The EU proposes the progressive reopening and partial of the external borders as of 1 July. Find the dates of reopening of the borders country by country, in Europe and elsewhere, and the latest news on the impact of coronavirus on tourism.

Summary Country open to the French in Europe In Asia In America In Africa In Oceania Restrictions of travel

[updated 11 June 2020 at 11h23] Least three weeks before the start of summer vacation, the question of the reopening of the borders is paramount and continues to make a great noise. And this week, it is the cacophony that reigns concerning the reopening of the borders between France and Germany. The date of June 15, agreed collectively by the european Union has been called into question by the German federal minister of the Interior, which has evoked in the German media the date of Tuesday, June 16, at midnight, as reported in the Republican lorrain and Le Figaro.

The Balearic islands, the green light has been given to accommodate German tourists, 15 days before the re-opening official borders in Spain. From the 15th of June, nearly 10 900 Germans will be able to enjoy the sun of the Balearic islands, and this even before the freedom of movement is restored to the Spaniards in the interior of the country, on the 21st of June. The authorities have approved a pilot project for the recovery of the tourism being conducted in the framework of an agreement between the regional government and three tours operators in germany. Following a strict health protocol “, the tourists would come in “over” for two weeks with a protocol of strict hygiene and safety to be followed : temperature was taken for the arrival and follow-up telephone calls to monitor the possible appearance of symptoms of the Covid-19.

The summer holidays of the French should finally take place more or less freely. The end of last week, the commissioner for internal Affairs, announced at a press briefing that the european Union will re-open completely its internal borders by the end of June. The european Commission will publish in the week with its proposals for exercise, “a gradual and partial” restrictions of travel at the external borders of the EU from 1 July, announced Wednesday the vice-president, Josep Borrell. It would lift the restrictions with certain third countries, taking into account “a number of principles and criteria” and based on a “common approach” between member States.

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What are the european countries that reopened their borders to French ?

Several European countries have already announced the reopening of their borders in the days and weeks to come. Hard hit by the coronavirus in and out progressively from the confinement, Spain has announced that it will reopen its borders for tourists this summer. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime minister, has said on this subject : “I announce to you that from the month of July, the entry of foreign tourists in Spain will be resumed safely. The foreign tourists can therefore plan now for their vacation in our country. We will ensure that tourists are not at risk and that they do not risk to our country”. Good news, as Spain has for many years been the preferred destination of the French, for the holidays.

To boost tourism, the Italian government has reopened its borders to european citizens on 3 June last. It has also cancelled the mandatory quarantine for foreign visitors in the peninsula, according to official sources. These measures apply “in respect of the ties deriving from the legal order of the european Union”, states the press release. Austria and Germany have already made plans to recover from the 15 June to the free movement across the common border. This flexibility will allow the business trips and family visits.

The United Kingdom has announced the implementation of a quatorzaine required for travelers arriving from abroad since June 8, 2020. This measure, which will be reviewed “every three weeks” , must accompany the déconfinement progressive in the United kingdom. Travellers in quarantine, at their home or hotel, will be subject to random checks, and violators risk a fine of £ 1,000 according to the british press.

In Greece, tourism will resume after the June 15, with flights allowed in from several EU countries including France. Travellers flying to the european Union will not be subject to strict measures of quarantine, with the exception of passengers from the regions most affected by the coronavirus : the Ile-de-France, four Italian regions, the other four in Spain… “It will now depend on the airport of origin, not the country (of origin),” explained a government official to the AFP. For its part, the Greek national tourism Office has published a press release in which it gives more indications on the resumption of flights to Greece. Until 15 June, the international flights are allowed to the only international airport of Athens. “All visitors are subject to a test of their arrival and must spend a night in a hotel designed in the expectation of their result”. 15 as of 30 June, international flights are allowed to the airports of Athens and Thessaloniki. The passenger who takes off from an airport in the list EASA of the areas affected by the coronavirus, such as the Île-de-France, will accept an isolation of 7 or 14 days. From 1 July, the international flights will be allowed to all the airports of Greece. Visitors will eventually be required to pass “a test of random sampling on arrival,” says the tourist office.

Belgium will re-open starting June 15, its borders with other countries of the european Union, the United Kingdom and the four countries of the Schengen area non-EU member states, announced on Wednesday the First minister. Sophie Wilmès has, however, recommended to travellers to ensure that their move was possible because “each country will decide on its own to open its borders to” its own terms. Switzerland plans to reopen its borders on 15 June to all member States of the european Union. The French may again cross the border with Andorra since 1st June.

Closed since mid-march, the borders of Denmark are expected to open on June 15, the germans, norwegians and icelanders, pushing the end of the summer the entry on its territory of nationals of other EU countries and the United Kingdom. On may 28, the Prime minister Croatian has announced the reopening of the borders to nationals of the ten countries of the european Union, including Germany, Slovenia and Austria. For the time being, the French people, spaniards and italians still cannot get in Croatia.

What are countries that reopened their borders to French in Asia ?

China softens gradually its border controls in the month of June after the Two Sessions, the political event annual, the largest in the country. Passengers will be required to undergo a screening of the new coronavirus to their arrival on chinese soil. In India, the suspension of commercial flights to the international is maintained until further order.

Since April 3, and until further order, any non-japanese who have lived in an at-risk countries, including France, Spain and Portugal may not enter the japanese territory. The CAAT (civil aviation authority of Thailand) has extended the flight ban for passengers incoming on its territory until the end of the month of June.

Russia announced on Monday that a partial reopening of its border, closed since march due to the pandemic of sars coronavirus. According to a decree signed by the Prime minister, Mikhail Michoustine, the Russians will be able to leave the country for medical reasons, business or related studies. As for the foreign nationals, they will only be able to enter Russia for treatment or care of other relatives.

What are countries that reopened their borders to the French in America ?

Canada’s borders are open, but cruise ships carrying 500 people are not allowed to moor up and up until the 1st July. The air routes from abroad have been reduced, for example, many airports are still closed. Many countries in Latin America require a “quarantine” preventive travellers.

In Cuba, the schools remain closed, public transport suspended and the use of mask is compulsory in the streets, but the country begins to consider the re-opening of its borders to tourists with airlines that offer airline tickets for the month of July.

The Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic (MITUR) announced that the country will be ready to receive international tourists from the 1st of July, the scheduled date for the launch of phase 4 of the plan of de-escalation of the measures announced by the high level Commission for the prevention and control of coronavirus.

What are countries open to French in Africa ?

all of The african countries to keep their borders closed for the time being. Morocco and Algeria have suspended their international flights, but the repatriation of French nationals, however, is permitted by necessity. Tunisia is the only country that had announced the reopening of its borders, sea, land, and air to the 27 June.

In Egypt, ” we are preparing the ground for the tourists from all over the world find a destination […] in the sanitary conditions in copies,” says the minister of Tourism, Khaled El-Enani, during an interview with AFP.

What are countries open to French Oceania ?

Australians will be able to go to New Zealand and to other Pacific countries from the 1st July next. On the other hand, Australia does not provide for the time to open its borders with other countries such as the United States or France. Links tourism to the other countries are expected to resume in the month of September.

What are the restrictions of travel in the world ?