Asking for Moon. As ir protagonists. And as The Mostra of Venice, which fio to your film opening to a boot space. However, Damien Chazelle has obtained rar a rough and bumpy landing on Earth. First Man (The first man), film about famous mission of Neil Armstrong and his two companions to history, has crashed as those first flights which were trial-and-error for success lunar Apollo 11 in 1969. “What is price?”, ask him to Armstrong in film, to curb his insistence on search for sky. But question would also be for Chazelle: filmmaker, a young prodigy of Hollywood, author of Whiplash and of The Land, he has left his comfort zone, made up of jazz and memoir, to launch into a broader territory and unknown. The cost was applause cold that shut down projection. For verdict of rooms, you will have to wait until October.

“My previous films dealt in personal experiences; this focuses on something that we all know and that had already happened when I was born. For my generation, it was a reality,” said Chazelle, 33 years old, in front of press. The first man, creator follows Armstrong from 1961 to most well-known of its existence, and mixing intimate portrait —a”documentary, family”, defined it— attempt to put viewer on board those rockets, cans, flyers dams of unexpected. Chilling, before that epic. “We wanted audience to feel like y, y were surprised with how little it looks from inside. We made landing, but managed to step-by-step, with costs in huge losses of lives,” said director.


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Even so, re is some point of contact with his filmography: Chazelle focuses on emotions of Armstrong, in passion that becomes obsession and who was guy who died in 2012 of which world knows name and achievement, but little more. The biggest difference with or works resides in lack of pace. Without jazz, Chazelle never find tempo that two years ago caught inauguration of The Mostra with The Land. “Damien has an incredible instinct for bringing people toger around a film,” said Ryan Gosling, in press conference. The gift, The first man, seems to fail. Gosling, however, was confirmed as a student prodigious: after playing piano, to The Land, this time directly taught to fly.

“We were interested in man, not icon. I don’t think that Neil was seen as a hero. She was humble and always moved attention to 400 people who made it possible for mission,” insisted filmmaker. To know, to read —among or things, novel of same name on which it is based, film, and met with former wife of Armstrong Janet, and ir sons, Mark and Rick. They discovered far silent and lonely, more skilled with numbers than with hugs, by looking to stars not seen her family’s life before ir eyes. “In job managing feelings that he could not control personal level”, he remarked Chazelle. The best summary in movie, maybe it’s his two lectures prior to trip. The press asks: “How do you feel when you know that you could set foot on Moon?”. “Satisfied” answer. On second occasion, Armstrong had to explain his mission to his children. He neir saw need, but obliged him his wife.

—Is it possible do not ever?, questioned one of children.


it is Difficult also to foresee fate of First Man (The first man). In recent years, Venice has become a second home for Hollywood, and a springboard to Oscar. But film doesn’t seem to have gas enough to travel size. And that ending gives order a certain magic. Although too late. The only big leap of mankind, this Wednesday, was to leave room.

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