JULY 14, 2020 – The ceremony, in a reduced format, which replaces the military parade, which commemorates the history of the 14 July will be held on the place de la Concorde. Without parade motorized or public, it tells you everything about the place from the ceremony, but also on the shops that are open on the holiday.

Summary 14 July 2020 in Paris Ceremony of July 14 Stores opened on the 14th of July History of July 14, July 14, 1789 July 14, 1790 July 14, and national holiday on 14 July, public holiday in Celebration of the 14 July

[updated at 6 July 2020 at 15h23] The ceremony of July 14, 2020 will be very different from the traditional military parade. To address the epidemic of coronavirus, the traditional ceremony which is held on the Champs-Elysées will take place on the place de la Concorde, in a reduced format and revisited. The duration of the ceremony will be reduced to 1.15 hours instead of two hours. It includes an air parade in the reduced format, and only 2,000 soldiers, half as compared to last year, will have the opportunity to scroll through walk.

The ceremony of July 14, 2020 will honor the participation of the French armed forces in the fight against the sars coronavirus through the operation Resilience launched at the end of the month of march, “dedicated to assistance and support to the population, as well as support for public services to deal with the epidemic, both in metropolitan france and overseas”. The ceremony will also pay tribute to carers, and stakeholders mobilized against the coronavirus.

What is the place of the ceremony on the place de la Concorde on July 14, 2020 ?

This is the first time since the Second world War. Tuesday, July 14, 2020, the military parade will be reinvented, place de la Concorde, with a duration of 1h15, with a parade of 2,000 soldiers to the feet but also air, with 52 aircraft of which 3 are foreign (2 British and 1 German) and 20 helicopters. The ceremony will pay tribute to the armies which fought against the Covid-19 and personal care workers, and civilians who have worked in the fight against the epidemic. The military ceremony will be separate from the tribute to caregivers, which will be invited to attend the carers of hospitals and civilians have been mobilized in the crisis of the sars coronavirus.

A tribute will also be made to general de Gaulle by the Head of State. Entitled “a life for France”, it will consist of three tables : “The fighter, visionary” (1937-1940), “Call to Liberation – the spirit of Resistance” and “A certain idea of France – the spirit of the Republic”. This July 14, 2020 will be “sober, to be in resonance with the gravity of the moment,” said the Elysée. According to the evolution of the health crisis, fireworks July 14 and balls can be authorized.

a Tribute to all those who are engaged in the fight against the coronavirus

The device, reduced to 2 000 participants, compared with 4 300 in 2019, and about 2 500 guests in compliance with the rules of social distancing, are not able to accommodate the general public. In tribune, “there will be cashiers, the garbage collectors, all of these professions that have allowed France to hold, and which the French want to see the exemplary behaviour graced”, has detailed the Elysée. “The president of the Republic wishes to have a recognition that is also symbolic, of the whole nation, against those who are involved in this epidemic and continue to do so,” said the spokesman of the government Sibeth Bdiaye.

The Legion of honor to reward the fight against the coronavirus

This year, the government has decided that a one-time promotion of the national Order of merit and of the Legion of honor will be released on the 1st of January 2021, and not as it is of tradition the 15 may and 14 July, and will include “a significant amount of people who contributed to the fight against the virus at all levels and in all areas of activity”.

The government spokesperson has announced that the government would bring out a decoration dating back to the 1880s, created on the occasion of the cholera epidemic that had hit France in 1884, for “reward those who are committed during the crisis of the covid-19.” A medal for, according to Sibeth Ndiaye, the people who have worked “in the care of the sick, screening, research, support of our health system, the manufacture of health products and protection, the protection of the most fragile, the pursuit of a professional activity and volunteer to ensure the operation of essential services”.

the parade of The 14 July 2020 replaced by a ceremony

With health concerns still unpredictable due to the crisis of the sars coronavirus, the president of the Republic Emmanuel Macron has been forced to cancel the world-famous military parade of July 14, this year, 2020 . “This is not a cancellation, but as an adaptation”, a-t-on highlighted at the Elysée. The executive wishes to make this date of July 14, a celebration symbolic of the end of the containment , the opportunity to pay tribute to the nursing staff and employees of the health services. “The feast national of July 14, it is a date psychological’, he was entrusted to the Parisian.

The stores, are they open on the 14th of July ?

What big brands continue to open their doors on the 14th of July ? On the 14th of July marks a public holiday in France, and this in full summer sale, but this does not stop all purchases for as much. In Paris, the department stores of Galeries Lafayette and BHV Marais remain open. Like, next to shopping centers, the Carrousel du Louvre, Bercy Village, the Centre Beaugrenelle, the Centre of Italy 2, the Citadium Caumartin, the Palace of Congress or the Passy Plaza. All the (many) malls in the periphery are also open with the exception of Beautiful Is, Bobigny, france 2 and Quais d’ivry. At the scale of metropolitan France, there are several large signs that welcome customers as usual, with hours often a little different and sometimes variable depending on the localities. Included in this list, Auchan, Carrefour and Carrefour Market, Intermarché, Leclerc, Cora, and Géant Casino. These supermarkets specified by their terms and conditions of opening on their internet sites.

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Usually, the parade of the 14 July each year attracts thousands of participants. Highlight of the national holiday, it is traditionally held on the most beautiful avenue in the world, in the presence of the president of the Republic, the elite of the French army and of the regiments of French soldiers, on a theme that changes each year, and on exceptional occasions. He combines, therefore, traditionally military parade, street dancing, and the inevitable fireworks that bloom in the whole of France. Each year, the date of this memorable feast marks the French national holiday and symbolizes, in its own way, the real entrance in the summer and the school holidays.

But in fact, that famous-t-is traditionally the 14th of July ? Did you know that the date of 14 July as the date of national day was challenged for a long time, and one commemorates not, as is often believed, the storming of the Bastille in 1789 ? How the military parade, the street dancing or the fireworks have become essential moments of this day ? Here are the answers to the main questions which arise on the 14 July.

What is the story behind the ceremony of 14 July ?

After the July 14, 1880, the military parade, it becomes an institution. On July 14, 1919, marshals Foch, Joffre and Pétain parade riding on the Champs-Elysees from under the Arc de Triomphe to celebrate victory in the First world war, acquired a few months earlier. It is at this time that the traditional parade of 14th July takes up its quarters on the most famous avenue of Paris. After an eclipse during the Second world war, the parade of the 14 July takes on its current appearance with the proliferation of tanks and planes. Some presidents of the Republic provide, however, innovations of short duration.

During his term in office, Valéry Giscard d’estaing moves the show in other arteries of Paris, as the Course of Vincennes, a military School, or between Bastille and République to Bastille. In 1982, François Mitterrand blocked the parade at night. The ceremonial is perfectly oiled. The rehearsals of the parade usually takes place on the 12th of July, at dawn, two days before the key date. It opens with the passage of aircraft and helicopters. All in all, about 4,000 soldiers parading on the Champs-Elysées at a pace of 120 steps per minute. The students of prestigious schools such as Saint-Cyr come in full uniform. The market is traditionally closed by the units of the foreign Legion, famous for their beards, bulky and not slower.

This year 2020, given the health crisis of the coronavirus, the traditional ceremony of the Champs-Elysées is cancelled. As seen earlier, a ceremony at the restricted format takes place at the place de la Concorde. Only 2,000 soldiers, compared to double by 2019, to participate in this ceremony without the parade or public.

That happened on July 14, 1789 ?

on The 14th of July, 1789, is in the minds of all when we talk about national Holiday. This summer, a great excitement prevails in Paris. In the Face of popular discontent, the king convened the States general, an assembly of representatives of the nobility, clergy and third state. These require a profound reform of the institutions and, on the 9th of July, proclaimed themselves a national constituent Assembly. The initiative has alarmed the king who is coming in secret of the regiments of swiss and germans in the vicinity of Versailles. The rumor soon that the royal troops were preparing to enter Paris to stop the mps. On July 12, a speaker harangue the crowd that he called to respond : it is Camille Desmoulins, mounted on a barrel, which announces a “Saint Bartholomew of the patriots”.

On the morning of 14 July, Parisians angry will search for arms at the Invalides, and then head towards the old royal fortress of Bastille in search of gunpowder. After a day of shooting, bloody, and thanks to the rallying of national guards, the Parisians seized it and began its demolition. In the end, they only release a few prisoners and thugs without a scale. But this old medieval prison embodies the arbitrariness of the Old regime. In the lid, the Parisians are down a bulwark of absolutism. And this day, which marks the beginning of the Revolution, will be remembered as a day of freedom.

But surprise, surprise : our national day celebration will commemorate not directly on the 14 July 1789, even if this first day, revolutionary has a symbolic significance. The 14 July is officially a reference to another event, less well known, although learned by all students of French from a young age : the festival of the Federation, organized a year later, on July 14, 1790…

That fête-t-on the 14 July 1790 ?

After the summer of 1789, everywhere in the French provinces, were created as “federations,” regional national guards. A reaction to the weakening of the central power. In order to control this spontaneous movement, the Paris Commune, under the leadership of Lafayette, decided to found a great national Federation, involving representatives from the local federations and the meet in Paris on 14 July 1790. The ceremony is intended to celebrate the storming of the Bastille, a year after the symbolic date, but also to bring a semblance of order and unity in a country in crisis.

The day said, 14 000 soldiers federated arrive in Paris, and marching under the banner of their department, from the Bastille to the Field-of-March. On an esplanade, fitted up for the occasion, a high mass is celebrated, after which the king Louis XVI swears to maintain the Constitution decided by the national Assembly”. The 400 000 Parisian present on the day acclaim him their king : the monarchy is not questioned. The aspiration for the union of national triumph and the ceremony turns into a great popular celebration. But national reconciliation will be short-lived. Two years later, the king was arrested and sentenced to death.

Engraving of the statue erected in Republic square in Paris in 1883. © Patrick Guenette / 123RF Why the 14th of July became the national holiday of France ?

For nearly a century, the commemoration of 14 July was abandoned. She reappears in 1880, under the Third Republic. The plan to consolidate, looking to build a new national imaginary, around symbols republicans. It is as well as the “Marseillaise” became the official anthem and the 14th July national holiday. But the proposal, which emanates from the member of parliament for the Seine, Benjamin Raspail, is not accepted unanimously by the Assembly. Some mps question the violence of the July 14, 1789. And finally it is around the 14 July 1790 is the consensus !

This year, we also opened the monument surmounted by the statue of the Republic square, and everywhere are given concerts and fireworks. “The July column” which overlooks the place de la Bastille, it does not refer to the 14 July 1789. It bears the name of the victims of the days revolutionary of July 1830, the “Three glorious days”.

The 14 July is it a holiday ?

A decree of 6 July 1880 established a military parade that we know today. This event must then clear the memory of the military defeat suffered during the war of 1870, the loss of Alsace and part of Lorraine in favour of the German Empire, and to strengthen the Republic which has not yet ten years old. The first edition of the military parade takes place at the Longchamp racecourse, where he remained until 1914. The parade of the 14 July will then continue and become a staple of the national day.

But the act of 1880 also installs the 14 July as a holiday. The idea is then to give a day not worked to the French to participate in the commemorations, but also listen to their president. From the 14 July 1880, at 12.30 pm, the guns of Mont Valerien thunder above the Seine before to be quiet for a speech by the president of the Republic, Jules Grévy. The diary is in ecstasy in front of a “magnificent spectacle […] as the July sun shone its most radiant colours”, referring to “a living symbol of the union between these two forces have been too long separated, the army and the nation.” The popular newspaper continues : “the deep emotion, inexpressible, which he held for twenty minutes, a hundred thousand breasts breathless, we can say that for the crowd who thronged around the regiments massed, the presentation of the flags was of its true meaning : the reconstitution of France, the reconstitution of its national army, claiming finally to the face of the country”.

The 14 July parade is organized on the Champs-Elysées, in Paris. © Gérard ROBERT what is the feast of the 14th of July ?

over The years, the 14 July is known to many adventures, but also the developments that have turned it into a festival general or global, involving all the French in celebrations more festive and popular. In 1886, a woman, cantinière of the 131st infantry regiment, runs for the first time. In 1915, the parade of the military moves of the Champs-de-Mars to the Champs-Elysées and in 1919, the “parade of victory” brings together on-the-spot all the forces of allied countries.

In 1936, the trade unions have joined, in their own way, to the f&cisrc;te. After the military parade, a million person march on the call of trade union organizations. From 1939 to 1945 in occupied Paris, the day is not celebrated. On July 14, 1940, in London, general de Gaulle reiterated his calls for the resistance. But in July 1945, to celebrate the Release everywhere in France. Every year since, the 14th of July is the opportunity to shoot fireworks, and organize dances popular… In the whole of France, of the events are organized on the 14th of July or the night before.