
  • Page 1 — How do you think of Assad?
  • Page 2 — “I know this hourly wage is unfair”
  • Page 3 — conflicts continue in social media
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    A month after beginning of my Deutschkursesin Berlin, an incident occurred. When I entered classroom, it was louder than usual. From bits of words I snapped up, I realized that this time it was not about questions of German grammar. But profound conflicts between supporters and opponents of Syrian regime.

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    ISAM, a young Syrian, tried to calm two men. The one scolded Assad, who destroyed Syria in order to remain in power. His eyes were wide open with rage. He zitiertejenen saying that Assad’s followers write to walls: “Assad, or wirbrennen land down!” He was faced with an Assad pendant who, in turn, mocked man as a terrorist and is-trailer. “But he’s not even a Muslim,” ISAM attempted to end dispute between two.

    A veil of silence

    Just like Syria, Syrians were divided into two groups in classroom. This time, Esdie class jointly managed to prevent an escalation. Our lessons Konntebeginnen. But after that day, a veil of silence lay over DasThema, as if Nieetwas had happened.

    In diaspora re are also those Syrergezwungen to meet each or in a confined space that only sehrwenig unifying in ir homeland. Because on cultural, intellectual and economic Ebenegibt re are great differences between urban and rural population. Esheißt that Syrians only began to get to know ir country during revolution. When y inevitably met in reception camps UndGemeinschaftsunterkünften face to face, y realized that national affiliation is less connected than geteiltepolitische or religious beliefs. In ir host country, however, example here in Germany, y are still considered as a single group.

    Political discussions about who bears responsibility for enormous destruction and expulsion in Syria, Eskalierenschnell. For this reason, many tend to cancel talks as a precaution. They often say, “God alone knows it.” In talks re is silent agreement that God has to solve dieProbleme, because you are not in a position to agree.

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    ISAM Mahmoud says that conflict in German course was not most of Syrians he experienced in Germany. After morning fight in DerSprachschule, Isam made his way back to accommodation. On SeinemRückweg through park, he meets hashish sellers. He greets a vonihnen casually, it is one of three young men with whom ISAM shares DasSchlafzimmer. He deviates from children who play at entrance and on DenTreppen and ignores loud voices from infamous room. 28. Rada once again quarrels with her husband. The FehlendePrivatsphäre and fact that neighbors can hear everything in addition to heated quarrel and increase pressure on relationship. EinigeNachbarn believe y need to meddle, while or DieUnterkunftsleitung turn on.

    Rada is not first woman to separate from her husband after a long marriage. A anderesEhepaar could be divorced shortly after departure from accommodation. Diewidrigen circumstances in exile, however, are not only reason for conflicts of relationship. Rada says that because she now knows about her rights, she cannot simply add herself to things that were still normal in Syria.