The trial of the man of 44 years (Y. B.) warned for nine rapes, indecent assault and acts of threats over a period infractionnelle ranging from July 2016 to his arrest in November 2019 was opened Thursday morning in front of the correctional court of Brussels. Heard on the facts alleged against him, he admitted three rapes of young girls, namely, those for which DNA evidence has been identified. It has, however, denied having used a knife as a weapon of threat, arguing that he had never shown violent.

The hearing opened with the presentation of the various victims and the facts that they have been denounced. A modus operandi appears from the testimony and evidence which has come on the record. When he finished late in his service to the Stib, where he was a bus driver, he slept in his parent’s home in Ixelles. On its route from a depot Delta, he would have picked up several young girls, often alcoholic, pretending to be a taxi.