Jesus, Rivers, tourist mexican 71-year-old, whose body was found on Tuesday after spending 12 days disappeared in the pyrenees of huesca province, died the day he disappeared, -3 August— of a cardiac arrest, according to sources close to the family citing the results of the autopsy. The corpse, which was transferred by helicopter to the deposit of Boltaña, was hiding in the bushes. According to these sources, Rivers dropped to the undergrowth after suffering the attack; what has hampered the search. Rivers took a month out to walk through the area between 7.30 am and 8.00 am from Saw, the village where he was staying with his wife at the home of her daughter. I used to return at around 9.30, but did not return, which alerted his family.

it Was his son-in-law, Daniel Benedict, who came upon the lifeless body of the Rivers in the peak Nabain, in the municipal term of Fiscal (Huesca, spain), three kilometres of Morillo de San Pietro. This is the village in which he was last seen. According to the Civil Guard, Rivers, who had a good health and fitness, asked a shepherd for the best route back to Saw. The villager offered him two alternatives: “a short and another long”. From that moment he lost the track. Out of the house with black pants with patterned green leaves, a water bottle and the mobile phone, although without the SIM card, already had it disabled to be abroad. Benito had the “gut feeling” that your son-in-law could have chosen a path that winds up from Morillo, that’s why he left to search the area that the Civil Guard and other volunteers, styled their hair, as featured in a press release.

the family of The deceased wanted to thank you for your commitment to all the people who helped in the search. “We want to thank all the effort made, to those who have supported in any way, with direct help, meditating, praying… Have been very difficult days, a lot of uncertainty and you would want to keep now the peace of mind that we need”, said through a press release.

Rivers, who was a merchant of furniture and household equipment household, came to Spain with his wife on the 12th of June to do some sightseeing. From a month ago was in the home of his daughter, in Saw, where you practice yoga retreats and meditation. They planned to return to Mexico next September 9.

in Addition to his son-in-law, in the work of the search has involved more than 500 people, the majority staff of the Civil Guard of the Group Mountain Rescue from several neighboring towns like Jaca, Panticosa or Huesca. They also joined last Sunday, six mountaineers professionals who arrived last week from Mexico and that mobilized the family of Rivers.