The problem with society today is that we still have some misconceptions about mental illness and mental health, even though the dialogue towards this subject has already had some significant improvements in recent years. But more often than not, issues with one’s mental health can take a backseat to other, more pressing concerns related to our daily lives. But if someone is unwell or has difficulties dealing with or handling their emotions and feelings, help from a therapist can be undoubtedly beneficial.


Many people also believe that therapists are only for those who have truly significant mental health challenges, although the truth of the matter is that we can all benefit from an objective and unbiased listener once in a while. But therapists are not just there to listen to your problems – they can help you in other ways. Some of us also hesitate to seek help through therapy just because we have misconceptions about the practice. If you are thinking about going to a therapist but are unsure of what decision to make due to certain beliefs and conceptions, here’s a list of the top myths and misconceptions about therapists you should know.


Myth #1: therapists are similar to a ‘friend’ who can listen to you, except you have to pay them


If you think that your therapist is merely a ‘friend’ with the difference that you have to pay them a fee for listening to you, this is one of the most common misconceptions around. Therapists are highly educated and trained, and they can assess a person’s mental health and condition that ordinary individuals cannot do. Most of the therapists who practice therapy have around six years of solid educational background, and there are even some who have completed over a decade of education as well.


Myth #2: therapists will dictate to you what you can or cannot do


A good therapist will not be there to tell you what you can or cannot do, as confirmed by professionals in counseling Woodstock offers in Illinois from the Lodestone Center. They are not coaches; instead, they will work with you so you can take advantage of skills to live a better life and make better life decisions. Therapists will be there to help and encourage you, and they are there to empower you so you can be a more independent individual who is more aware of what they can achieve and overcome.


Myth #3: therapists can guess what you are thinking


This may sound silly, but it’s true, nevertheless. Some individuals assume that a therapist will know what they are thinking even if they don’t say a word. But therapists are not mind readers, nor are they mentalists. They will not try to guess what you have in mind, and they will not analyze your feelings and emotions just because they can. If you have sessions with a good therapist, they will listen to you and will be sincerely interested in what you want and have to say because they are trying to help and guide you. A therapist will not judge you or what you think, and they are not your prosecutor or interrogator, either.


Therapists today play a different role from when the practice of therapy first started. Therapists now focus more on treating their actual clients and not just their clients’ symptoms, and they have an approach which is more integrated, teaching clients various skills as well as helping them explore and resolve their mindsets and behaviors.


Authored by Clinical Staff Contributor


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