You will know that you are getting old if you start looking at your hands and they are already wrinkly. It might be frustrating, but there is nothing you can do to fight the adverse effects of time. You become wiser as you age, but your physical appearance starts to look terrible. 

You will not have wrinkled hands though if you learn how to take care of them. Identifying what could cause the problem is essential in maintaining smooth and young-looking hands. 

Excessive washing 

It is advisable that you wash your hands regularly. Thoroughly clean them before eating or when you feel that they start to dry up. However, you need to be cautious not to wash them excessively. Washing can break down the elasticity of your skin and lead to wrinkles. 

Sun damage  

When exposed continuously to the sun, you might speed up the wrinkling of your hands. The sun could cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres. As your skin starts losing the fibres, it becomes saggy and wrinkly. 


When you are a smoker, and you have been doing it for quite some time, you are accelerating skin ageing. You will not only see wrinkles in your hands but also around your mouth, hands and neck. Smoking reduces the flow of blood to these areas. 

Ways to solve the problem 

If you are a chain smoker, you need to stop doing it now if you want to protect your hands. Apart from wrinkled hands, you will also suffer from other health issues. You also need to avoid the sun if possible. When you are out for too long, try wearing gloves. 

To have wrinkle-free hands naturally, you can use lemon juice and sugar. You can create a scrub by mixing these two ingredients. They are useful in removing dark patches and age spots. They also help exfoliate dead skin cells and leave your hands smooth and soft. 

Milk is also an excellent way of removing dead skin cells. It is rich in antioxidants and could serve as a natural scrub. If you do not have milk at home, you can use banana or pineapple pulp. They contain vitamins and minerals to keep your hands looking young and healthy. Just apply the mixture on your hands before rinsing. It takes about 15-20 minutes to feel the full effect of the pulp. 

Another natural remedy is aloe vera. You might be familiar with it as an ingredient to make your hair smooth. Aside from your hair, it is also excellent in smoothening wrinkled hands. Cut the aloe vera leaf off and extract the gel by squeezing the leaf. Apply the gel in your hands and leave it there for up to 20 minutes. 

If all these natural remedies do not work, you can try Hand Rejuvenation. It is not a tough procedure, and it does not require deep incisions. It will also be over in no time. It works like magic on your skin and is worth the try. 








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