the CDU and the SPD are not able to agree on new rules to Windradbau. Still threatens to stand. In addition to climate protection, it is also about jobs.

Protest against the wind-force-break-in on Thursday in front of the Chancellery photo: Gregor Fischer/dpa

BERLIN taz | to find That the government failed parties because an agreement on the future Expansion of wind power in the country, has made in the Renewables sector and Opposition for outrage. “I can’t believe it’s real. It comes to tens of thousands of jobs, Innovation, climate change, and to trust in politics,“ said Simone Peter, President of the Federal Association of Erneuebare energies. “What are the delaying tactics, the most important climate-protection industry should be?”

For the FEDERAL government, the Chairman Olaf Bandt, said: “Despite the urgency of the expansion of Renewable climate protection and sustainable energy transition in the government seem to have a low priority; the Left-climate expert Lorenz Gösta Beutin spoke of a “climate tragedy”.

On Thursday, should be found in a Federal-state summit in the Chancellery actually a solution for the since months of ongoing dispute, like the broken wind power Development in Germany can be accelerated. However, after the Bundestag parliamentary groups of the CDU and the SPD were not able to agree on the previous day, deleted the theme, this really should be the focus of the meeting, short-hand completely from the agenda. Instead, the conflict should be solved now in a new working group of the Federation and the länder.

in Order to reach the German climate targets needs to be accelerated, the Expansion of wind turbines and solar systems. In reality, the opposite is happening, the wind power currently far fewer plants are built as planned, because the municipalities are not delayed enough land cards, and many of the projects by lawsuits, or even prevented.

Still there is the Union, a new, nationally applicable minimum distance of 1,000 metres from wind turbines staff to introduce residential houses – with the Argument that the acceptance of wind parks would rise. The SPD rejects this, because calculations have shown that the land available for wind wheels rod in such a minimum would not be sufficient. A compromise proposal of the Ministry of economy, according to which the länder would have to actively decide on such a minimum, if you want him, joined in the Union group, on the rejection.

in addition to the wind power, the lack of agreement threatens the further Expansion of solar energy. Because, according to current law, the new solar installations may only be funded up to a total of 52 gigawatts of power are achieved. On the abolition of this so-called solar cover, the Grand coalition had agreed in the fall in your climate protection program in principle. To implement the Union of this decision, but only together with the new regulation for wind energy.

Where the time is of the essence: at The end of last year, solar installations were installed with a capacity of nearly 50 gigawatts; the lid is achieved so that in a few months. Due to the unclear legal situation, there is, according to the industry, already in trouble for the financing of new solar installations. “It is fatal that the solar energy from a purely political-strategic considerations will be taken of some of the representatives from the so-called economic wing of the CDU/CSU hostage,” commented Sebastian Sladek from the green electricity provider, electricity works of Schönau.

In the case of wind power, in addition to the lack of space as a Problem that there is barely smaller civil projects are implemented, because they shy away from the risk, costs to anticipate, if it is not clear whether your wind Park in the tenders comes at the end of the course.

This could change the Federal government easily, by taking advantage of one of the EU special scheme provided for smaller wind farms with up to six wind turbines, says the Green MEP Sven Giegold. “This is a wise exception, which would bring the Expansion of wind power in small dimensions,” says Giegold. “Germany is going on here without any Hardship more restrictive than the EU law requires.”