The photojournalist of THE COUNTRY Paco Bridges has been awarded this Wednesday with the Andalusian Award of Journalism XXIII for his photograph of Desolation, an image that displays to an operator of the plan Infoca (the device for the Prevention and Extinction of Forest Fires in Andalucia) walking on land burned in Doñana after the fire —the largest recorded in Spain in 2017— that swept through 8 486 reportable hectares, 80% of them within this protected area of one of the most important natural areas of Europe.


Directors of newspapers against the false news National Prize to the sensual photography of Leopoldo Pomes

The jury of the twenty-third edition of these awards has highlighted the journalistic value of putting in a picture of the ecological disaster that was the fire of Doñana and the reflection of the struggle of man against nature. The photograph, according to the court, is the express recognition to the efforts of those who fought in conditions very risky against fire that threatened the greatest natural reserve of Europe.

The jury of Awards of Andalusia of Journalism gathered together in the Palace of San Telmo, also has awarded, in the form of Newspapers, the journalist and writer Eva Díaz Pérez for their work Google Time, published in the journal Andalusia in history. The jury highlighted the originality and “the excellent journalistic quality and literary, that rescues moments of the cultural past of Andalusia.”

In the paragraph Radio, the award has been for the program The Radioscopio, who leads the journalist Susana Escudero Martin on Radio Andalucia Information. This space has highlighted “the formal invoice and the ability to use high-quality formats in radio language”.

The program Accent Andalusian, Publications of the South and issued in Ondaluz TV, has won the award in the category of Television. The jury has valued the stake editorial by the structuring of Andalusia, a private group that, with this space, “maintains a debate daily with the participation of political actors, economic and social, and which forms a window, plural open to the reality” of the community.

In the mode of Internet, the prize has fallen into the web of is by the work Granada climbs to the metro, with which this journal held a special coverage of the implementation of this means of transport in the city. The jury awards “a clear example of journalism of proximity and public service, which uses all the digital tools and multimedia development available.”

The jury has been chaired by the secretary-general of the office of the Government spokesman, Juan Carlos Blanco de la Cruz, and has been integrated by Ana Trujillo García, journalist; Charo Jimenez Buiza, a journalist of Canal Sur Radio; Jesús Martínez Benito, delegate of Mediaset Andalusia; Juan Carlos Muñoz Sainz, photographer published by the Joly group; Beatriz Rodríguez Fernández, delegate of 20 Minutes in Andalusia, and Jesus Ollero Pascual, coordinator of the office of the Government spokesperson.