CHART See here for the top 500 universities in the world according to the ‘ranking’ of Shanghai

The expected ranking of universities Shanghai 2019, focused on excellence in research and waited for the campus from all over the world with disguised interest, has been published this Thursday. The influence of this classification —excessive in the opinion of many experts— is beyond all doubt, because it conditions the policy of the Governments (the campus of excellence in Spanish, for example), and determines the awarding of many scholarships. Spain has reasons to rejoice, in moderation, because 13 Spanish centers are positioned on this occasion, among the top 500, compared to 10 last year. Since the inception of the list in 2003 —to choose the fate of chinese scientists are on scholarship abroad— has only reached this figure in 2015.

In the ranking of Shanghai or ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities, its acronym in English), the campus is ordered by stripes from the number 100. The University of Barcelona is the only Spanish between positions 150 and 200 (returned to this position for the past year); the Autonomous of Barcelona, Complutense, Granada and Valencia are located between the 200 and the 300; the Autonomous of Madrid and the Pompeu Fabra university, between 300 and 400, and the Polytechnic of Valencia, Oviedo, Seville, spain, Balearic islands, Basque Country and Zaragoza, between the 400 and the 500. [Here you can see the entire list].

Positions, despite this positive data, which are very far away from the glory. Seventeen of the 20 best universities in the world, according to the ranking, are in the united States, which continues to demonstrate its hegemony with Harvard and Stanford in the first positions. In this olympus of twenty are filter three british institutions: Cambridge, Oxford and University College of London. All institutions are very strong and have a huge public and private financing, to years light of a public campus Spanish. In a student of Harvard, for example, will invest a year to 150,000 euros, compared to 7,000 in Spain.

“can Not compare. In Harvard or you are very clever or you have to pay a tuition of between 50,000 and 75,000 dollars a year, while here we are talking of a first tuition-free,” says José Manuel Pingarrón, secretary general of Universities in functions. “The fact I like the most about the ranking is that almost the entire public university system, Spanish is within, and that means you send your child to a quality university. The united states, in contrast, has 3,000 universities bad”, underlines Pingarrón. Spain has 47 public universities that offer degree face-to-face and of them, 38 are among the 1,000 best campus, according to ARWU. In addition, in this thousand there is only a single private university, the of Navarre, because in the wrong hands is neglected the research and knowledge transfer. “It is a mantra that the public University is bad. Could be better, but it is a consolidated system,” says Pingarrón.


Thirteen Spanish universities make the top 500 on the world ranking

To lack of funding, no principal Spanish aims to join the top hundred, although they do want to climb positions. Remember that it is not easy to make progress with a trim financial of 9,500 million euros in eight years (2010 to 2018). So the University went on to represent 2.15% of public spending to 1.6% in that period. Slows down the progress Spanish is also a strong inbreeding (73% of the teachers taught class where he received his doctorate), a template looks very aged and a young precarised, and a lack of resources has forced the research groups to look for international funds.

“What we are seeing is the great effort that they are making the universities to be more competitive in the field of research, despite having budgets are as lean as we have,” says Josep Ros, acting rector of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, who has climbed a rung in the standings. “Is encouraged with a plan of talent acquisition, the office of international projects efficiently… and I think that has to be reflected somehow in the rankings. I this separated from the budgets, which have been carried over and are insufficient”.

“This ranking is valued to the authors, who are among the 1% most cited in their specialty and, in the case of the University of Valencia, has happened in a year not to appear none appear four. That’s why I expected a jump, but not so great one, because it involved what you do and what others are doing”, explains Joaquín Aldás, vice president of Strategies and Quality of the campus valencia, who has climbed two rungs, the range of 400-500 to 200-300. “Shanghai favors the universities of a certain size, because it takes into account the number of articles and authors, and the larger this is, the easier it is to reach those levels,” continues Aldás, expert ratings.

ARWU, therefore, penalizes universities deliberately small in size, such as the Pompeu Fabra university or the Carlos III of Madrid, which, however, are very productive, elitist in the student body and prestigious, leading the national rankings are produced in Spain. Shanghai post also the Nobel prizes or the medals Fields earned by former students, and includes a macroencuesta of opinion. A methodology that is very criticized from the European Commission, which launched in 2014 its own listing, which takes more account of teaching.


The 30 percent of college students cannot find a job four years after graduating from The University suffers a crop of 9,500 million in eight years, The science takes off in the University in spite of the smaller business support The best specialties Spanish university, according to the ranking of Shanghai ARWU 2018: Ten Spanish universities among the 500 best in the world

Pilar Aranda, vice chancellor of the University of Granada, welcomes greatly the data, “are a success,” she says, after an academic course in which, after the case of Master, the Spanish public universities have been a weapon in the hands of politicians. “We went from having three or four fellows in a laboratory to none and that had its impact. My university requires at least 10% of funding to keep up,” she says, although it looks impossible to compete to attract foreign talent with salaries less attractive in the international market and highly appraised by the Administration. “That’s why we need a new Law of Universities,” recalls Aranda, who has participated in talks with the Government. ”Each time it is a scenario more competitive. China every time bid more, also India, the countries of the middle East…” lists.

Its counterpart in Seville, José Ángel Castro, with which Grenada shares many research projects, celebrate your university to re-enter the half a thousand of centers. ”The system has made a great effort to improve the quantity and amount of the research. In our case, in four years we have doubled the funding and funding that has impacted the scientific publications. We encourage our groups to publish in the best journals, Science or Nature, recognizing their work when they get it with a solemn act and a grant of 15,000 euros to continue to investigate. There is a plan of attracting talent with individualized strategies of a consultant for the research groups to be effective,” continues Castro, professor of Inorganic Chemistry. In this way, Sevilla has managed to have two authors among the 1% highly cited and has been reflected in Shanghai.

“The Spanish system has to be proud of. Germany spends the 2,94% of its GDP in R & D, and if one compares it with the 1,19% of Spain, the merit is large. There is that trust in our system and create a multi-year plan of funding that gives stability,” Castro continues. The socialist Government proposes a change in the system and proposes that the universities receive a fixed amount for its current expenses, a variable in function of the objectives and a to unique needs such as the maintenance of historic heritage. “We put the case, and then the autonomous communities have to put the content, the funds”, accurate, Pingarrón. The Catalan model that so good results has given.