Spain announced that it would reopen its borders to tourists from the month of July. You are planning to come to Barcelona, Madrid or the Canary islands this summer ? Find the device in place in the country to boost tourism while restricting the spread of the coronavirus.

Summary Border Quarantine Conditions Ranges Had

With more than 235 000 cases of coronavirus and 27 000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, Spain is among the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus. After many weeks of confinement, the country is déconfine gradually. The schools will remain closed until September, but the Spanish Prime minister, Pedro Sanchez, has announced the reopening of the borders to tourists in the beginning of July. In Madrid and Barcelona, the terraces of bars and restaurants re-opened little by little and it is now possible to assemble a maximum of 10 people. The inhabitants of the two cities most affected by the pandemic are among the last of Spain to be launched on Monday a déconfinement by phases that must be spread until the end of June-beginning of July. In fact, more than half of the country is already spent in the second phase since Monday, it is possible to swim, sunbathe or stroll on the beaches in these areas, with rules laid down by each municipal council. If you are planning a vacation in Spain this summer, you should know that the measurements are not the same everywhere in the country and your holiday will be subject to rules that are more or less strict social distancing.

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Spain as you have never seen it

on what date did Spain she will re-open its borders ?

the preferred Destination of the French holiday, Spain has announced that it will reopen its borders for tourists this summer. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime minister, has said on this subject : “I announce to you that from the month of July, the entry of foreign tourists in Spain will be resumed safely. The foreign tourists can therefore plan now for their vacation in our country. We will ensure that tourists are not at risk and that they do not risk to our country”. From the 22nd of June, the government of Madrid will put in place a “corridors of safety” to link the regions of Spain that are passed to the phase 3 of the déconfinement to some european cities.

Spain will impose a quarantine to foreign tourists this summer ?

Good news, the quarantine imposed on the foreign tourists arriving in Spain will be lifted on 1 July 2020. For the moment, the Spanish government imposed a quarantine of 14 days to all persons of Spanish or foreign inbound in Spain to avoid the import of new cases of coronavirus during the déconfinement progressive in the country.

What are the measures of social distancing implemented in Spain ?

If Spain has announced that it will reopen its borders to foreign tourists from the month of July, hygiene measures and social distancing will be to comply with during your summer vacation. For the moment, the port of the mask remains mandatory in public transport and in public places where it is not possible to keep a safety distance of 2 meters. In addition, all of Spain is not housed in the same boat with respect to the plan of the government of so-called “de-escalation”. This Monday, may 25, many provinces are entries in phase 2, the equivalent accurate daily La Vanguardia “of 47 % of the population, or 22 million inhabitants”. Frequenting bars and restaurants is limited to 40% of the maximum capacity of the establishment. It would be compulsory to take place on a table, sufficiently distanced from others, the consumption at the counter is prohibited.

The beaches will be open in Spain this summer ?

The beaches of the Balearic islands and the Canary islands, the Atlantic and a large part of Andalusia have reopened to bathing, always with strict security measures. The ministry of Health recommends limiting the number of visitors to the beaches, to delineate spaces for each group and spacing the umbrellas of 4 metres. The list of open beaches in Spain and the measures of security and social distancing should be changing in June to the reopening of the borders to foreign tourists in early July.

The airports have reopened, with what companies from Spain this summer ?