EXCEPTIONAL ASSISTANCE OF SOLIDARITY CAF. In total, 3.6 million households will receive assistance from 226 € in average, announced the Fca this Friday. Conditions, calculation… It explains everything.

table of Contents Payment Terms of the AAH Premium business Amount of Student Aid supplementary Agirc Arrco

[updated on may 15, 2020 14: 52] there are Many families in financial distress who were waiting with impatience. The exceptional assistance from the solidarity Fund of family allowances (Caf) and the employment is paid from this Friday 15 may 2020. In total, 3.6 million households are relevant for the Cfo (4 million families in total), “is 5 070 000 children for a total of 821 million euros “, said in a press release. As a reminder, there is no study of the income, because the aid is assigned automatically to people who receive certain social security benefits . It will therefore be of no use to contact the Fund family benefits if you do not meet the requirements (read below). The beneficiaries have been informed by mail.

The amount ? It depends on both the social benefit perceived in the upstream, and the composition of the household. According to the estimates of the Caf, he reached 226 euros on average. If you are concerned, it was simply necessary to check that your bank details are up to date. Find all the information on this help in our dedicated article.

Who is in charge of the payment to the 15 may ? Pôle emploi or the Fca ?

He is scheduled this Friday may 15, 2020 . Keep in mind that it is the Cfo who is in charge of the payment – or the MSA – or the job center, according to the social security benefit that you receive :

By the Fca or the MSA : if you get APL, RSA, the RSO. By Pôle emploi : if you perceive the AER, the ASS or the flat-rate premium for resumption of activity. “You will receive an SMS informing you of the award of this aid as well as a mail filed in your personal space and by post,” one can read on the page dedicated to the Pôle emploi.

as a reminder, there is no approach to achieve . He just needed to verify “that your bank details are recorded or updated , in your space ‘My Account’, under ‘View or change my profile'”, and stated the Fca on its website. There may be processing delays between the banking institutions. So don’t be surprised if the transfer does not appear immediately on your bank account.

What are the conditions to receive the exceptional assistance of solidarity ?

It is granted automatically to the homes who already receive certain social security benefits . The list has been specified in a decree published in the official Journal , here :

The RSA (active solidarity revenue) ; The flat-rate premium for resumption of activity ; solidarity revenue (OSR) ; allocation equivalent retraite (AER) ; The ASS (allowance of specific solidarity) ; The housing benefits (APL). note : only those who have children are concerned about the help . “In order to be considered dependents, children must be effectively and permanently dependent on the beneficiary of the aid”, said in the decree.

You want to learn more about the student support that has been announced ? See our dedicated article without further delay : Help for students 200 euros : who is concerned ? How to perceive it ?

I perceive the allocation disabled adult (AAH), can I claim it ?

If the case of beneficiaries of the AAH has been addressed at the end of the Council of ministers by Edouard Philippe, they are, like the other French, be required to fulfill the criteria previously set out. In the clear, you may not, as a beneficiary of the AAH, to benefit from this aid, that if you are receiving housing assistance and have at least one dependent child. “I said that the beneficiaries of the allowance for adult with disabilities that affect housing subsidies are concerned”, had said the Prime minister.

I touch the premium of activity, am I eligible ?

No. As explained previously, you need to collect one of the social benefits mentioned previously, You touch custom help housing ? In this case, you can receive outstanding assistance, provided you have at least one child in care . Indeed, as explained previously, only recipients of housing assistance who have children may receive outstanding assistance in mid-may.

What is the amount of using the Caf ? How is it calculated ?

It depends on the prestation social that you perceive. For the recipients of housing aid, a help of “100 euros” per child was announced . As explained previously, this means that people with APL who do not have children are not affected by this aid.

For the recipients of the RSA, the flat-rate premium for recovery of activity, the AER, the OSR and of the ASS, the amount of the aid amounts to 150 euros per household, plus 100 euros per child. If for example you have two children, the amount of aid will be € 350. Are you lost ? Linternaute.com offers a summary of the amount of aid for which you may claim, as a function of the composition of your household :

You touch the APL (excluding the beneficiaries of the SSA and the RSA) :

Composition of your family Amount You are alone or in couple, 0€ for A single person or a couple with a child, 100€ for A single person or a couple with two children is€ 200 for A single person or couple with three children 300€ as A single person or couple with four children 400€ for A single person or couple with five children 500€

You are at the RSA, or receiving the ASS, the AER, the flat-rate premium for resumption of activity :

Composition of your family Amount You are alone or in couple 150€ a home with A child 250€ for A household with two children 350€ A home with three children 450€ A home with four children 550€ A home with five children 650€

“the difference of using € 150, the payment of the premium of € 100 per child to support is not automatic “, indicated that the job center on its dedicated page. “ The letter of assignment sent to each beneficiary the aid of 150 € is accompanied by a “declaration on honour” , equivalent to a demand for payment of the additional aid for dependent children. You will need to provide the copy of your family record book or of your last certificate of payment of the CAF, and answer the following questions for a counselor to process your application : Number of dependent children (first name, last name, age of children, whether your spouse receives the HSA, the flat-rate premium in case of resumption of activity or the AER (to the extent that the aid of € 100 per child may be paid only once per household), specify if your spouse enjoys the RSA (in this case, the supplement for dependent children shall be paid by CAF or MSA), state if your spouse has already filed an application for exceptional assistance for dependent children (to the extent that the aid of € 100 per child can be paid one time per home)” . Be aware that you have until June 30, 2020 to bring the certificate to your adviser the referrer , as well as the supporting documents requested, either by mail, or via your personal space on the site of Pôle emploi.

note : “ only aid is due by household “, specified in the decree.

What about the students ? What help is it to them ?

The government has announced the establishment of a specific aid for students and young people under the age of twenty-five years, who are experiencing financial difficulties during the health crisis of the sars coronavirus. In the amount of 200 euros, it must be paid in the month of June. You want to know more ? See now our article dedicated to know the terms and conditions : Help for students 200 euros : who is concerned ? How to perceive it ?

what is the supplementary assistance of the CAF ? Who is it for ?

families in difficulty have the opportunity to request from their CAF additional support . It is necessary to do this, you turn to your Cfo . The Caf du Var, for example, has announced the implementation of a device for its beneficiaries. “[The aid] is assigned to all families in receipt of benefits who have at least one dependent child between 3 years and 16 years and a family quotient less than 300 euros and” , can be read in a press release on April 10. “This is a lump sum of aid, per school day deleted because of the containment and by child, the amount of which amounts to : 1,5 € for families, mono-parental or facing a situation of disability ; 1 € for all other families.”

The Fca in the Loir-et-Cher, her, has opted for another device. “You have at least one dependent child, a family quotient is less than or equal to 700 € and you encounter a financial difficulty outstanding ? Ad hoc assistance (payment of an invoice) may be granted in the form of a relief or of a loan of honor, after the decision of a commission,” she explains. “Get in touch with your social worker sector that will help you to lodge your application”.

what is the help announced by the Agirc-Arrco ?

On may 12, the complementary pension fund for private employees said that using “exceptional emergency” may be requested by the employees with financial difficulties. Its amount will be calculated in function of the position of the plaintiff” and can go up to 1 500 euros. “Any situation can be studied,” said to the AFP the president of the Agirc-Arrco, Jean-Claude Barboul.