Since the year 2005, the inequality variable in the available household income on an almost unchanged level. The one on Sunday presented a study of the employer middle Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Cologne. After that, it is in the year 2017 also not significantly higher than in 2009. Also, the distribution of net assets set out as remarkably stable.
Every German has in section 233.000 Euro net assets
is a counted asset To the net the actual assets, so the value of houses, cars and shares, minus debts and mortgages. The distribution of the net assets of the IW is that in Germany since the mid-2000s stable. On average, the German-owned assets accordingly, in the year of 2017, some 233,000 euros net. The household, stood in the middle of the distribution of wealth, had come to net assets of 70.800 Euro. Of an ever-increasing unequal distribution of net assets cannot be said to be in view of the data despite the uncertainty of Estimates currently.
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To many low-income earners in the East, and among migrants
“Given the societal challenges of the last few years, this is considered a success,” write the IW researcher. Critically, the relatively high low-income rates in East Germany and the people with a migration background
The distribution of income and wealth in Germany, as is the more there is for years, different views. As a largely uncontroversial is that, by 2005, inequality had increased. Over the following years, dissent prevails against it.
So, for example, the economic and Social research Institute (WSI) was determined, the Union-affiliated Hans-Böckler-Stiftung in the autumn of 2019, the study submitted that the gap had opened between the Wealthy and the lower income groups in the past few years. Other Economists, such as the IW to say, however, that have stabilized the level to a large extent.
Real income between 1991 and 2017, by 20 percent
increased According to the IW study, the real household income between 1991 and 2017 have increased by an average of 20 percent. At this value, the Inflation is taken out. At the latest since 2013, as well as all income groups have benefited. Alone between 2013 and 2017, the average and median real household income had risen by about seven and nine percent. But also the bottom 20 per cent would have accounted for real income growth. As household disposable income is the money that can actually be every month.
Gini expresses the coefficient of the degree of inequality
The General inequality level is measured with the so-called Gini-coefficient. This takes values between “0” and “1” where “0” means that all have the same; with a value of “1” has a single Person everything. Since the year 2005 the inequality of income according to the IW relatively constant at a comparatively low of 0.29 points, and, although the immigration of Refugees reflected in the data.
Since 2013, income grow in the lower and mid-range
Between 2009 and 2017, the IW study shows that about 60 percent of the people from the lowest income group, the rise to the top managed. “Since the year of 2013, we observe relatively large increases in income, especially in the lower and middle area”, said the IW-distribution expert Maximilian Stockhausen.
There is, however, more action is needed: 16 per cent of people were at risk of relative income poverty, meaning that they were less than 60 per cent of the median income: “The value has changed in the past few years, hardly more,” it says. In the case of the low-income rate, large differences between East and West and even greater between people with and without migration background were. Furthermore, acquisition formed – and unemployment, by far the largest low-income risk.
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Economists Piketty proposes: state. any citizen of 120,000 euros to give
A radical proposal comes from the left thinkers and Economists Thomas Piketty: He proposes, according to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”, that every adult to 25 The birthday of a state gift of 60 per cent of the average assets receives. That would be in Germany, reported to be € 120,000. With the money – a one-time Inheritance can pay for a property, something founded or training to be financed. The money should come from revenue from a wealth tax of up to 90 percent. Soon a new book by the bestselling author Piketty in English appears. Your tax return in 30 minutes
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