Next week begins the compensation of 262.500 diesel customers. The consumer thinks it’s good that consumers have a choice.

for this car, compensation is now due. Photo: Reuters

BERLIN taz | Starting next Friday, the 20. March, can get a VW diesel owner compensation for your vehicle. Then the processing of the car group and the Federation of German consumer’s headquarters (vzbv) negotiated settlement begins. The consumers have for the approval for a month. And up to 20. April.

At the “diesel-gate”scandal was flown in 2015, that VW had installed in its diesel engines, an illegal manipulation software, which is corrected in the case of an exhaust gas check the values down. In daily use, the motors, however, they encountered well above the limit values of exhaust gas quantities.

In the next week letters will be sent out to a total of 328.500 consumers who had registered in the claim register of the Federal office of justice. VW only lasts 262.500 for comparison entitled. Depending on the model and age of your car, with a engine of the series EA189 you will have to pay the large group between 1,350 and 6.257 Euro. Consumers who have purchased Diesel before 2008 or after 2015, or your residence at this time abroad, however, empty. The letters will contain registration data, from the 20. To register in March on the dedicated Online Portal.

There you’ll be able to see whether and which settlement offer VW makes them for your diesel vehicle. To conclude the contract, must answer the consumer’s questions to your car and a Scan of the registration certificate II upload. Similarly, the account data must be entered. For Victims who do not want legal advice, does VW costs of up to 190 euros net. But this is true only for the case that you agree to the comparison.

Those who decide after the consultation for a single suit, not get reimbursed for these costs. For consumers who do not want to complete the comparison online, will set up a phone line. Then the relevant documents would be sent by Post. For disputes of an independent Ombudsman’s office will engaged.

Even after consent in the comparison*is left to the consumer a withdrawal period of two weeks. According to VW, the compensation payments to be made no later than 12 weeks after the end of the deadline on 20. April be completed.

Ronny Jahn from the vzbv, said that the comparison is worthwhile, especially for those applicants who had made in the suit register, only a few, insufficient information. For those a subsequent single would be action difficult to achieve. Each consumer must decide for themselves whether he is taking the risk and the first decision of the Supreme court is waiting, and then more money to sue for. The pattern detection application is withdrawn by the comparison.

The comparison will give consumers the opportunity to a simple solution. The resolution of the comparison is to be reviewed, likewise, an auditor will check the VW average purchase price of the affected vehicles of 21,600 euros. If this is too low, would be adapted to the VW provided compensation in the sum of 830 million euros.

The diesel owners have after the execution of the comparison for half a year for a single claim, then the claim is time-barred. Those who want to call in their own claims to higher damages, will be looking forward to the 5. May have to wait, the Federal court of justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe, the first such case is to negotiate. The achieved comparison could pain VW financially is probably significantly less than it would have done thousands of individual complaints are possible in the basic judgment of the Supreme court.

On Friday, VW announced that the worldwide shipment of vehicles had decreased in February compared to the previous year by 24.6 percent, and in China alone by 74 percent. As the main reason for this uncertainty is seen by the Coronavirus. Although the biggest car company in the world had to pay for the diesel scandal, in the meantime, more than 30 billion euros in penalties, increased the income 2019 12.8 per cent to 13.3 billion euros.