Mala beads have taken the world by storm, and a lot more individuals are becoming interested in them and how to use them. They’re not just a unique and stunning fashion statement, after all – Malas, as they are also called, are used and have been used for centuries in the practice of meditation. But if you’re interested in Mala beads and are keen to know everything there is to know about them, one of your most important questions would probably be how to choose them. Choosing the right Mala beads takes on a further significance if you have an intention or a clear goal and would like to have a better meditation life. Here, then, is your essential guide to Mala beads – how to properly choose them.


A combination of intuition and intention


When it comes to choosing the proper Mala beads for you – whether you are looking for Mala rings, Mala necklaces, or Mala bracelets – you can make your best choice with a combination of intuition and intention. Your intuition – your gut feeling – will often come when you browse through a collection of Mala beads. In other words, you will know if a Mala is a good choice, usually when you look at it or see it for the first time. One surefire way of using your intuition when it comes to choosing Malas is by knowing which Mala attracts your attention first and if you just can’t forget that Mala, then that’s a good sign.


Another aspect is intention. You should choose your Mala based on your intention, but of course, you have to find out first what your real intention is. What do you want to create or have in your life? What are you working on right now in regard to your spiritual, emotional, or professional life? What are your challenges and weaknesses? Each Mala comes with a gemstone, and gemstones have specific meanings and energies as well. Find out what gemstones signify so you will know if they can help you achieve your intention. Aside from gemstones, Malas are made with special or sacred materials, which include rosewood, sandalwood, and Rudraksha seeds. These materials also have special significance and various properties as well.


The aesthetic aspects


Of course, you can also select Malas based on their aesthetic appeal. For instance, Malas come in different colors, and it’s also important for you to choose colors which attract you and which you are drawn to, as the experts say. Whatever your goal or intention is, it’s always good to surround yourself with beautiful things, and Mala beads are a great example of this.


In choosing a Mala based on color, think about what colors attract you. There are, of course, colors which are calming and therapeutic, and if you are drawn to those, then, by all means, follow your preference and intuition. Some aspects to consider when choosing a color is which colors are your favorite, which colors can give you a feeling of calm (or an energy boost), and what colors you like to wear.


The guru stones or central beads in Malas also come in different shapes, so consider the shape you are also attracted to; shapes can include nugget, pear, and oval. You can also go for a tassel, which symbolizes movement and flow.


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