Why create a universal income activity (RUA)? Who will be able to perceive it? How will he work? From Wednesday 9 October until 20 November, the French are being asked – once again – to give their opinion on the future of the universal income activity. After the wide consultation launched in early September on the implementation of the public service of the insertion, it is this time to consult on the financial aspect, namely the creation of a single income that could be replaced from 2023, a part or all of the minimum benefits currently provided.
The RUA is one of the major reforms announced by the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, at the launch of its plan of fight against poverty in September 2018. A small revolution which affects 15 million people in France for an annual budget of 37 billion euros, and that the government has learned the lesson of the “yellow vests” does not intend to do without the main interested parties.

” READ ALSO: anti-poverty: to what is envisaged by the government

Christelle Dubos, State secretary to the minister of Solidarity, Agnès Buzyn, manoeuvring with Olivier Noblecourt, the inter-ministerial delegate to the prevention of and the fight against poverty, also states that the british authorities have stressed the importance of involving the population…. what they had, wrongly, not been done on the creation of a similar system in the uk. Thanks to the internet platform consultation-rua.gouv.fr the French government will thus avoid, at least, that pitfall.

A site, the six workshops and citizens ‘ juries

For the government, the fusion of all of the allocations meets three objectives: to fight against the non-use of allowances -this is the case for 30 per cent of RSA beneficiaries about advance Christelle Dubos -, to ensure that beneficiaries do not lose resources by taking up a job, and to restore the confidence of the French in their social system. Our reforms are designed to “the creation of the social protection in the Twenty-first century ,” says the minister.

” READ ALSO – The government launches its major reform of the social minima

The discussions on the contours of the future RUA began as early as the month of June 2019. All of the works from the meetings with the social partners, the associations involved in the fight against poverty, but also the local elected representatives and beneficiaries are available on the website of the consultation. A score of proposals on which all citizens are called to express themselves has also been developed. Objective: “ to provide a minimum of explanations about the intentions of this reform “, says Olivier Noblecourt. But all the French can also come and submit their own proposals on the site and submit it to the vote.
at the same time, six workshops* will be held in the region. Each will bring together a hundred people – half of which will be recipient of social minimum benefits – and will end with a debate open to the public. A citizen jury (15 persons) will finally come to a close the consultation. This will then be the time of the synthesis of all of the contributions collected on the internet and at workshops… before handing over a final report on the RUA. “ The 20 proposals supported by the French will be discussed, and the biggest contributors to the debate will be received “, promises Olivier Noblecourt. But if he says ” opened “, the government also recalls that it maintains its prerogatives of decision-making, while explaining its choice. The RUA should be the subject of a law partner with the public employment service, current to 2020.

* 14 October in Bordeaux, November 6 at Roubaix, November 15, at St. Stephen, November 19, at Besançon, 26 November at Chartres, and December 2 at Avignon .