Where to go in July-August in France or Europe this summer ? What are the beaches that are going to reopen it ? We will be focusing on the ads of Edouard Philippe and it will be possible to do or not during the summer vacation while the borders outside of Europe remain closed.

Summary Dates Travel 100km Beaches closed Where from Other countries

[updated may 25, 2020 at 10h46] The days continue to lengthen, the sun is nice, and a good number of French people are in full organization of the major family vacation, in couple or between friends in reference to the progressive reopening of the borders in Europe and the departure on holiday of the French this summer the prevailing message for the moment on the subject of holidays abroad continues to be that of Emmanuel Macron. In early may, the president of the Republic has announced the limitation “of international travel”. “He had said on this subject : “We will remain among Europeans. May be, as a function of the epidemic, it will even reduce a little more.” Tuesday 19 may, the minister of foreign Affairs has confirmed these remarks at the microphone of LCI. The Schengen border are closed to non-Europeans and the access to the French territory is subject to restrictions. “Those are closed and will remain closed. […] A country outside Europe may not return”. Jean-Yves Le Drian also announced that France had put in place a quatorzaine on a “voluntary basis” since may 20, for travelers arriving from a country outside the EU. This measure concerns the French always abroad who wish to return home and is put in place “to protect themselves and their loved ones.”

the First destination of the French, for the holiday, Spain has announced this weekend that it will reopen its borders for tourists this summer. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish Prime minister, has said in this meaning : “I announce to you that from the month of July, the entry of foreign tourists in Spain will be resumed safely. The foreign tourists can therefore plan now for their vacation in our country. We will ensure that tourists are not at risk and that they do not risk to our country”. To boost tourism, the Italian government will also re-open its borders to european citizens as of the 3rd June. It also nullifies the mandatory quarantine for foreign visitors in the peninsula. Austria and Germany have already made plans to recover from the 15 June to the free movement across the common border. This flexibility will allow the business trips and family visits.

What are the dates of summer vacation in the year 2020 ?

During the school year 2019-2020, the summer holidays will begin on Saturday 4 July 2020 after the class for all the students of primary, middle and high school. Jean-Michel Blanquer has insured on BFMTV that the dates of the summer holiday would be unchanged. The start of the school year 2020-2021 is scheduled for Tuesday 1 September.

travel will they always be limited to 100 miles this summer ?

For those located in the departments “green” on the map of the déconfinement, the new rules should allow to circulate more freely, within the limit of 100 km around his home. But until when these trips will be limited around your home ? The state of public health emergency has been extended until 24 July, it may well be that this rule of 100 kilometers to be in force until that date.

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What to see within 100 kilometres of large cities ?

beaches be closed this summer ?

The course of summer vacation remains uncertain. If the French capita to less than one hundred miles from the sea may have the urge to go relax on the beach at the time of the déconfinement and this was the overall, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne warns that restrictions may be put in place : “The mode of employment of the beach is to find. We have not been able to be piled up on the beaches as before.” In the speech of déconfinement, Christophe Castaner, explained that “the general rule remains the closure of the beaches, but the prefect can authorize the access to the beaches, lakes and water sports centers on the requests of the mayors”.

the Four beaches of the Loire-Atlantic region are once again accessible from the may 12, from 8am to 21h. It is that of the commune of Saint-Nazaire, La Baule, Pornichet and Saint-Brevin, says Ouest-France. In the Morbihan, Finistère and Côtes-d’armor, the reopening of the beaches is made gradually on the weekend of may 15, as on the basque coast and to Nice. In Corsica and in the Bouches-du-Rhône, it will be necessary to wait until the end of the month of may.

Where to go during the summer holidays ?

because of the crisis of the sars coronavirus, the summer holiday 2020 could therefore be synonyms starting in Brittany, on the Côte d’azur, the Atlantic Coast, alpine mountains, auvergne, the jura or the pyrenees or just at the green in the absence of major trips. In the folder below, we give you our best ideas to stay in the different regions of france, whether you are with family, friends, solo or as a couple :

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Holiday in France 2020 : where to go this summer, what about campsites ?

If you are already 2021, be aware that the holiday of st&comyou; are the favourite period of the French for a trip. If a good majority of them opt for a vacation in france, other are typically enjoyed these two months of summer holidays to fly to destinations around the headlights, or more atypical, according to their desires and their budget. Less than three hours of flight, the southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece) promises a change of scenery and an ideal climate for the season if the borders are reopened prior to this summer.

Where to go in July – August : the best summer destinations

Be the full of ideas for a vacation this summer. Here are some of the top destinations where to go during the months of July and August.

What are the dates of summer holidays in the other countries of Europe ?