The premium-to-conversion is one of the flagship measures of the budget 2019. To meet the wrath of the “yellow vests”, the government had reviewed in the beginning of the year the device in depth, focusing more towards the lowest incomes. At its second general policy statement in the national Assembly, last June 12, the prime minister Edouard Philippe has announced that a million families would be now affected by the premium conversion version 2019. However, on 5 July, Elizabeth Terminal, the minister in charge of Transport, has announced that it wants to return to the conditions of the bonus. This will be done as of August 1, 2019. Mode of employment, amount and beneficiaries: Le Figaro is the point on the device.

” READ ALSO – Towards a new aid in the purchase of a car for the less affluent.

• what is this premium?

This financial support aims to encourage French citizens to exchange their old vehicle against a model that is less energy efcient. Ultimate goal: to renew the fleet of French and respond to environmental issues. If you intend to change your car this year for a model that is less polluting, nine or of occasion, the premium to the conversion you will then be paid against the scrappage of your old vehicle.

● What is the amount of the premium to the conversion?

the amount of the premium does not vary more depending on whether the home is taxable or not. Now, it applies to households according to the income tax reference more or less 13.459 euros. The schedule is largely modified by the decree: the award of 1000 euros for the households whose income tax reference unit is less than 13 489 € passes € 2,500 for the purchase of a vehicle fuel Crit’Air or a GPL-nine or of occasion, and keeps up to 2500 euros for a new electric or plug-in hybrid nine boasting a battery life of at least 40km.

the amount of the premium is doubled from the 1st of January for the French households, the most poor, but the amount of the premium reduction. It goes to 3000 euros for the purchase of a thermal vehicle, new or used, and 5000 euros for an electric or plug-in hybrid, new or used.

note that for the purchase of two-wheelers, three-wheelers or quadricycles, electric nine, the premium amounts to 100 euros for a household with taxable and 1100 euros for a household non-taxable.

● That is, in practical terms the beneficiaries of the premium to the conversion?

The beneficiaries of this additional support from the State are the 20% of French households by the most modest households (households having received an income tax reference less than or equal to 6300 euros per share. Are concerned nearly 5.8 million French. The employees non-taxable, killing more than 60 kilometres per day to get to work are also affected by this double premium, or about 100,000 people. A certificate from your employer will be required to prove the length of your trip, and the paperwork must be done online.

One of the new features on August 1, households in the bottom five deciles and legal persons are no longer eligible for premium conversion for vehicles that are purchased classified into Crit’air 1 and households in the first five deciles are not eligible for the premium conversion for vehicles that are purchased classified into Crit’air 2, and registered before September 1, 2019.

● criteria hardened to the household taxable

Some unpleasant surprises waiting for households whose income tax reference exceeds 13.459 euros. The latter will no longer be able to benefit from this aid of the State for the purchase of a diesel engine with the thumbnail Crit’Air 2, that is, diesel vehicles Euro 5 and 6, put in service since 2011. Households taxed will now the premium only for the purchase of a vehicle gasoline Euro 5 and 6, placed in service since January 1, 2011, an electric vehicle or rechargeable hybrid.

● What types of vehicles are covered by the premium conversion?

The system put in place by the State focuses on the acquisition of a new or used vehicle, as a vehicle by hire-purchase. But novelty in August, the premium is for the purchase of a vehicle producing less than 117g of CO2 per km, thus excluding the number of large vehicles, yet taken into account in the past year. In addition, the vehicles of more than 60,000 (including all taxes) are no longer eligible for the premium conversion, which excludes the models, Tesla and Jaguar, among others, Elisabeth Terminal having insisted on the fact that “a number of uses that are not in the spirit of what we wanted”.

● What are the results to the premiums paid in 2018?

The device version 2018 of the premium to the conversion had been the victim of its own success, with almost 300,000 cases filed, including more than 70,000 who are still waiting in September last, and for the past few months, the payment of the premium. At the end of 2018,the minister of Ecology François de Rugy explained that these late payments were due to the fact that the government had relied “at the start on 100,000 requests per year,” and that they “had now been largely resolved”. The minister had also stated to have been “adapted the device to 2019 in order to pay the premiums more easily.” In the past year, the State had disbursed nearly 500 million euros to finance the premium to the conversion, and 70% of aid had been received by French households non-taxable. For 2019, the government has provided a budget of 600 million euros. This year, 220.000 records that have been filed at the end of June, which is the total of the previous year in a few months. That is why the government wished to amend its schedule of payment of the premiums.