With a large-scale programme, federal government wants to gain more skilled workers for care in order to get big Personalnot under control. On Tuesday, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), Family minister Franziska Giffey and Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (both SPD) in Berlin want to give prelude to a “concerted action care”. The countries, employers, trade unions, churches and charitable associations should participate. “We give ourselves a maximum of one year’s time. Then we want to have concrete and binding agreements with all those who bear responsibility in nursing, “said Spahn picture on Sunday.

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The Union and SPD have agreed on concerted action in coalition agreement in order to improve working conditions and make profession more attractive. “First, we need to make sure that more people from inland want to work in care again,” Giffey said. “We are giving oath here. There are three ministers who want to act toger against emergency care. ” It must be cool to be a nursing worker. Heil said that employers and trade unions should negotiate an area collective agreement, which he would n declare to be universally binding. “That will significantly improve wages.”

Search in Kosovo and Albania

Spahn said that in view of need for up to 50,000 additional nursing staff, it was also necessary to look for abroad. “But only in countries with very young people who do not need nursing staff.” In Kosovo and Albania, for example, nursing education is often better than one might think. But re are considerable problems with granting of visas: “What makes me despair: These trained professionals often have to wait ten months for a visa for Germany. We need to speed up se processes, “said minister. Heil suggested that interested foreigners could come to Germany for half a year. “Condition: You don’t get a dime from social systems, and if you don’t have a permanent job as a caregiver after six months, you have to go again.”

The Labor minister urged that “we finally get a proper immigration law.” Salvation also criticized fact that considerable potential would be given away to immigrants who already lived in Germany: “Unfortunately, some federal states are postponing young people who are about to sign such a training contract.”

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The German Foundation for Patient Protection welcomed announcements, but warned against making quality of care and safety of those in need of care available for disposition. “It cannot be that in this country people in care work who hardly understand a word of German,” said board member Eugen Brysch. “Therefore, level of language testing must not be shaken.”

Spahn has already launched a billion-dollar package that includes, among or things, 13,000 additional jobs in care of elderly. In addition, every increased nursing position on bed should be paid completely by health insurance companies. In addition, trainees are not required to pay any higher fees from 2020.