The job creation step on the brakes the worse month of July since before the crisisEl cost of paralysis políticaCasi three out of every ten contracts lasting less than seven days

Only one out of every three contracts support to entrepreneurs survive in the present, that is to say, a 31,55% of the hires undefined endorsed under this figure, that was created after the labour reform in 2012 and that the socialists were repealed at the end of December as cash-poor and oppose this kind of incentive. A removal that was approved by royal decree on 28 December, after the fall of the unemployment rate below 15%.

According to data from the Ministry of Labour, the above-mentioned type of contract has generated 1,11 million hires in seven years, accounting for 9.5% of total of fixed-term contracts signed in this period which, however, barely a third are still alive.

so far this year, have been registered in the employment services 6.717 hires of the contract of support to entrepreneurs, which coleaban of the initialled at the end of 2018 and that contrast with the 149.559 the same period last year.

This decrease of the contract of support to entrepreneurs is the one that is behind the fall of 5% of the open-ended contract so far this year, as they explain from the Ministry of Labour. In the first six months of the year have been recorded 1,06 million hires fixed, 60.000 less than in the same period last year.

174.159 indefinite contracts in June

As explained by the secretary of State for Employment, Yolanda Valdeolivas, only in the past month of June the s e signed 174.159 permanent contracts, 9% less in the same month last year, something that he attributed to the correction of the effect estadístisco that resulted in the computation of the contract of support to entrepreneurs in June 2018.

So, “discounting this effect, the permanent contracts increased by 4.7%,” said Valdeolivas, “what that allows us to affirm that it does not break the growth trend of mild and sustained” of employment permanent, that is they have three out of every four workers, according to reveal the data of the economically Active Population Survey (EPA).

2018, the maximum number of contracts

Since the PP Government created the contract of support to entrepreneurs with the labour reform of 2012, its growth was accelerating, from the 77.260 registered that first year, until you reach the maximum number of hires in 2018, with 290.567 , according to the data of SEPE.

This contract was allowed to companies with fewer than 50 workers to make a permanent contract of employment to full-time , with a trial period of a year of duration, that is to say, allowing the company to the withdrawal during that time without having to compensate the employee.

This feature of the contract of support to entrepreneurs has been criticized by the trade unions UGT and CCOO, who saw in this figure, an improper use, turning it into a temporary contract with dismissal free.

The short survival of the indefinite contract has been demonstrated also in a report by CCOO, which shows that only 63% of permanent contracts signed in 2018, survived the end of the year , a rate that is reduced to 50 % if account is taken of the initialled in 2017. That is to say, that half of permanent contracts to support entrepreneurs not still active two years after being signed.

the report of The union has explained that, in order for employment indefinite “survives” to the end of the year , would have been required to sign 1,6 indefinite contracts in 2018, when before the labor reform it was enough to sign a 1.1 contracts.