The member States of the EU should agree on a common list of countries from which it will be again allowed to travel to the Eu and the Schengen area from 1 July. This is what is recommended Thursday the european Commission, which calls for a partial lifting and gradual travel restrictions in place in mid-march at the external borders of the Union (and Schengen associated), and then extended several times in the context of the pandemic of sars coronavirus.

Read also The european Commission wants to establish a “white” list of countries in the rest of the world where to travel this summer

Now that the Schengen countries and the european Union have almost all a health situation that is improving, it is time to consider “re-open” the external borders, which only makes sense if everyone agrees on the countries that will benefit first, explained Thursday the commissioner Ylva Johansson. As the question of borders remains, however, in practice, in the hands of the States, the Commission can only recommend this way of proceeding, that it has disclosed on Thursday.