
  • Page 1 — “The child has become a private project”
  • Page 2 — “The playground was a place for sub-class”
  • Page 3 — a low wall that keeps parents out
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    In middle of federal Bundeskunsthalle, a red plastic sculpture is winding, from which one hears children laughing. It is Lozziwurm of designer Yvan Pestalozzi. From roof of Bonn Museum visitors slide into depths of a sculpture by Carsten Heller. Is that art or toy? Both, says curator Gabriela Burkhalter. Until October 18th exhibition “The Playground Project” will show cultural history of playground. It is intended to stimulate a discussion about place of children in society.

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    Time Online: Why are German playgrounds so uneventful? I was just in Sweden, re was a playground with huge wooden sculpture and parcours around…

    Gabriela Burkhalter: The Scandinavians are very innovative. Already in Thirties y have formulated idea that children play best with natural materials and thus shape ir play independently and freely.

    Gabriela Burkhalter, curator of exhibition “The Playground Project”

    Time online: who actually invented playground?

    Burkhalter: no specific person. The first playgrounds were created in USA in middle of 19th century, in Boston. They tried to improve situation of workers ‘ children. However, it was more about fact that children should exercise ir physical fitness and integrate mselves into society.

    Time online: Probably not with standard equipment rocker, swing and slide, right?

    Burkhalter: No, re were mainly turn scaffolds with bold constructions. Basically, se were not playgrounds, because it was not about game in sense of creative, joyful discovery, but about employment and physical exercise. Educators often also gave children milk to drink, in order to bring m calories.