For the specialists the 400 metres, a change was necessary during the season 2020 largely disrupted by the pandemic Covid-19. Already looking toward 2021 (the Olympic Games) and 2022 (Global and Euro), the brothers Borlées met with Guy Ontanon Monday on the indoor track of Louvain-la-Neuve.

“We have always had a desire to turn to the best,” said Jacques Borlée, it is reminiscent of old collaborations. “The richness of the exchange is fantastic. When everything collapsed, my son did not know too what to do. I gave them two weeks of leave before their present this collaboration with Guy Ontanon. It is an exchange very fruitful. My son and I are learning a great deal and, most importantly, what we find is a lot of fun in this difficult period. They wait for their sessions with impatience and a lot to say about them”, explained the father and coach of athletes.