According to a survey, majority of citizens are dissatisfied with work of federal government. According to ARD-Germany trend, 78 percent of respondents said that y were less or not satisfied at all. That’s 15 percentage points more than month before.

In particular, popularity of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) declined. He lost 16 percentage points of approval, which is his lowest value since July 2015.73 percent of respondents believe that Seehofer has weakened union with his attitude towards Chancellor.

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The satisfaction with Chancellor Angela Merkel, on or hand, remains relatively constant. They lost only two percentage points compared to last month. The attitude towards SPD also hardly changed. With ir work, 38 percent are satisfied or very satisfied – only one percent less than in June.

In terms of content, 61 percent of respondents agree with idea of transit centres. For supporters of Union, approval is 70 percent, with SPD supporters only at 47 percent. In total, 56 percent of respondents find that issues of asylum and refugees are taking up too much space in current political debate.