Sondre Justad told in our “Lindmo” that he thinks he can be in love with both women and men. After he got the “friarbrev” on Instagram from both both women and men.

It has been a little “friarbrev” had over, but after the interview was it reviews get both ladies and men to treffast, he says to NRK.

Sondre Justad to be bisexual on the “Lindmo”. You need javascript to see the video.

Sondre Justad to be bisexual on the “Lindmo”.

Is not replying to all,

Justad telling about the “great love” and a great press on the internet after the interview with the NRK-profile Anne Lindmo.

Read more: Sondre Justad opens up about his own sexual orientation

He think it’s nice that people want to go on a date with him, but he has still not thanked yes to any of the “friarane” via Instagram.

I answered one part, but is not responding at all. To the seventh and the last is the most important thing for me to make music, write songs and think about the live show my. So it is fun to read some messages from people occasionally, says nordlendingen.

To be strong and vulnerable

– Why do you think people are you in this way after that you with the “Lindmo”?

I think there is a short supply in Norway and large parts of the world to talk about feelings and to be honest with one another. We are so afraid of what it can cause you to be vulnerable, especially men and boys.

Justad think that there is not any contrast, but that it hang together – to be vulnerable and strong at the same time.

When I sit on TV and talk about one’s feelings my, may see a man about on it as a invitation on a show. It is enjoyable. But it is more a invitation that we as a society should be better to express us, for we have much to go on, ” says Justad.

He has also received feedback from people who say that they know the same as he, without to be able to set the perfect words on it.

– It is not always that the things are so obvious or fall into a specific category. There must be room to recognize several things at the same time, ” says Justad.

Berg and dal-path

Justad has just escaped a fresh music video to the song “Not like the other”. The goal of the video was to document the berg – and dalbana it is to convey different feelings in each song through a concert, tell him.

– It is glorious to stand in the middle of a song and feel the rapture of being in love with, but then comes the next song, and when it’s over.

In the winter has the artist konsertpause, until festivalsesongen brakar go out again in the spring.

– Forward to plan what I should do on the live show, traveling and writing music.

Fresh music video from Sondre Justad. You need javascript to see the video.

Fresh music video from Sondre Justad.