Recently, Edouard Philippe conceded that its “goal is to be mayor of le Havre”. This day, the first minister has tendered his resignation to Emmanuel Macron and will return surely its functions to the city hall of le Havre.

Summary Resignation of Edouard Philippe Reshuffle A popularity up Emmanuel Macron

the Freshly-elected in le Havre Edouard Philippe submitted on Friday 3 July 2020, his resignation and that of his government to Emmanuel Macron. According to information from the AFP, of the ” several sources “, Edouard Philippe will not be renewed at Matignon. For several weeks, and the last aspired to be mayor of le Havre” again. Moreover, the municipal Council of the commune norman meets this Saturday to designate the new mayor. A maturity that will surely be played in the timing chosen by one who has led the government for three years.

According to a communiqué of the Elysée palace, “a new prime minister will be appointed in the next few hours.” An AFP journalist, present at the prime minister’s office, reported that preparations for the transfer of power between Edouard Philippe and his successor — who is not known for the time — accelerate.

Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”

A desire on the part of Emmanuel Macron to make a left turn, more social, therefore, is also part of the persistent rumours and, indeed, the potential successors of Edouard Philippe mentioned everywhere in the press leave little room for doubt : Florence Parly, former of the PS and Jospin government, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the iconic minister of the quinquennium Holland, or even Laurence Tubiana, a diplomat of the left…

anyway, Edouard Philippe does not “create caps”, as did its close to the Figaro, when a minister insists on the fact that Emmanuel Macron is going to have to be diplomatic, regardless of his or her choice. “It will not he humiliates in the process, because it is a man, Edward, who has his pride…”, says this member of the government, also quoted by Le Figaro.

it Remains to know the wish of the principal, who has skilfully maintained the blur during the campaign period of the municipal. After you have declared to be a Prime minister with “full-time”, Edouard Philippe had repeated his desire to go back to the armchair of the mayor of le Havre. “My goal is to be the mayor of le Havre. If this happens very quickly, it will be very well,” he started, during the debate in the face of its competitor.

resignation coming Edouard Philippe

Edouard Philippe presented his resignation and that of his government to Emmanuel Macron, this Friday, July 3, 2020. It is a procedure of use, whenever major changes are at work among the government team. If the head of State decides to renew its confidence to the current tenant of Matignon, while the latter will be renamed to the post in the wake.

A redesign of magnitude to come

The redesign of this early summer 2020 is announced of magnitude. It could even be the change of ministers the more marked since, as Emmanuel Macron is the president. Beyond Edouard Philippe, including the position of Prime minister is indeed threatened, many adjustments are discussed. According to information from the Sunday Newspaper, not less than four ministers are concerned. There are Nicole Belloubet, Justice, whose confidences on France Inter radio early in the week ranged in the sense of a departure. “lI there is always more and better things to do, and in this sense we would like that things never stop”, throw the guards of the Seals.

The minister of Ecology, Elizabeth Terminal, the minister of Labour, Muriel Pénicaud, but also the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, would also be on the hot seat. The latter could pay its management of the events that took place to denounce the police violence. In addition, Franck Riester, Culture, as well as the government’s spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye could also take their bow.

Edouard Philippe, a growing popularity

the head of The government knows since some months a dramatic increase in its popularity. The French have apparently been sensitive to his management of the crisis of the Covid-19, during which Edouard Philippe was, however, very exposed. To such A point that now, a majority of French people trust him, more than to Emmanuel Macron, to “reinvent” the France as a result of this episode. It is, in any case, the result of a poll Ifop for Europe 1 and The Tribune, published on Monday, 29 June, which reveals Edouard Philippe in first place (45%) on a panel of 37 personalities tested.

there has also been his major victory at le Havre, at the municipal, going in the direction of its popularity on the rise, but there is especially this dimension of trust that continues to climb. Now, it is 43% (+ 4 points), according to a survey Elabe published on Thursday, far ahead of Emmanuel Macron and 35%. Over the last two months, not less than nine points, as the Prime minister has earned, and 16 points in the last four. Elabe also pointed to the fact that the confidence expressed towards Edouard Philippe to “effectively confront the problems facing the country” is now superior to that of Emmanuel Macron in all electorates.

Edouard Philippe-Emmanuel Macron, love lasts three years ?

apart from Francois Fillon during the quinquennium of Nicolas Sarkozy, it is the rare Prime ministers who have occupied the prime minister’s office as long. Edouard Philippe, named for Emmanuel Macron since his assumption of office in may 2017, and was then is unknown to the grand public, after a past of a man in the shadows with Alain Juppé and as mayor of le Havre. For the head of State, eager to reinvent themselves, this reorganization may be the only window of shooting to separate Edouard Philippe, if it is his will.