The conditions to start negotiations in a configuration “Arizona” with a view to forming a federal government are not met at this stage, has advised the HRC at the end of his political Bureau. The centrists suggest to the presidents of the three parties in the government (MR, Open VLD, CD&V) to postpone the plenary meeting scheduled for the early afternoon and getting back in touch more thoroughly and respectfully with all parties.

The HRC has discussed the invitation that was addressed to him for a first plenary meeting of the six parties likely to form a potential government said ” Arizona “, that is, the three government parties, the N-VA, SP.A and the HRC. “The political Bureau of the HRC considers, at this stage, that the conditions are not met to commence work in such a configuration,” says a press release. “As he has said for a long time, the HRC wants to be constructive so that a solution can finally be found to provide this country with a government and a stimulus plan which he desperately needs. We remain, therefore, in principle, available for a meeting of this caliber. The time of exclusives is over, as soon as these are exclusive which have brought the country into political crisis for more than a year, ” explains the party.