how Much it will cost to travel with a suitcase on Ryanair after price change

The Ministry of public works has decided to call to Ryanair to a meeting after a few days announced that will be by going up to cabin luggage of hand.

“The Ministry of @Fomentogob will meet with Ryanair to know your intention to collect hand luggage”, has informed minister José Luis Ábalos on his Twitter account. “It is a matter regulated at european level or by national law, so we must ensure ir compliance”. And y will, predictably, at a meeting in early September.

The organizations of consumers, as demonstrated at beginning of week against this decision and urged Government to take “measures” in subject line. The Consumer Organization (OCU) sent a letter to State Air Security Agency (Easa), dependent on Building, to pass on ir concern and dissatisfaction with new baggage policy of Ryanair. “in Breach of Law of Air Navigation, and in particular article 97”, has said. According to this article ” carrier shall be obliged to carry along with passengers, and within price of ticket, baggage weight limits, regardless of number of packages and volume, fixed by Regulations”.

For ir part, Facua-Consumers in Action is also considered abusive this as low-cost airline, irish will begin to apply on 1 November. Sees behind a “strategy of company to try to offset expenses that we have incurred compensation to passengers of last flight cancellations”.

For both associations that it would end up paying at end is passenger that will be hurt. However, Ryanair justifies its change of policy of luggage on need “to eliminate delays in shipments and flights”.

The european law in this regard is council Regulation (EC) 1008/2008 of European Parliament and of Council, under which airlines will set ir own prices and rates for intra-community air services.

Despite change, those who pay between 6 and 10 euros will have option of going on board this bag up to 10 kilograms, Ryanair in charge has left reduced to a small, personal bag that fits under seat in front.

The meeting will be between State Air Security Agency (Easa) and Ryanair,, but specific date is yet set. Examine if way that Ryanair wants to implement this new policy breaches small print of legislations.

Promotion is vigilant, especially because this is a highly regulated industry. There will be a “full legal analysis”, sources say internal, because on one hand european legislation -which imposes itself necessarily to Spanish – allows such freedom to companies to decide prices that y impose, but on or hand re is enough case law that dictates on right of users to luggage.
