The survey Coronavirus, University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen) is now in its tenth week and has for the first time a chapter devoted to children. Moreover, it is clear from the data gathered so far that over half of the people who contracted the Covid-19 are likely to have been contaminated at work.

Read also the Evolution of the spread of the virus: the curves are flattening out (infographics)

This survey has a large scale ambition to study the impact of the crisis and sanitary measures around the coronavirus. Many issues come back week after week in order to be able to draw an evolution. It is, in addition, each time focusing on a particular aspect, based on the news. This week, the survey offers a separate questionnaire for under 12 years of age. “Many decisions are taken without children to be consulted,” explains the researcher Koen Pepermans. “We would like now to know their opinion on some things : what was the most missed in these times of quarantine ? With whom have they maintained contact ? What have they liked and less appreciated during these last few weeks ? “