GRANT LYCEE. You have until October 15 to submit your application to the new school year 2020-2021. As a reminder, the amount is between 147 and 311 euros per quarter. It explains everything.

Summary terms and Conditions Amount of Simulator Request Payment

[updated June 22, 2020 at 10h19] Kick off the campaign to make your application scholarship high school ! It has to be done online or at the school. “The campaign of the scholarship applications of high school for the school year 2020-2021 (…) ends on Thursday 15 October 2020″, can read on the page dedicated to the ministry. “It will take place in two periods : until July 7, 2020 ( only by a paper application ) and [] from 1 September to 15 October 2020 (request-line or paper)”. As a reminder, the stock market is granted under conditions of resources and depending on the number of dependent children . The amount for the next school year is between 147 and 311 euros per quarter, or a euro more than last year. You have already received the scholarship last year ? Don’t panic. Unless the situation changes, you will be able to benefit from the scholarship for the next school year. “So, if you redouble, if you change your orientation or if the resources of your household for tax purposes decreases or increases, you will need to follow the same steps as if you were to ask the stock exchange for the 1st time”, explains it on the site

What are the conditions of the award ? The ceilings

To benefit from the exchange of high school, it must meet several criteria. In the first place, the person responsible for the child must live in France, and the child must be enrolled and take classes in a high school, public or private. You are also concerned if your child is enrolled in a vocational school, a training centre for apprentices (CFA), or in a device of the mission is to fight against early school leaving. These obligations are in addition to the resources . For the academic year 2020-2021, the administration takes into account the income tax reference of the notice of tax 2020 on income from the year 2019 . The ceilings of resources are fixed. They depend on the level (determined based on the number of children in care and the resources) and the number of dependent children. Here are the details :

Number of dependent children

Award-level 1

Award level 2

Stock of level 3

Award level 4

Exchange level 5

Exchange level 6


18 606 €

14 728 €

12 508 €

10 088 €

6 270 €

2 450 €


20 036 €

16 069 €

13 645 €

11 004 €

6 967 €

2 928 €


22 897 €

18 746 €

15 920 €

12 839 €

8 360 €

3 881 €


26 476 €

21 426 €

18 194 €

14 674 €

9 752 €

4 831 €


30 054 €

25 443 €

21 606 €

17 425 €

11 842 €

6 260 €


34 349 €

29 459 €

25 018 €

20 178 €

13 934 €

7 687 €


38 642 €

33 477 €

28 430 €

22 928 €

16 023 €

9 117 €

8 or more

42 935 €

37 496 €

31 842 €

25 679 €

18 113 €

10 545 €

what amount can you claim ?

The quarterly total of the grant high school is included between 147 and 311 euros, depending on the level. here are the details for the new school year 2020-2021 :


quarterly total of the exchange


147 €


180 €


213 €


245 €


277 €


311 €

as a reminder, the exchange of high school can be cumulated with other incentives. In particular, there is a premium equipment 341,71 € , which is paid to students of certain CAP, BEP, technological baccalaureat and BTS. The payment occurs at the same time that the first third of the scholarship out of high school. For this bonus, you have no approach to do it, because it is granted automatically. Your high school student stock market is internal ? You can take advantage of the premium internship amounting to 258 euros on the year, paid in three times at the end of each quarter.

is it possible to simulate the amount of the scholarship ?

You can determine your eligibility and to perform a simulation of the amount of the grant high school on the website of the ministry of national Education. You must first fill out the training in which your child is enrolled for the next school year (2nd, 1st, or end-stage tray gégeneral, vocational or technological, the 1st or the 2nd year of the CAPE, etc…) and then to indicate the number of dependent children and your income tax reference .

I am eligible, how do I make my grant application ?

The procedure to apply for a scholarship depends on the institution in which is enrolled your child. Your teen is enrolled in a public ? The scholarship application high school should be online on the portal Education-Services which depends on your academy with FranceConnect or through your account national Education (ATEN). If you have lost your login credentials, you can turn to the institution or submit an application to the secretariat of the institution, as explained in the next paragraph.

it is a private establishment under contract or Nca d, you must complete the form Cerfa n°11319*16. Remember to add a copy of your tax notice. Other supporting documents may be required in some cases. You will then need to submit all documents to the institution. Keep in mind that for each child enrolled at the school, a separate application must be made. Here, for illustrative purposes, the deadlines that apply to filing your folder for the next school year :

July 7, 2020 : to the request via the paper form Between September 1 and October 15, 2020 : for the online application and paper What is the date of payment of the grant high school ?