GUY BEDOS – comedian, author and actor Guy Bedos’s death, announced his son, Nicolas, on Thursday. Actor hired, he was known to many skits but also several film roles.

Summary Biography of Guy Bedos Guy Bedos young His greatest skits The women in his life: His children, His son Nicholas His films, The key

The world of humour, French is losing one of its iconic figures. Guy Bedos has died, announced on Thursday 28 may 2020 his son, Nicolas Bedos on social networks. “It was beautiful, it was funny, it was free and courageous. As I am proud of you to have had the father. Embraces Desproges and Dabadie. Seen that you are all in Paradise”, wrote the actor and director about his father on Instagram. The comedian, actor and author, had made a name on the boards and on the screens, thanks to his sharp quill and his political commitment. He had retired in 2013, after 50 years of career. In film, he remains in the hearts of the audience the unforgettable Simon in An elephant that misleads enormously and We will go all in paradise. More recently, he played the character Anton in the series Kaamelott. Guy Bedos has died at the age of 85 years.

The comedian was known for his political positions are marked to the left and its struggle against discrimination. “We will remember all of its commitments against injustice and racism and for the dignity of all,” said SOS Racism, including Guy Bedos has been one of the first sponsors. The comedian was also trained on stage as a trio with stand-up comedians Smaïn and Michel Boujenah in 1991 (“sunburn at the Olympia”) to denounce the tensions between communities. Harlem Désir, founder of SOS Racism, has expressed his “great sadness”, while Jean-Marc Dumontet remembers a person’s “free who did not belong to a camp, even if he was staking fasteners ideological”.

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15:51 – When Guy Bedos spoke of his death

at the END OF the LIVE – In 2016, Guy Bedos evoked in the show you and me the time of his disappearance. The comedian hoped to “die in dignity, decide the day and time. A death controlled, and above all, do not become dependent, bedridden”. It was lent to the game by imagining his funeral : he had said with humor that he wanted to see epitaph to be “he’s sleeping finally,” wishing a funeral “with music at the entrance and at the exit. I would like a huge crowd”. For the time, date and place of his funeral have not been disclosed.

15:16 – The tribute of Muriel Robin to be “irreplaceable”

The world of humor crying Guy Bedos, who died may 28 at 85 years old. Muriel Robin has taken to respond to the micro of Daily life on the evening of the announcement that she met on a tv set : “I saw him Tuesday, I was able to kiss her, we spoke and here it is”, remembering a person’s “rare” and “irreplaceable”. “It is the man or person, even the most tender I have met in my life. The gaze he had on me, it was a look that I shall see them again no more person. This is not possible a look like this. It is as if he was glad that I was alive… nobody Ever going to look at me like that”.

14:42 – That are its children ?

Guy Bedos has had several children, born to his three marriages. His eldest daughter, Leslie, is a writer. She was born of his first union, with Karen Blanguernon. Of his marriage with Sophie Daumier, was born a daughter, Melanie. Guy Bedos also adopts the son of his partner, Philippe, who died in 2010 as a result of the disease of Huntington. He married a third time with the dancer Joëlle Bercot, his widow, who gives him two children : Nicholas, becoming a director and actor, and Victoria Bedos, screenwriter.

14:06 – When he talked about the death of Sophie Daumier

After the death of Françoise Dorléac and Karen Blanguernon, Guy Bedos has lost another important woman in his life : his ex-wife and a partner of the scene, Sophie Daumier. The actress died in 2004, died of Huntington’s disease. In 2016, in the broadcast you and me, it was about the disappearance of his former girlfriend : “This is Jean-Loup Dabadie who taught me [his death, editor’s note]. I was in Venice, he was crying to me announcing it, I was dry, I had no more tears. I had more in stock. I went to his funeral with my wife today [Joëlle Bercot, editor’s note] who was holding me the hand. What do you want, I don désaime not. I loved my two women, I loved them differently.”

13:29 – “I am mourning the loss of several of the women,”

Guy Bedos has had several relationships in his life. However, it has also been marked by “the mourning of several women, some of whom were not my wives,” as he said himself, many of his companions being the parties before him. In 1967, the comedian was “fiance” to Françoise Dorléac, the sister of Catherine Deneuve, died in 1967 as a result of a car accident. In 2011, in an interview in Liberation, the artist evokes the memory of the talented actress : “I had a fiancée, Françoise Dorléac. Since his death, I can no longer pass in front of the Louvre without seeing it”. He wife then, Karen Blanguernon, who suicidera in 1996 at the age of 61 years. “As she was very beautiful, she did not want to grow up”, comment on Guy Bedos on the set of you and me in 2016.

12:57 – France 3 disrupts its programming to pay tribute to Guy Bedos

The strings timidly begin to bouscufirst day of their programmes to pay homage to Guy Bedos, who died on the 28th of may. This Friday evening, France 3 propose instead a show dedicated to Jean-Jacques Goldman a documentary on the comedian Guy Bedos in freedom. It will be to see it on the third string at 21h05.

12:15 – “I lose a brother” : the tribute shocking to Jean-Paul Belmondo

Jean-Paul Belmondo and Guy Bedos were friends of long dates. They met in the early 1950s, in Paris. A great friendship that has crossed the years, as The Professional testifies as to the Parisien : “After the successive deaths of Michael [Piccoli, ed.] and Jean-Loup [Dabadie, ed.], the death of Guy to me, heart breaks once more. He was my first friend in this business. He was 16 years old I was 17 and we had our heads full of dreams. In 1951, we were gone on tour with a theatre play “My friend the burglar” without money or organization, but with our sole carelessness. This was a total fiasco, but the beginning of a long and beautiful friendship. More than a friend, I lose a brother. I have a thought moved for his children and for his partner Joanne.”

11:49 – The rants famous (2/2)

Guy Bedos took regularly position against the right. However, he also criticized the left. He had particularly criticised Manuel Valls when he was Prime minister, saying that he “pèterait the mouth by the time” on the set of Canal+. He will share his beliefs several times on the boards tv, as he did when he defended the independence of corsica Yvan Colonna in 2015 in It is not lying : “Yvan Colonna is in prison to life imprisonment, and I am with other people in Corsica in particular, it was persuaded of his innocence” before tackling Nicolas Sarkozy : “Of his time, he had managed to make justice very obedient”.

11:13 – The rants famous (1/2)

Guy Bedos was an artist who had not his tongue in his pocket. Very committed, the comedian reacted regularly on the news and was not averse to pinning men and women policy. In 2013, during a gala against racism, Guy Bedos had said about Marine Le Pen that she was “the campaign of Hitler”. A phrase that earned him a trial, he has however won. In the same year, he deals with Nadine Morano of “bitch”, “bitch” and “slut” during one of his shows. Sued, the comedian will once again be relaxed.

10:42 – Guy Bedos died a few days after his friend Jean-Loup Dabadie

Guy Bedos died may 28, 2020, only a few days after his friend, Jean-Loup Dabadie, died 24 may 2020. The humorist and academician were friends and had worked together on several occasions. In particular, they have written to four hands the sketch of the dredge. Jean-Loup Dabadie was the godfather of the son of Guy Bedos, Nicolas.

10:16 – Kaamelott, A family like no other.. Guy Bedos on television

Theatre, film, and television, Guy Bedos was a prolific artist. On the small screen, viewers were able to recognize it in the show The green grapes in 1963. A few years later, in 1999, he played in the series franco-belgian Dear Marianne. It is also cast in A family like no other in 2005. More recently, he played the role of Anton, the peasant who adopted Arthur, in Book V of Kaamelott. Fans may remember this reply : “It drinks… he drinks… and increases the doses my little one” (episode 45 of book V).

09:48 – Of the criticisms which earned him a trial

Guy Bedos has not hesitated to pin to many times men and women political leaders in the course of his career. These attacks have sometimes been trial : during a show in October 2013, it has treated the mep Nadine Morano of “bitch”. The latter filed a complaint against the comedian, saying that there were “limits to humour.” Guy Bedos is, however, relaxed. In the same year, Guy Bedos is being prosecuted for slander after having declared that Marine Le Pen was “the campaign of Hitler”. Once again, the comedian is acquitted in 2016, because the correctional court of Paris believed that these words were to be prosecuted for libel, and not slander.

09:26 – His film roles

Guy Bedos made several appearances at the cinema in nearly 50 years of artistic career. But he will tell himself : “I have not the slightest bitterness towards a film that I would have overlooked it, only one regret, and also of the lucidity”, he acknowledged in the columns of the World. He is noted for his role of Simon in An elephant that misleads enormously and We will go all to heaven, he has also played in The Cheaters, The Corporal pinned, The Pistonné or even The ball of the pests.

09:12 – His comedy duo with Sophie Daumier

Before launching a solo, Guy Bedos form for nearly 10 years, a comedy duo with his wife, Sophie Daumier. On stage, they will be performing many skits that will allow the comedian to make themselves known to the general public : Cruising, Vacation Marraech or All of the sluts. They split up in 1974 to engage in solo projects. It is from this year that Guy Bedos will be more corrosive, criticizing the politics of the day and the men and women who are in his shows.

09:01 – Molière’s one-man show in 1990

he has made appearances at the cinema, Guy Bedos is especially shown on the boards, in the theatre or for his one-man show. It will be recognized by his peers for his comedy, since he won the 1990 Molière’s one-man show or a show of sketches for Guy Bedos in the Zenith.


Guy Bedos is a comedian, actor and screenwriter born on June 15, 1934 in Algiers. It is known for its comedy but also for his roles in films such as An elephant that misleads enormously and its sequel We’ll all be in paradise. He died may 28, 2020 at the age of 85 years.

Youth and vocation

Very young, it develops the desire to become an artist. When he arrived in Paris in 1949 with his family, he decides to leave the family house to sell books door to door. He enrolled at 17 years in the school of theatre of the rue Blanche. A few months later, he played Harlequin polished by love, a play by Marivaux. He then goes to the scenes in the cabaret. It is Jacques Prévert, who then encouraged to write skits and create a career stand-up comedian.

Its greatest skits

Guy Bedos began his career in 1965, with the sides of Barbara’s music hall. But it is beside Sophie Daumier as he started propelling his career comedian. Due to this duet, several sketches, such as The dredge or holiday in Marrakech. When the duo split up, Guy Bedos decided to go solo : he specializes in sketches of vitriol and its humoir hair scratch, often dealing with policy. One owes him in particular happy birthday Paulette, The phone Book, or even Vote. He gave his last one-man show to the Olympia in 2013, after nearly 50 years of career.

The women in his life

Guy Bedos has had three wives in his life. He was first married to the actress and novelist Karen Blanguernon. To this union was born his eldest daughter, Leslie. After the separation of the couple, the comedian married his partner of scene, the actress and comedian Sophie Daumier in 1965. The couple had a daughter, Mélanie, in 1977. Guy Bedos also adopts the son of his partner, Philippe, who died in 2010 of Huntington’s disease. Sophie Daumier and Guy Bedos disbanded in 1977 after ten years of relationship. He married the year after, Joëlle Bercot, who gives him two children : Nicolas Bedos, and a last daughter, Victoria.

Her children

Guy Bedos has been married three times and had five children with his various wives. With Karen Blanguemon, he had a daughter, Leslie, in 1957. Of her union with Sophie Daumier were born two children : Mélanie in 1977, and Philip was born in 1974 and passed away in 2010 of Huntington’s disease. Finally, with Joëlle Bercot, Guy Bedos has had two children : Nicolas, born in 1979 and Victoria in 1983.

His son, Nicolas Bedos