The profits of ir shareholders go down with actions, but also those of ir executives in a month, have stopped earning 33.5 million with stock options that will be able to collect as of June, 2019

Ryanair faces a break wild at end of July that will affect 115,000 Spanish passengers per day

The pilots of Ryanair in Ireland call strike of 24 hours for next 12 of July

When you spend a time, Ryanair and its shareholders will remember summer of 2018 as a river down stream escaped ir profits. To August 15, airline lost already 17.1%of its Stock market value in less than a month. And ir managers were earning more 33.5 million euros with ir stock options only at that period that have been accumulated strikes.

The market capitalization of Ryanair on Nasdaq stood at mediating this month in 22.560 million (approximately 19.750 million). Less than 30 days before, on 18th of July, it was 27.230 million dollars, which represents a loss of 4.670 million.

Except for peaks in particular, actions of airline both in Bag north american and in Dublin -where is ir headquarters – y had a rhythm widespread ascent since 2012. This trend has been reversed in last month, especially in Europe.

The downs coincide with wave of strikes in your template in search of employment agreements and contracts tailored to local laws of countries where airline has bases of operations.

In fact, decline in its market value trading irish has gone almost unchecked since cited 18 July. That date, after not being able to be achieved no covenant with cabin crew (TCP), Ryanair published cancellation of 2,400 flights a day to day 25 and 26 by up to n largest strike in its history.

From 18 to 24 July, titles were released by a slide that ended up leaving m mired in 13,44 euros in day in which airline was faced with 48 hours of a strike for first time coaligaba to several european countries -Spain, Belgium, Portugal, and Italy-. Only one day before beginning of that crisis were worth 2,6 euros more.

Since announcement of strike of TCP, irish Stock exchange has punished Ryanair with majority of ir days in red.But two have stood out especially in losses intraday: 23 July (-1,02%) and 2 August (-1,29%).

The cabin crew of time not to have called more strikes. But yes y have done it, before, and after, pilots of Ryanair. Started irish with a couple of days of 24 hours in July and anor in August, until last day, 10 were joined by belgians, swedes, germans and Dutch. And it was on that day when Ryanair recorded your worst brand in Bag from October 11, 2016, when it fell to 11,32 eur. The stock closed at 12,98 euro.

by accommodating to decrease of profits of stock market are leaving remuneration complementary to shareholders. In addition, 10 principal officers of Ryanair -nine non-executive and ceo, Michael O’leary – have 15.9 million stock options that were granted in 2016, 2017 and 2018 at guaranteed prices of 2015 and 2016 of eur 6.25, 8,34 euros and 11,38 euros.

Of entry, although se options do not lose ir initial value, y have stopped adding. On 10th of July, when stock closed at 15,09 euro, worth 239,93 million, while day of last strike – 10 of August – reduced to 206,38 million. Therefore, side-effect of labor conflict that lives Ryanair has been ahead almost 14% of bonuses of se senior managers. This would especially to your ceo, owner of 15 million of se stock options.

The loss of gains seemed to have been planned. In last annual report of company O’leary already augured paros: “we Cannot rule out strikes occasional that may occur in summer of 2018, because we will not compromise our model of low rates or our efficiency”, said to his shareholders discarding a change of business model that will claim ir crews.

it Is a fact that entry of airline in existing models of european labour would increase ir costs. Already said so in a document dated a day after cancellations of flights of September 2017, International Federation of Transport Workers (ITF) and European Federation of Transport Workers (ETF). Were advised that analysts estimated a rise of up to 20% and it was fear to investors of Ryanair for sustainability of its “aggressive business model,”.

O’leary, as accountable to board and shareholders of profitability, argued in annual report that it had “made satisfactory progress in debates in union,” after recognition of organizations of pilots in Italy and United Kingdom, and crew members both in those two countries as in Germany. However, he acknowledged a “progress slower in smaller markets where some unions have made demands unreasonable that would damage our model of low fares”.

In terms of stock options, may be redeemed in most of cases as of June, 2019, and as cap in July 2022. It is just n when ends period of 10 years that EU gave to voluntary adoption of regulation 465 of 2012 which forces airlines to pay for social security of workers in ir countries, because “shall be deemed to be an activity performed in member State in which base”. And until n company would not be obliged to be folded to a standard that will not benefit.

But, for moment, without having produced such a capitulation to trade unions, of hand of those strikes planned has come to Ryanair for a higher price than expected. Especially if y are taken as a reference to or previous protests.

For example, as explained by ceo in annual report, cancellations of last September, which airline attributed to a failure of programming -when around 140 pilots left company-cost Ryanair a salary increase of “20% in agreements of five-year payment” to its drivers, in addition to replacement of “whole team”, responsible for such planning. However, suspension of those 2,000 flights did not gave a jolt as important to airline in markets.

Since great fall of August 10, action of low-cost is in a mild recovery.But your variation average annual price in stock market irish remains negative and round -27%. Only between 16th of July and 14th of this month, your action was left almost 14.8%.

In case of Nasdaq, maximum contribution of year marked by Ryanair is, for now, in 127,6 dollars and minimum in 94,5.

If re is no change that triggered action, it will be difficult for earnings to be this year’s initially projected by company and its officers when y presented last annual report. And that at margin both of costs of reputation that means a strike as of money that y assume compensation to passengers for flight cancellations.

But, above all, with risk of a strike in budding pilots and TCP states in Europe from second half of September, which could finish off summer losses equity of Ryanair.
