rennes (35000) Strasbourg (67000) Nice (06000) Montpellier (34000) Tours (37000) Caen (14000) Brest (29200) Dijon (21000), Angers (49000), Amiens (80000) Reims (51100), Orléans (45000) Metz (57000) Clermont (63000), Lille (59350) All the results of the bac city-by-city

Attention ! the names of The candidates having failed at the first session or being subject to the catch-up are available only on an individual basis. Each applicant must expressly authorize the beginning of the year of the publication of his name in the list of admitted via a signed document, to appear in these results. The schools of membership of each candidate are more, too, made public by the ministry since 2012. According to final figures provided by the ministry of national Education, 88.1% of 755 900 candidates have been admitted to bac last year , or 0.2 percentage points compared to 2018.

What are the dates and times of publication of the results of the bac 2020 ?

The decisions of the juries of bachelor’s degree for the results of the bac 2020 are published this Tuesday, July 7, 2020 , regardless of the academy concerned. If the verdicts are communicated over a single day, it is hours different according to the academies . Below, here is a summary of the publication schedule provided by each academy :

Date and time of the results of the bac 2020 by academy Academies general Series Series techno Series pro Aix-Marseille 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Amiens 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Besançon 10: 00 11: 00 9: 00 Bordeaux 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Caen 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Clermont-Ferrand, france 9: 00 am 9: 00 am 9: 00 am Corsica 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Creteil 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Dijon 9: 00 am 9: 00 am 9: 00 Grenoble – – – Guadeloupe – – – Guyana – – – The Meeting 08: 00 08: 00 09: 00 Lille 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Limoges – – – Lyon 8: 30am 8: 30am 8: 30am Martinique 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Mayotte Published from the June 27, Published from 27 June – Montpellier 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Metz-Nancy – – – Nantes 09: 00 09: 00 09: 00 Nice – – – Orleans / Tours 08: 30 08: 30 10: 30 Paris 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00 Poitiers 09: 00 09: 00 09: 00 Reims 10: 00 08: 30 13: 00 Rennes 10: 00 10: 00 09: 00 Rouen – – – Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon – – – Strasbourg 09: 00 09: 00 11: 00 Toulouse – – – Versailles 10: 00 10: 00 10: 00

NOTE : In the academy of French Polynesia, the results of the tray 2020, was published on 25 June last. In the academy of Wallis-and-Futuna and New Caledonia, the results of the trays professionals session 2020 are published on the 16th of December next, and those of the ibc general and technological on 17 December.

When can we see the result of the bac in French ?

contrary to the result of the bac end-terminal, the result of the events anticipated by the tray of French is not communicated over a single day in all of the academies. The results should this year be published from Monday 6 July on the websites of the academies. The time schedule of publication for this year are sometimes given on the websites of the various academies. For more information on the ferry from French 2020, find on our special page devoted to the tray of French.

When will be available the result of the tray to the catch-up ?

The dates and exact times of the oral catch-up are traditionally communicated to the candidate at the place of examination, after you choose the material boards. The result of each correction is then published in at the end of the day or half-day where the test .

as a reminder, students accessing the catch-up must have a note of the ferry between 8 and 9.9. About bachelor’s degrees general and technological, the oral catch-up of the tray 2020 takes place from Wednesday 8 to Friday 10. July (included) . in unlike the written tests in the bin, all will be rolled back (the same as the oral French) and replaced by a continuous control total because of the health crisis, the Covid-19, the oral catch-up has not undergone major change this year. As specified by the ministry of national Education at the end of June, this oral, however, must “adhere strictly to the protocol health in force.” It is therefore necessary that the students stand at one meter of the organizers, without that the mask is necessarily mandatory. It should be noted that the containment has also been taken into account in the choice of subjects, since the students must be questioned only on what they have seen in class. The website of the ministry says that the school leaders have a mission to provide the reviewers with a “summary sheet elements of the programs covered in the chosen discipline at the oral catch-up”.

► Check out our tips to optimize the result to the catching-up

Survey on the bac

According to a survey conducted by YouGov for *, 51,91% of the French believe that the bachelor of 2020 has less value than those of previous years, when 39,19% are of the contrary opinion. Here is the question that led to this result : “because of the health crisis, the Covid-19 in 2020, the testing terminal of the bachelor’s degree shall be cancelled. The bachelor’s degree as noted in the continuous control on the year of terminus. Given the circumstances and the degree of bachelor of control continuous-full, do you think that the bachelor of 2020 has less value than the previous ones ? Please select only one answer.” The detailed results are as follows :

Yes, rather (29,05%) no, not really (social welfare; ” 24.92%) Yes, completely (22,86%) no, not at all (14,27%) I don’t know (8,90%)