Many have written that Meghan Markle is pregnant, but you don’t get the queen of england to say.

US Weekly may, in fact, according to The Daily Star tell, that one of the English royal family considers the word ‘pregnant’ as vulgar.

If the queen speaks, she uses mostly the term ‘in family circumstances’ and in the official press release was not written, that the duchess Meghan was ‘pregnant’.

Who wrote one 15. October, when the good news was shared with the world, that the duchess ‘waiting child’. The 37-year-old duchess is set to give birth to the spring of next year.

“the Couple appreciate all the support they have received from people all over the world since their wedding in may, and are delighted to be able to share their happy news,” said a spokesman back in October.

in Addition, you were told that grandma, on the other hand, I am very to take care of his grandson,

“Mrs. Doria Ragland is very happy for the wonderful news, and she looks forward to welcoming his first grandchild,” it sounded far from the comforter.